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Everything posted by Trimdingman

  1. I am in favor of little or no government. Government doesn't represent me. I like Rob Ford. Like any friend, I am not going to stop liking him because I find out that he is a party animal. I am not embarrassed by what he does because, as I said, government doesn't represent me. All I want from government is to leave me alone and stop stealing my money. Rob Ford wants the same thing. The drug situation is a creation of the government. Prohibition of drugs created a windfall for the criminal element, and a windfall for Big Government. It gives them an excuse to intrude in all of our lives. Organized crime wants drug laws to stay as they are. I am suspicious of any government official who says the same thing. Who is backing them? Surely organized crime is in their corner. When Prohibition was lifted on alcohol, organized crime took a hit. Joe Kennedy was a strong supporter of Prohibition because he was getting rich selling illegal booze. Government serves me best when it does nothing. I say dope the lot of them up.
  2. What they do on their own dime is less important to me than what they do on my dime. Ford looks out for the taxpayer. The crooks who want to steal from us are out to get him. He probably doesn't party any more than anyone else in office. Nobody pays an army of spies to stalk them; trying to discredit them on their private behavior instead of what they are doing on their jobs. I would take Ford and his ideas of less government over the socialist menace that has had the Toronto taxpayer in it's talons for decades. They are going out kicking and screaming, but we need to make sure that they go. All of the "usual suspects" that are on the Obama bandwagon are on the "get Ford" bandwagon.
  3. It's not ok, but it is not a deal-breaker, either. Lying to hundreds of millions of people about their health insurance is orders of magnitude worse than fibbing to avoid personal embarrassment. It is nobody's business if a person wants to vent in private, or among trusted friends. It is probably good therapy. What is worse is secretly recording someone's private actions and selling them to a communist newspaper, and that newspaper making them public. It is like taking up-skirt videos and putting them on the internet, or hiding a camera in someone's bathroom. Who is committing the bigger crime?
  4. Robert Stanfield, the Conservative ran against Pierre Trudeau, the Liberal for PM of Canada. Stanfield played football in university. He was showing off his stuff during the pre-election. After making several great running catches, he missed one. Guess what the left-wing media showed on the news. Stanfield is known as "the best Prime Minister we never had". Trudeau brought Canada into the socialist mainstream. Trudeau junior, who wants to be next PM, just expressed his admiration for Chinese dictators at an all women's fundraiser. All the women kissed him as they left. They can't see past the boyish charm. Maybe that is what they teach in school these days. Dictators are the way to go. Ford likes Stephen Harper. Ford would end the giveaways to every left wing arts group or poverty activist group with it's hand out. He would end the extravagant voyages to places like Monte Carlo to discuss world poverty or carbon credits. It is possible to videotape a person and make him look at a villain or a saint. If you have a weak mind, you will believe whatever they show you, like a Kool-Aid drinking cultist.
  5. Ford may be overweight, but that is no reason to mock him. I am sure that FDR could have stood to lose a few pounds as well. "Stood"...do you get it? Ha Ha Ha . Marion Berry was never badgered the way Ford has been. It is a relentless 24-7 affair. I apologize for mocking your god-president. I was just making a point. To you and your ilk, it is only tasteless when done to a liberal.
  6. I can remember visiting someone late at night about forty-odd years ago. I was in need of assistance. I was greeted by a rifle pointed out an upstairs window. Once I stated my business to their satisfaction, I was welcomed inside. A loaded rifle in the bedroom is handy for such occasions, and you should also have a loaded handgun for use against actual intruders.
  7. Do they stalk his house and videotape his every move? Do they relentlessly talk about it on the media? Even left-wing talk shows in the U.S. are on it. They poke fun at Ford constantly. If he has substance abuse problems, which is not for certain, shouldn't there be some sympathy instead of relentless badgering. He has done more good for the city of Toronto than any mayor in memory, but he did much of it at the expense of the socialists; you know, the unions, the artsy-type teat-suckers, the anti-car bicycle riders who slow down traffic to a crawl; the penthouse socialists whose high-rise condos prevent the rest of us from having any view of the lake. Is any crack done in these ivory towers? Do high-priced "escorts" have any of these addresses on speed dial? We will probably never know because we are not good enough for them to have any association with us; unlike Ford, who will talk to anybody or help anybody.
  8. Ever since Toronto elected the Conservative Rob Ford as mayor, the left-wing media has been on him like a plague of locusts. He can't walk down the street without having six microphones shoved in his face. They think they have got him now. He smoked crack. He sometimes gets drunk and belligerent. Considering what they are putting him through, who wouldn't. He is also very overweight, which they also play to the hilt. Now, consider how they handle scandals of socialist politicians. Their king Jack Layton was caught in a police raid on a Chinatown whorehouse. Nothing. Justin Trudeau admits to smoking dope while in office. Nothing. Kathleen Wynn, openly gay (not that there is anything wrong with that if you are a socialist), trying to distance herself from the scandal of the billion dollar plus wasted on the gas plant closings. Nothing. This has nothing to do with Ford's alleged misdemeanors, and everything to do with his efforts to clean up Toronto; stop the socialist waste, stop the war on the car, build more subways to end the gridlock on the roads, end the stranglehold that the unions have on the taxpayers. If he were a lefty, we would never know about his drinking or crack use.
  9. "Black/white issues" are the result of the left whipping up racial prejudice by over-publicizing every unfortunate incident. I can't remember ever reading a story about black and white people working together for a worthwhile purpose; only stories that are designed to create conflict, which probably occurs in only 1/10th of one percent of black/white encounters. I have had countless encounters with black people, and never had any race issues. I'll bet that the great majority of the people can say the same thing. Most black people live in "largely white neighbourhoods". Most native Indians live in "largely white neighbourhoods". Indian reserves and black or white ghettos are not representative of people of these races. They are made up of the bottom. Why is it that the media goes to these areas if they are looking for opinions or "community representation"? They want to talk to the resentful to whip up conflict.
  10. It is better to be not gay than gay. I don't think that gay behavior should be encouraged at such a young age. Borderline gays can become straight. It is not something that is black or white. As for gay marriage, no type of marriage should in any way involve the government.
  11. Religion. I can see the parallels when someone questions religion, they get the same lame excuses as when someone questions an anointed socialist prophet. Once you become devoted to a deity, you would rather give up your life than admit that He is imperfect. It is mind control. They need to get help. It is called "de-programming". Stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
  12. In private schools, with no government funding or regulation, the school would have to cater to the customers; which would be the parents of the students and the students, themselves. A teacher would lease or buy the classroom and supplies; and charge each student a fee. The fee would be based on what people were willing to pay and the quality of the product. School would not be mandatory, as it is possible to receive an education on the internet. For a teacher to make a decent living of a hundred thousand a year, he/she would charge around $3000 to $4000 a year per student, or a fraction of that if only one subject is taught. Government spends up to triple that amount to dumb down and lie to your kids. If you are not satisfied with the results, you change teachers. Quality would improve in a hurry. I never said that things were better in my day, or that there was no brainwashing being done. Technology has advanced despite government efforts to curb it. As technology advanced, and government became more and more obsolete, they have been using mind control to convince people that government is necessary. The only way to control people in an advanced technological society where it is easy to end run around government, is tighter controls and more severe penalties; in other words, totalitarianism. The government-fed media is always talking about some perceived problem and that there needs to be another law to solve it. The real problem is government.
  13. Schools should be private; no government involvement. No law should dictate what is taught in schools. Society should evolve naturally. As for my analogy of government taking over the production and distribution of food, which is not being done now; if it were the case, I am sure that many people would not be able to imagine a world where we went out and bought our own food which was produced by private farmers and manufacturers. Apply this to health care, education, pensions, unemployment benefits, everything the government does. Return tax money thus saved to the people. The world would not end; just as people are not starving because they have to buy their own food. Of course, the government is moving towards taking over food distribution with food banks and food stamps. It needs to be stamped out now.
  14. Compared to what I had, people on welfare to-day are rich. People in the tropics don't need anything. Everything they need is free for the taking. In the north, you need to make an effort to obtain food, clothing and shelter. How many people could survive without government telling them how to live? We are so addicted to government that we don't even remember where we came from. Speaking of school, that is where kids learn to be slaves to the government. Education needs to be taken away from government. People are being dumbed down in government schools instead of becoming smarter. When I went to school, the government didn't brainwash the way it does to-day. If you learn too much mathematics, you will figure out the Ponzi schemes and junk science concerning environmental hogwash the socialists are trying to indoctrinate like a toxic religion. Brains are turning to mush. If, a century ago, the government had decided to take over the production and distribution of food, and to-day, someone like myself said that food production and distribution should be taken out of the hands of government, people like Langston would howl about how people would become mal-nourished from eating the wrong food. Only the rich would eat, and the poor would starve. It would never work. Government doesn't need to be involved in anything. Government meddling is at the root of all of our problems, and is the prime cause of our imminent economic collapse, or WWIII.
  15. Do they survive or do they die? That should be up to them. That's how it was for me when I was young. We did what we had to do to survive. There was little work, and virtually none in the winter. Look at the Eskimos who survive in the snow. That's a far cry from people from a tropical climate with lots of vegetation all year round; no need for shelter or warm clothing. I think they are too soft.
  16. None of what I am saying is sinking in. We can't look after every illegal that wants to sneak in. What would entitle them to a share of what we worked for? Because of the generous entitlements to our own citizens, and the administration of these entitlements, we have to work 50% of our time to pay for it, and still the government has to borrow over 40% of it's budget. The reason why people on the bottom are so poor is because any opportunity they may have had has been usurped by massive government. If I had an extra $500 per week to spend, along with tens of millions of other tax payers, there would be zero unemployment. People believe that the government knows how to spend their money better than they do. How is that working out? I lived in the 1950s in conditions that nobody lives in to-day; no central heat in a cold Canadian climate, just a wood stove; outhouse; no hot water, just a cold water tap in the kitchen sink, when it wasn't frozen up. Otherwise we carried water from the reservoir or melted snow. We had to store food for winter. I never considered myself poor.
  17. Yeah. You have to do more than believe and pray that things work out. Americans started out being exceptional because in the beginning, immigrants were exceptional. It took a lot of guts to leave their homes behind to venture into the unknown. It isn't unknown anymore. Many people come now for a free ride. What started out as a free market system morphed into a communist-fascist system that is on it's last legs. The American dollar's "value" is based on faith, not anything tangible. This is a result of the socialist religion. It didn't work for Stalin, Hitler, "Chairman" Mao, or FDR. It is just as fake as any other religion. American institutions that are Communist: government education, government pensions, government unemployment insurance, Obamacare, the IRS, etc. American institutions that are Fascist: institutions that regulate private business. The bigger industries have so many regulations that it is impossible for a new company in that industry to start up. The government effectively owns them, but allows them enough autonomy so they will have enough incentive to stay in business. Fascism is on the far left; just slightly to the right of Communism. The centre, or right of centre has not existed since the early 1900s.
  18. The truth is obvious. Lies have to be brainwashed and preached and "taught". If something is illogical, then air-tight proof is needed before factoring it into your store of conclusions. Christianity is based on a story written about someone who nobody ever heard of during his alleged lifetime, or for at least a half century afterwards. This person was supposed to have magic powers never seen since on any person. How credible is that? It is widely believed because of brainwashing. Faith and belief are the culprits. The lie has gone on for nearly 2000 years. Previous religions lasted even longer, so there is precedence. These beliefs work their way around your consciousness until your brain loses most of it's power to reason objectively, and you become...well...stupid. Then you are susceptible to being controlled.
  19. You will eventually pay platinum prices for cast iron service. In Canada, millionaires sit next to the homeless in grubby waiting rooms for many hours. A surly receptionist will ask you what is your problem. I have such and such a pain. Fill out this form. Let me see your health card. Your name will be called when the doctor is ready to see you. How long will that be? Dirty look. Probably no answer; or "in order of urgency". After eight hours, if you are lucky, you will see the doctor for maybe five minutes, and probably be brushed off or told to come back in two weeks; maybe be given a prescription for pain killers. When they have their money guaranteed by the government, and most of it going to the bureauocracy, care goes out the window. The odds of being mis-diagnosed, or infected, or being the victim of criminal negligence causing death are great. I would rather take my chances with a M.A.S.H. unit in the middle of a battle. I have heard that health care in Canada eats up half of the tax dollars. My family paid a combined income tax of over fifty thousand dollars last year. How much private health insurance could I get for two thousand dollars a month? What I get is worse than your Medicaid in the poorest inner-city ghetto in the U.S. That is what you are looking at with Obamacare.
  20. Possibility. There is strong evidence of clashes between primitive and advanced cultures in the past. Were they from an advanced civilization on earth, or from beyond? Who knows? To be from another world, and still be enough like us to associate, would be improbable, but possible. They would likely be many millions of years evolved more than us, and at some point, would have acquired the power to advance exponentially, so we would be like fish or insects to them. It is more likely that primitive tribes were discovered by advanced cultures on earth.
  21. I look at everything with an open mind. Anyone who looks at religion with an open mind will soon realize that it is false. Socialism is a religion, so ditto. As I explained before, if your beliefs are spawning garbage, then they are in all probability wrong. Even Einstein followed a wrong theory for two years before he concluded he was in error and went back to the drawing board. At least he was man enough to admit his error. Religious fanatics continue on their wrong path making preposterous excuses all the way. The government is now printing over 40% of the money it needs to fulfil it's socialist promises, and still believers think that everything is all right because socialist morality has to be right.
  22. You believe that because you can't see beyond your own small world. If you believe something that is true, there is no danger. If you believe something that is not true, you become like a prisoner and can be easily controlled. Do not believe something too strongly. Be prepared to backtrack if things don't seem logical. Don't forge blindly ahead ignoring the nonsensical conclusions that your beliefs are spawning. Religion and socialism spawn evil, injustice, intolerance, inefficiency, slavery, ignorance, insanity; the list goes on. There is something wrong at the very root. Faith and belief will not allow you to even consider that possibility. If you have a free spirit, and no strong beliefs, it is more difficult to control you. Your vision is 360 degrees, not restricted by false beliefs. For instance, I may want to learn about dinosaurs. If you are an orthodox Christian, you will never know about dinosaurs because you believe that they never existed because your world was created around 6000 years ago. That is one small example of how belief stifles knowledge.
  23. Faith and belief is what keeps unscrupulous factions in positions of power. Faith and belief prevent your brain from realizing it's potential. Belief in something false is like a virus in your computer. It leads to more and more errors until you become like a grinning unfocused staring zombie. Religion and socialism are two great evils; actually one. Socialism is a religion. Hitler was a religious man; as was Jones the Kool-Aid man. The Inquisition was a religious institution. Millions were murdered over the centuries for the crime of non-belief. Religion holds back progress to keep tyrants in power. How many did Stalin, Mao, and Hitler murder for the crime of non-belief? Socialism has robbed our grand-children of a future. They face insurmountable debt because of our belief in the religion of socialism. Faith is not power. It is mind control and slavery..
  24. Morality isn't religion. Religions use morality to rope you in. Christianity is belief in Christ and belief that he did all that the Bible says he did. There is no evidence of his existence. If he did exist, he didn't cause much of a stir. Nothing was said about him during his alleged lifetime or for at least 50 years beyond. The so called apostles were not even born until after he allegedly died. Nobody knows who they were, or even if they were real people. What is in to-day's Bible is copies of copies of copies. When Jesus is speaking in soliloquy, who was there to copy down what he was saying? He even had thoughts that were written in the Bible. How could somebody write about the thoughts of someone they never met who has been dead for over 50 years? It is obviously total made up fantasy. Only someone with the mind of a child could believe in it. You can bring yourself to euphoric peroxyms thinking about Jesus. You can also cry watching Bambi. That doesn't make it true. Countless monuments and insignia that have been manufactured depicting Christianity will not make up for the lack of a single contemporary piece of evidence. There were several historians writing copiously during the same time and in the same vicinity where Jesus allegedly lived. There is no mention of him, even though he was supposed to attract huge crowds when he spoke. No one in these crowds left behind as much as a message scratched on a rock.
  25. I deliberately left that opening. The title of this thread is "culture of lies". That is a pretty wide brush. If you really think about it, and forget all of your deep rooted beliefs and prejudices, it seems to be true. A billion Muslims and a billion Christians are, to put it bluntly, stupid because they truly believe in fantasy. The same goes for the multitudes of socialists and liberals who exist on the lies that they are being fed every day. You think that it is possible to find a "happy medium" between too much government and not enough government? That is like trying to balance on the edge of a knife. A cancer doesn't find a happy medium. It grows until it kills the host. At minimum, we should look at government as a necessary evil, with the emphasis on evil. Right now, we have too much government; about 99% too much.
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