Exactly so, Farley wanted to get this team as far away from Ford’s Engineering Division as possible.
When it comes to developing an affordable BEV, Ford ED has proven incapable of getting anywhere
near that. This is the ED that requires up to 150 separate modules in a vehicle and then criticises
Rivian for having an incompatible centralised ECU system…
When the plants were running a full tilt, they were pretty efficient. Even as recent as 5 years ago, Valencia was considered the most productive plant for Ford worldwide.
Labor costs were always high in Germany and much lower in Spain and Romania but Ford is not unique amongst car producers in Europe. The big difference is US accounting rules regarding how companies have to account for pension costs. US GAAP requires US companies to report pension expense when the employee earns the benefit. Non-US companies using IFRS accounting rules do not have this problem as they can report pension expense when they are paid.
Yea, I'm with you ice-capades. When I worked at Ford & Visteon in the 1990s and 2000s, one of my coworkers reminded me of that line from Nicky Santoro in the movie Casino, "He could fuck-up a cup of coffee" to describe the Ford big shots and their "better ideas"
The problem is that automotive styling has been ingrained into people's mind to look like something they expect. What your talking about is starting to get into the "uncanny valley" or the shaved off eyebrow look-it looks similar but since it strays so much from the norm that it repulses people,
Then factor in that people who are biggest segment of buyers are typically older (30-40 plus) and aren't too big on huge changes, you'll have resistance to something that pushes the lines too much.