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Posts posted by fordktpworker

  1. And posts like this are why some people in America hate unions and will never buy our vehicles. What you earned for profit sharing is nobody's business but your own, and posting such on an open message board is foolish.


    Lol, you think you can get the media to not tell everybody what we get? They already know and hate us!

  2. They will not lose as many as you think, a lot of people talk crap but will not sign out. I've said many times f**** the union and get tired of their bs but I would never sign out. It starts at your local to be heard and damn people go f**king vote when it comes time to vote, we had less than a 1000 people out of over 4000 vote on our local contract a couple of weeks ago.

  3. Wrong, please educate yourself before posting lies.


    The profit sharing formula is capped at 12 billion.


    The figures of 8 billion for 2012 generates 8,000 average pay.


    Even though capped I am still compensated by the formula for my compensated hours


    I will be paid $11,000 (thank you UAW) for 2012 because of my 3000 compensated hours.


    If the company turns 12 billion in profits next year and I have 3,000 hours again, based on the formula I will earn around $14,000 next year.


    Please dont post these lies, it does nothing but mislead the simple-minded


    Thank you UAW for the $3.68 dollar raise last year for every hour I wor

  4. Located 600 voted 62% in favor of the contract. That bring totals 8,746 No and 11,666 HELL YES! Thats how you show that right wing plant Gary Wacko where to stick it!


    I have to say it is a slap in the face to Gary and his little stooges to have his home plant vote yes.

    • Like 4
  5. Gary Wacko is a piece of crap. Dearborn has the worst local agreement in Ford system. It all favors the company. He needs to be working on that piece of crap contract. He speaks for only a few. Doesn't it make you wonder Gary why no one wants to go to your plant.. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


    Not everybody here at DTP is like the radical Gary that says vote no on everything. A lot of yes votes , I don't think it will be a blowout No vote like in the past. You have a divided union here, Nick says yes, Gary says no.

  6. I voted NO for three main reason and a few other small detail reasons. But the main reasons are, I don't think this contract should be ratified until the equity and sacrifice grievance from the old contract has been settled and closed. The second reason I voted No, is because we have not had a raise in eight long years and the very notion that a select few would see a raise is not only not fair but non union also. The wedge between us will be driven deeper to divide us. The third reason I voted NO, is because it is very wrong to expect us to contribute ten percent of profit sharing to VEBA when it should have been funded 100% in the previous contract. One other thing on the profit sharing formula is bothering me. We are only gaining profit sharing on thirty-five hours a week as opposed to 40 hours a week.


    Now there are some other minor reasons but these are the main ones. I am sure that the infiltrators from solidarity house will rip this post as other company lackeys. But, that is ok. Freedom of speech in politics is very healthy as long as it is not false and defaming or slanderous.


    I also want to comment on some scare tactics that the IUAW will try to use tomorrow. This tactic is to threaten the membership that a strike will be called seventy-two hours after the contract is voted down. Bob King has stated that he does not want to strike and that all means to find a contract that can be ratified will happen. Don't be bullied by anyone from the IUAW and your locals. You are the ones that this contract will effect for the next four years and if you do not like it, stand your ground.


    Is this what Gary told you to put on here? Everyone knows your Gary's little stooge. Divided local gives you a divided vote at DTP!

    • Like 1
  7. Salaried make varying amounts based on their grade level. For example GSR (General Salary Roll) has grades 1-8. Management has LL6-LL1. Management makes a lot more than any GSR. The GSR pay rates are confidential and cannot be posted. However, I make about $60,000 per year as a GSR 6. That is $60,000 prior to taxes and benefits coming out of my check. I don't get paid overtime even though I average roughly 10 hours per week. If I am on a launch, I work upwards of 80-90 hours without overtime. So, if you break it down that I make $1,150 per week. That should be based on 40 hours or about $26.25 an hour. But, since I work an extra 10 hours a week and don't get overtime, my hourly rate of pay drops to $23.00. Then you need to subtract my taxes and benefits on top of that.


    You say the pay rates are confidential and can't be posted, then you go and post your salary in detail. Explains why your at the bottom.

    • Like 2
  8. So question, if we are in michigan and have signed up months ago to go to LAP and were just laid off this week, what exactly when exactly were we supposed to move and what else could we have signed up for?


    Other plants you could of signed up for and would probably be working right now, you chose LAP knowing you would not go til Dec-Jan.

    • Like 2
  9. Did anybody happen to see the 4-poster job that was posted last week? It turns out "The Mighty Nick" chairman is trying to replace the c-crew guy with one of his buddies, go figure! How the hell can somebody be taken off there rated job and be replaced like this? This is the same guy that did the job on the last c-crew, what kind of bullshit is that where the chairman can all of the sudden decide he wants to take you off your job and replace you? This is the dirty side of the union that fucking disgust me! So Nick is your sorry ass going to replace me next?




    ......and you wonder why some people are so negative towards the union.



    sounds like the same old local 600 to me

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