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Posts posted by Kzinti

  1. Welcome!


    We are starting a new order tracking thread because the last thread has just about reached critical mass, and with the 2007 orders just starting to hit the system, it was an opportune time. Below is a kind of FAQ to Order Tracking. Feel free to ask questions, we will add to this and update it as we go along.




    What do you need to track my order?


    You need to post your Vehicle Indentification Number (VIN) - Ask your dealer for this 17 digit number




    On your order form you will find the following information:


    1. Your Dealer Code: (the Dealer Number) Use 5 digits, drop the letter.

    2. Model Year: (Year of your car, eg 2007).

    3. Your Body Type: (T80 for V6 Mustang, T82 for V8 Mustang).

    4. Your Order Number: Given to you by the dealer, should be on the order sheet.




    Can I track my own order?


    Short answer? Sure! As above, you will need a Vehicle Indentification Number (VIN) - Ask your dealer for this 17 digit number




    On your order form you will find the following information:


    1. Your Dealer Code: (the Dealer Number) Use 5 digits, drop the letter.

    2. Model Year: (Year of your car, eg 2007).

    3. Your Body Type: (T80 for V6 Mustang, T82 for V8 Mustang).

    4. Your Order Number: Given to you by the dealer, should be on the order sheet.




    Once you know all that, give the Vehicle Order Processing Center (VOPC) a ring at this number 1-800-962-3746. This is the VOPC number and it's for Dealers only. Remember, you work for the Dealer... They may ask you for your name, so have your salespersons name handy!




    Some things learned from calling ERL so many times...


    - When ERL says your vehicle has been scheduled for production the week of '../../..'

    It's always a Monday. Just basically giving that particular week a name. Don't get hung up on strange

    date orders. You'll probably hear something like as of 12/21 your unit is scheduled for production on

    12/19. Just be happy your car's birthday is near.


    - When ERL says your vehicle is "locked in for production on '../../..'" that is your tentative production

    date. Your Blend Date is a week before that (you can get your sticker then). (You've probably been

    blended at least sequenced, I can't remember.)




    What are all the different Production Stages, and what do they mean?


    Receipt Date: The date that MS&S recorded the order.

    When the order is received from the dealers


    Serialize Date: The date that MS&S transfers the order to MP&L and the VIN is created.

    When the order is received by Material Planning and parts are ordered


    Segment Date: The date that MP&L determines which week the order will be built.

    When they figure what week that parts will be able to be delivered to the plant to build the vehicle


    Sequence Date: The date that MP&L determines which day the order will be built.

    When they figure what day that parts can be at the plant to build the vehicle


    Blend Date: The date that MP&L determines when the order will be built within the assigned day.

    When they figure the specific order that vehicles will be built. This depends on options and line constraints.


    Produced Date: The date that VO finished assembling the vehicle

    Your unit has been built!


    Gate Release Date: The date that VO transfers the vehicle to Transportation Carriers for shipping

    Your unit has left the building, and is in the hands of the shipper (rail or truck)


    Ship Date: The date the vehicle left the Assembly Plant

    Your unit has left the load site, and is on it's way to the dealer


    Arrival Date: The date the Dealership received the vehicle

    Your dealer has the unit in hand, doing the dealer prep thingy


    Sold Date: The date the Customer picked up the vehicle

    You came in, looked it over, said, "I'll take it!" and signed the papers




    My vehicle has shipped, now what can I do?


    Once your vehicle gets to Ship Date you can call VOPC (1-800-962-3746) to get a Railcar Number (The bottom of your window sticker says "Method of Transp," convoy mean railcar). You must speak to an Analyst to get the railcar number. They may ask you for the following information:


    1. Your Dealer Code: Found on your order sheet


    2. Your Name: Use your salespersons First and Last name


    3. VIN or Order #: (I chose VIN so I don't know what they ask for with the order #)

    For VIN: They ask for the first 2 digits (Mustangs are 1Z) and the last 8.




    With a Railcar#, we can track your vehicle through several rail systems to let you know when to clean the garage. It is also helpful if you think your dealer may sell your vehicle out from under you, as we have all witnessed here. Information just seems to help keep them honest...




    Other Frequently Asked Question


    Q: I heard I can get a .PDF of my Window Sticker, when and how?

    A: Usually a day after Blend Date has been reached the Window Stickers are available. Just post your request, and if it's in the system, we'll post it for you.


    Q: What does CONVOY mean on the Window Sticker under Shipping?

    A: Shipped via train, on a railcar


    Q: Why do some window stickers have someone's name on it?

    A: A/X/Z/D 'plan' ordered cars get names on the stickers if 'Plan' ordered from the beginning. You'll see

    names like 'X00name00X'


    Q: How long will it take from start to finish or from one production stage to the next?

    A: They vary! Receipt to Serialize depends on allocation/priority. Serialize to Segment is typically the same day. Blend Date to Produced Date typically takes a week. Typically, Production to Gate Release is the same or one day apart. Gate Release and Ship are usually the same day. Production from start to finish is usually within 24 hours.


    Q: What the heck is an ERL?

    A: Evil Robot Lady. The voice on the VOPC auto system.

  2. Skilled Trades are the holdup currently. They don't want to ask for more packages than there are people wanting to come over from SLAP. Also, we have a younger Skilled Trades force, so there probably will not be many taking buyouts or retirement.

  3. :baby: Showing that, yes indeed, your pony was built 5/1!


    Receipt Date: 3/13/2006

    Serialize Date: 3/30/2006

    Segment Date: 3/30/2006

    Sequence Date: 4/21/2006

    Blend Date: 4/24/2006

    Produced Date: 5/1/2006

    Gate Release Date:

    Ship Date:

    Arrival Date:

    Sold Date:

  4. Your pony got sequenced just last week!


    Receipt Date: 3/22/2006

    Serialize Date: 3/27/2006

    Segment Date: 3/27/2006

    Sequence Date: 4/26/2006

    Blend Date:

    Produced Date:

    Gate Release Date:

    Ship Date:

    Arrival Date:

    Sold Date:

  5. Okay KC, getting conflicting info (imagine that). Anyone know of a Pipefitter doing A/C work? Would love to know if he plans on taking retirement with the new possible offerings. Got the skill and the time, just need the place to make it happen. :doh:

    Last I heard, yes we did have one of those. Not sure on retirement though...

  6. Let's keep with the facts now everyone. No need to be casting aspersions upon peoples race. I think Charged92 had the point, we are all of us Human Beings... One thing history has taught us is man's inhumanity toward his fellow man, and those who don't remember their history are doomed to repeat it...

  7. I totally agree, don't feed me shit and keep me in the dark, I AM NOT A MUSHROOM!!!! But we all know how it works, the union does not want you informed as to what people in other plants are getting(buyouts) so they can run to the membership yelling "Look what we negotiated for you!!!!"

    I honestly cannot say as to why there is little to no communication. I would just publicly and respectfully request more frequent communication and more timely communication.

  8. DSenstad, MichiganTruck_Mafia, sailorjohn,Kzinti, do you all work for Ford, you and others made some very good points and well thought out posts. How did you manage that being blue collar guys.

    Hopefully people on the outside will read some of these counter points and not be so one sided.


    I am an hourly Ford worker. Posting what is popular is easy, posting your convictions, and standing behind them is difficult. There will always be differing view points, just be prepared with the data to back your opinion up.


    Freedom is not an ideal, it is not even a protection, if it means nothing more than the freedom to stagnate.

    -Adlai E. Stevenson-



    <SNIP>I can not speak for MichiganTruck_Mafia, sailorjohn, or Kzinti but I am one of those fat, lazy, illiterate auto workers. <SNIP>

    Fat, yes.

    Lazy, yes.

    Illiterate? Hmmm... Dunno, what is your definition of illiterate?

  9. WOW, It is difficult to believe that people who have been neither lobotomized nor castrated would not rise up and demand that this imbecile loses his right to try to impose his warped idealism on anyone, anywhere. Reading this is one of the most painful exercises I have undertaken in quite a long time. I will attempt to respond to his deception, delusion, and subterfuge. <SNIP>

    Well, this is America, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, regardless of whether that opinion is/is not popular or correct. I do not agree with the points they made, but I defend their right to be able to say them. Oh, and I am neither lobotomized, nor castrated. I would save that sort of thinking for maybe the Chinese Internet...

  10. I see the Local posted about false rumors that are on here. When there is a void in communications, it gets filled with something, and usually that something is negative rumors. Why keep us in the dark? Some information is better than none, people's futures are at stake. I just seriously hope that communication is much better than this come contract time.



    Oh, what a void there is in things.


  11. I think everyone at both GM and Ford realize they're fucked, and there isn't anything they can do about it. They are too big and too slow to change quick enough to save themselves. Look, gas is at $3 a gallon and is going to stay in that range, yet Ford is still pushing expeditions. Let's not just blame the UAW here though, everyone at these auto companies is overpaid, that's one of the reasons they now have 7 year car loans. The fuckers stuck the salaries on the consumers and we had no choice but to pay them as we needed vehicles and they used to be the only show in town. Now the competition isn't going to charge any less for a car. Why should they when they can make $3K profit on each vehicle. If you want an average car these days you need to leave your middle child at the dealer to wash cars for 10 years to get it.


    When a company is willing to give someone $100k plus to leave you know that company is fucked.


    I certainly feel bad for all the employees involved but now you know you’re fucked yet you hang on. It amazes me that people who are getting canned in SL are transferring to KC where they’ll probably get canned in a few years leaving them that much older to start something new. Don’t you people realize that if Ford files chapter 11 your pensions are fucked? Pennies on the dollar and who knows what will happen to the medical coverage. You all know this is coming. You can see the damn numbers the same as everyone else. Ford CAN’T survive with the costs is has and it can’t shed those costs with out going chapter 11. Smarten the fuck up for cripes sake.

    Couple of points to make here.


    First one is that Ford still makes the Expedition because A:) It makes money and B:) People still buy them in large numbers. If we didn't make and sell them, GM or Toyota would be selling them in our place.


    Second point is about being overpaid. I am glad you have such a strong opinions and conviction about something, but the cost of labor as related to the whole price of the car is virtually a non-issue except where related to legacy costs of retirement. When they are pushing a unit down the line with 24-30 manhours of labor in it, do you think that is too expensive? We aren't exactly talking about building a unit a month here, we are talking state of the art facilities that build them going down the line at a rate of one a minute or less per station...


    Third point, about Ford tanking. I frankly just don't see it happening. The only reason they didn't report great profits this quarter has to do with the business decisions to cut plants, reduce workforce, and keep core sections of their business running effectively and efficiently. Just about every segment showed major improvements. While they did take about a $1.8 Billion dollar hit, they certainly fared much better in the last year overall than GM who BLED out over $10 Billion dollars in losses. It will certainly be tough times from here on out, but I believe that Ford is flexible enough to make it happen. The only way that I could ever see Ford contemplating Bankruptcy is if GM goes into default, and they gain some major competitive cost benefit from it. Then, as a business, they would have no other choice. Just look at the phone companies all complaining how one of theirs went and filed, came away clear from under a pile of debt, and gained a huge cost advantage over their competitors.


    I guess the last thing would be that, no, not everyone at Ford and GM realize that we are all screwed. Because in my opinion, and quite a few others frankly, we are not. Tough times? Sure. Job security? Nope. Even the "SAFE" plants aren't safe. Just do the best job you can every day, quality first (because it is only your job after all), get your debt paid down as quickly as possible, live within your means, and put money aside like a Squirrel putting up nuts for the long hard cold winter. Be ready for 2007 people...

  12. Some interesting comments all around, yet as for the title of this thread...


    The best thing we can do as UAW Workers is to come to work, put out the best quality possible, hold our elected officials accountable, and get fiscally fit to weather the coming storm in 2007, 2008...


    Just my $0.02 worth...

  13. You mention that NAP is the highest quality plant about umpteen times. Can you prove it with cold hard facts, without any rumors or hearsay?

    Not sure about quality, but I know they are #3 on the 2005 Harbour Report in hours per vehicle in their segment. Specifically page 19. See link below:


    Link to 2005 Harbour Report



  14. There is something special about it, that would be why you are an appendex D employee. Have you ever noticed that you have a company senority date and a trade date? This is for these exact reasons no matter if you where an apprentice or took a mangaement job for a while or a layoff. These dates help protect trades that hired in as trades otherwise some people with 99-00 senority would be at the very bottom of the senority list, then it would take at least 12 to 15 years to hold days. Hows that sound?

    If that was how the contract was written, there would be no real argument about it. My point was that we are all in the same Local, and covered by the same contract locally.

  15. Not quite. This is an item that is agreed upon at the local level. Our local NEVER met it's contractual obligations to place apprentices "on course" when times were good. They would have a very difficult time doing this when they have journeymen in GEN or on ILO's or even guys that took reductions and went back to non-skilled so that they could continue working. While I agree that apprentices should be able to exercise super seniority so that they can graduate and receive their journeymen's cards, I think it is just plain WRONG to put apprentices on course while journeymen are out on the street. Any union that allows this does NOT have it's members best interests in mind.

    If you had Skilled Trades in a standard Trades Union, you might have a case. But since we are all the same Union, Skilled Trades and Production together, then you would have to look at it the other way. Why would they idle plants, close them, and allow all these junior people to continue to have a job while more senior people are out of work? It all comes back to each Local being it's own segment. If there is work available, they can come, Skilled Trades or Production, whichever. If not, they don't. Nothing special about any of it, sorry.

  16. NAP is having a meeting this afternoon, line shutting down. I don't see FORD making any big announcements like closing the plant or such. No one in the media has been informed and if a plant was closing, Ford would want Wall St. in on it...

    Um, sorry man...

  17. Unofficial news going around is that they will be getting the transfer lists together from all the plants slated to "idle" and then making decisions on how many packages to offer per plant remaining. I think at KCAP we have about 700 people eligible for retirement under the 28+ package, and a number of younger people who would probably take the $100K or 4 year educational package. So far, they have yet to offer any word on anything. I guess we're all waiting for someone to give the nod to the people across the street at the local...

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