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Everything posted by upstate

  1. Sorry I did not mean to shout. Thank you for this information. You are providing a valuable service to us "Car Crazy" people. Ford motor company should realize this. I have two cars and a company vehicle. My wife has two additional cars. I do not really need a third car but am buying this car because of my love of cars. So to Ford, I am spending 43K plus not for a need but a want. Info that is shared here keeps us enthusiasts going and buying your products. Thanks again for your assistance and info. We are all hopeful Ford pulls through this rough time and we all should be proud that we are doing our part to help them. Thanks again.
  2. VIPER PILOT I would greatly appreciate a PDF. of my window sticker and any information you could provide on the build. I've been told a build date of next week but still no blend date? Seems like if it were to be built next week there should be a blend date by now?? Thanks 1ZVHT88S475347419
  3. What does that mean? Are you making fun of people with mental challenges? Why would you attack individuals that have nothing to do with our thread? Lack of verbal skills apparently leads you to name calling. Your input adds nothing to this thread and name calling is not appreciated. Thanks for your highly intelligent insensitive comment, you really add something to this site. We all can learn from your comments. Learn how not to verbalize.
  4. Lost you? Lost you? Read the first thread that I posted. This has gotten off the threads intent. I was just getting it back on track. I feel like I'm lost on a road and all roads lead to one point in town. Seems like all threads become an opportunity to bash Ford. Believe it or not I have bought Ford, Cadillac, Lincoln, Mercedes, BMW, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Lexus and all the companies interact about the same. Ford's problem is the fact they have all "dead wood" most of there products are boring or ultra conservative. There, now I have talked about were the tread went, now lets get back to the original topic. Thanks.
  5. So does that mean you like the idea of the cameras on the line?
  6. I have been involved in marketing all my life. This one is for Ford for free. Place a camera on the assembly line as the car is rolling off. The type you see at amusement parks on the roller coaster rides. As the car reaches a pre determined point it trips the camera and flashes a picture of the car coming off the line. You as the customer then can go to a web page and order the picture. This can be offered for a price. Since it is digital the cost is minimum for Ford and the customer can get the picture of there car that they can find by the last 8 of a vin number. After say 90 days they come off the site. The pictures purchased will provide the dollars to more than cover the cost of the camera and web page. Once this is rolling they could even add a few more cameras at different points along the assembly line and you could purchase a few pictures of the build. Dealers could even provide these as a perk to there customers. Since the cameras are fixed Ford can make sure they are pointed in a location that is not giving away and company secrets. This could be done for very little cost and would be appreciated by many customers. Maybe all lines would not have an interest but I know the Mustang line would. There you have it my gift to Ford. The company that has brought me pleasure over many years with great products.
  7. Thanks a bunch. I appreciate the info. At what point is a window sticker available?
  8. I would greatly appreciate a PDF. of my window sticker and any information you could provide on the build. Thanks 1ZVHT88S475347419
  9. Since they did the semi retro Tbird in the 2 seater style, I know the name plate will be back out soon how about a remake of the airplane inspired 64-66 4 or 5 seater. I would go for that. I remember when they were new they were so sleek and neat with overhead controls like a commercial airline pilot. What do you think?
  10. I know these features disapear as cost cutting. But that is what makes the American cars great its the little things. I can remember when we would first look at the imports we would comment on how they cheapened them. They then learned how to Americanize them and they are selling as we learn how to cheapen them and lose sales.
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