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More Harm than good


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Not being able to enter your workplace without a vaccination is clearly a work related topic so hopefully this doesn’t get deleted regardless if the issue has been politicized. Countless doctors worldwide have something very different to say than what you hear on tv. Besides informing our membership my hope is that those in high places within Ford and the UAW are aware before implementing any policies that will cripple our business. Watch the entire video “More Harm than good” then share it with your loved ones. And remember channel surfing on tv is not research. This is what “following the science and data” really looks like. May God help us!


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There are so many sources of information that is being suppressed.  When the inventor of mRNA technology is blocked on social media, that should be all one needs to know about what is going on.


In real world, I'm losing way too many friends and acquaintances to oddball issues.  I'm seeing the issue exclusively amongst fully vaxxed.  My personal anecdotal data parallels the CEO statement at the life insurance company that is showing a 40% increase in death rates amongst 18-64 year olds.


Latest one, oldest daughters future mother in law, had serious blood clot issue in her leg.  They cleared that out, and it moved to the heart and destroyed one of her heart valves.  She now has a pig valve, but the latest report is she's not doing well.  I've lost people to cancer, heart disease, covid, strokes, it keeps going on and on.  Even our youngest daughter has a permanently damaged heart and needs a pacemaker installed.  This is all in the last 2-3 months, and like I said, all fully vaxxed.


Ford is left with two choices, either approve exemption requests or deny them and deal with the legal, financial, and other potential issues.  I know one high performer that I highly respect, he has one step out the door to GM, as GM has said no vax requirement.  I'm sure there are many more in his shoes, and he is pretty pissed off at no decision.  We shouldn't have to even request exemptions, but Ford is a woke company.

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