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Posts posted by pointy

  1. Hillbilly!!! You know back a few years ago my Dad (God rest his Soul '34-'08 Ret. Ford UAW 1993) from the 'Bootheel' of Missouri and my Uncle (ret Bendix UAW '95) from southwest Michigan, got into an argument about hillbillies. My dad made my uncle go fetch a Merriam-Webster Dictionary and made him look up the definition of 'HILLBILLY'. Now since then the definition has been updated or re-defined, but if you can find an older version of it, it defines hillbilly as a Michigan Farmer. Needless to say my uncle had nothing to say!! So unless you're from Michigan and moved to Missouri or Kentucky - YOU AIN'T NO HILLBILLY! lol!


    Sprinter, what makes me think you're not happy? maybe it's your posts! Really? You got the whole plant all laid off and they haven't even announced the product yet, it's still speculation until the official word comes out although the Transit seems to be main topic of discussion amoung the KCAP people I've talked to at work and on here.


    I don't think you're a transplant, i think you are original KCAP folk, which is fine, because I have met and now I know some of the GREATEST people in the world at KCAP that DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU, but let me tell you somethin':


    I don't know if when you get off work you go home and watch the news or not, I don't know if you read the paper or not and I don't know if you look at any news websites while you sit in front of your computer screen or not, but it seems to me you are very clueless as to what is REALLY going on in the world. For ANY Corporation to be spending ANY sizable amount of money in or on a certain work site is GOOD NEWS!!! despite whatever kind of negativity you want to try to stick to it!! You sound like a very ungrateful, spoiled brat! Why would I say that? Because you haven't LISTENED apparently to ONE WORD to any of the transferees that are in KCAP tell you about what it's like to close a plant, transfer away from home and pull up your roots to try and start somewhere else, and then the plant you thought was going to be the ray of sunshine for you and your family suddenly starts acting and sounding like the PLANT YOU JUST CLOSED DOWN! I seriously thought we were going to do it AGAIN!! Too much Deja-Vu going on there for a while!!


    So when FORD tells me that $400 million plus is going to be spent on and in this plant.... I'M FRIGGGIN' HAPPY!!! and have a really hard time seeing any negativity in it, especially when the agreements between the Missouri Government and Ford state VERY CLEARLY::::::: JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION. JOB RETENTION!

    • Like 2
  2. I and MANY others do NOT agree with Sprinter's negative response on here. Like posted on another thread; 99.999% of the people (.001 being sprinter) are very, VERY proud and happy and relieved that Ford made the announcement to invest almost HALF of a BILLION DOLLARS at KCAP!! Not only are the workers GRATEFUL, both Hourly and Salary, but so are the local businesses and governments. Yes Louie, I myself, do truly believe we have been blessed here in Kansas City by the announcement, yes, there are most definitely other things going on in the world but we are still a part of the same world, our issues may not be as big as some BUT.... And I do appreciate all of the hard work done by our workforce, the Union Representatives, the Management here, our local state representatives to get legislation passed so Ford can recieve incentives for the investment here. And my wishes and prayers are for the other plants and locals to recieve the same news we have here.

  3. KCAP got a half of a Billion dollars investment and they are pissed.



    Oh yeah, go on and buy that Honda....... You will extend your layoff even longer, that makes no sense whatsoever.......



    Excuse me Louie, but 99.999% of the people at KCAP are very ecstatic about the announcement Ford made to us about the future investment of half of a Billion dollars! That one soul, Sprinter, is NOT the spokesperson for KCAP!


    16years, go ahead and buy that Honda to insure your extended layoff of not just you BUT also helping others to join you!

  4. Let's get the facts straight. Doing the math $400,000,000 / 3750 = $106,666.67 per employee. Ford qualifies for the tax incentive. Or $400,000,000 / 1000 Ford still qualifies for the tax incentive. Ford cuts and reshuffles jobs constantly in the name of making a profit. Ford has made a commitment to replace the Escape with some 'unmentionable' product. If it only takes a 1000 people to build it, Ford will not 'retain' 1001 people. There is absolutely nothing in the law that states Ford must keep an employment level of 3750 jobs for KCAP. The Transit will not take 3 production shifts to build, it will not be a highly demanded vehicle. But Ford will still get the tax incentive because it did 'retain' SOME jobs and has met all the other requirements of the law. Do not confuse (10) "Notice of intent" of House Bill 2 with KCAP of having to keep employee levels at the current Escape levels. The numbers given by Ford in the (10)"Notice of intent" are only used by the state to see if it meets the requirements of (11) "Qualified manufacturing company" to receive the tax incentive. Use your friend Google and find the meaning of the word INTENT. I don't want anyone to be laid off but the possibility exists. You are only confusing people into thinking ALL jobs will remain here at KCAP due to HB 2.


    Sprinter, I am by no means trying to insult your intellegence here, but how in the world do YOU know what it's going to take to build the Transit? How do you know if it's not capable of keeping 3 shifts going? How do you know if the Transit is what we're getting? ALL they said is that they're going to invest $400 million. How can you take this Positive news and turn it to a negative? I'm sorry, but I don't care if they want us to produce friggin' Raman Noodles, we'lll make the best dog-gone noodles the world has ever ate! and you and I will still be friggin' working! RELAX! and take in the good news for a while.

    • Like 2
  5. that's ok , we have many transplants from other cities, we are like the melting pot anyways. come one come all, they say they need 1800 new workers to run the second shift


    That's the right spirit! KCAP is the same. some folk want to go there to be a little closer to their home that transferred to here. some people just want a change.

  6. Congratulation LAP

    Your Plant will be full of KCAP people when you launch :happy feet:


    From what I'm hearing; that is a true statement! If the people that said they want to are true to what they say, it could be many!

    • Like 1
  7. Congratulations LAP!!! KCAP has done everything possible to make the Escape nameplate represent quality and pride! Treat her the way we do and then you'll be on 3 shifts, too! (hey that rhymes) Once again Congratulations LAP Brothers and Sisters!

    • Like 4
  8. I agree, this is going to be like the last 8 months prior to the 2007 negotiations. Allot of tension and threats from both sides. As far as I know Ford still has not fulfilled it's new product obligations to various plants. What empty back door offers will they make this time? They will not bee getting the same deal as Chrysler, and GM. Also there will be a strike authority vote! As for jobs, there are still other good paying jobs, I found a better paying one with plenty of upward potential when I left! Hey look at the veiw from my cabin!





    That there is a lot of heavy metal, brother!

  9. Well here we are again, contract 2011, and posts, and threads are disappearing from BOF.



    We still have a little less than a year, just wait... there's going to be more than we'll all have a stick to throw at before all is said and done. Mullaly in all of his 'niceties' is still going to be throwing us all a bone to go fetch, local by local. He has done a LOT of good for FMC and from a PR point of view, well needed.


    but just wait...2011 is going to be a different situation varying by local. we (as Americans and or North American) need jobs, we want jobs; he knows it as well as the rest of the population. People will lick the sweat off of our balls RIGHT NOW just to make our pay and benefits. Things WILL be different come September. Get Ready and save whatever dollar you can. Strike or not... YOUR pocketbook will see and feel the difference. and I'm not normally a pessimist.

  10. KCAP should be very proud of the work they did in building my 2009 Escape Limited Hybrid AWD back in the Summer of 2008 (delivered 2008-10-21). It's been going through the metro-DC's worst blizzard this past week with great traction and no wheel spinning at all. Sane driving speeds help, but a lot of credit goes to the people who designed and built it. 11800 miles and going strong. Job well done guys and gals.


    Thank you for the compliments! Hybrids are a little close to my heart out here. The 3 Final Inspectors along with the rest of us out here from the 3 Crews take the Hybrid very seriously and we want to make sure our customers get the best possible unit they can. Thanks Again!

  11. With all the OT KCAP has been working.....They can manage!


    I hope only the best for you and your family when crunch time comes. May God richly bless you with all of your heart's desires. Just know that when and if you ever come close to losing your job or the fear of a strike or downsizing occurs my family and I will be praying for you that you will not suffer from ANY monetary or material damage and your life will be filled with peace, love and prosperity.


    We have been blessed here in KC and we are well aware of it, and hopefully all of this can be resolved without any work disturbances and both sides will come to a mutual agreement. But we cannot just lie down. We are human beings, we are not robots and a human body can only move so fast and in so many limited positions.


    It almost seems that they are doing their best to 'use' the state of affairs of the auto industry against us and local against each local.

  12. I see now, but if we both make the same product how is it fair for anyone not to follow their product correct me if I am wrong. I hope it stays like this and you guys just keep running Escapes, get your new model and C Crew stays on at DTP. Keep building em !


    My sentiments exactly!

  13. That is not how it works. The only reason Norfolk was given as many transfers as they did was because they were just starting up C crew and needed everybody they could get. DTP and the Rouge would only take enough people to fill open recs.


    EDIT: If it worked like you think, then all of SLAP would have went to LAP when the Explorer production was ended there. Instead, most went to KCAP.


    We weren't given any chance to go to LAP. There are different conspiracy theories behind that, but the last I can remember is that the Atlanta work force was to go to LAP and the last of the SLAP workers that didn't transfer prior to the plant closing- KCAP was our only choice.


    Look there may be some 'retaliation' from the company, and yes KCAP might have been the first to vote the modification down and yes there has been some complaining on here and some of it is legit, some of it, but the so called retaliation, if any, will be felt nation-wide. Mullaly was just on Fox Business and he is still saying that Ford and the UAW have a strong relationship despite the turning down of the latest try at contract modification. And if KCAP is held as the scapegoat, well, there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it! It's just going to take the company that much longer to hire the new, low-waged, entry-level workers they so badly want, because we'd have to be placed first.

  14. tell us something positive please! candy cane is just a tool!


    hey, you sound like you might be a little worried about everything? It's all good, we showed to the upper crust of management and the union that we're not going to keep making one-sided sacrifices. Just remember that our union forefathers literally spilled their own lives blood for the wages and benefits that you and I now share. If they could and did do it, so can we for their honor at least. Just know and remember in your heart that we are Americans and we are the hardest working, toughest bred people on this planet and no matter what gets thrown at us we can take it and make it into something else that they've never seen before.


    Don't worry about CandyCane. It is nothing but a bridge troll that has fetishes with candy canes and one of these days one bad-ass billy goat is going to kick it's ass whenever the little troll messes up and exposes itself from behind it's computer screen. And the funny thing about that is, it won't be done by a KCAPer. Candy Cane has no friends.

  15. If I was from one of the states like Alabama, Tennessee, or elsewhere where the transplants are, I'd ask my representative/senator why are you fighting to lower someone else s wages? I am your constituent! Why aren't you fighting to get my wages UP to match them! How is forcing a blue collar worker's wages down helping me raise my family, ensure my future or protecting my job from outsourcing?


    For example, we both work in the same industry for different companies in different states.

    I make $15.00/hr. You make $20.00/hr. I want to make sure you get less??????????

    No, I want to make what you do! I'd want to make more, not keep you from making what you do.

    Wealth envy hurts both parties.


    So, ask yourself, "What can I do to earn what Ford employees earn?" Oh, it might take some effort, some risk, some disappointment, and it won't happen overnight. You are at a disadvantage because you have been conditioned to despise the US autoworker.


    How many of you, when hearing news reports that the Big 3 hourly workers make $70.00/hr. (which they don't) said, "There's no way in h*ll I'd want that much. I just want to make $15.00/hr. and I don't need anything else?" If you looked in the mirror, you would realize that you are jealous and you don't believe you could EVER get the same thing. So, you think it's more fair to take from someone else so they hurt as much as you. But you never acknowledge that the fighting happened 50 or 60 or 70 years ago. You don't care what was done or sacrificed for the wages UAW workers earn today? And you are not comfortable with fighting, literally and figuratively, so you simply resent what others have. But you'd stand in line for 15-20 hours to interview for the job if it was offered.


    I suggest each and every person, pro-union and anti-union, look at this with a new viewpoint.


    No one wants their pay lowered to match anyone else's, right?

    If you disagree with the UAW's methods, try something new. Or you can FIGHT FOR what others have fought for and gotten. UAW didn't get their pay because the company management wanted to "Share the Wealth", it's not their "JOB". The company pays the management to cut cost any way, any how. You have to fight to earn what you get. A union is one way to EARN it. As a large group you have more leverage. You could try to impress the management with your effectiveness, but it is subject to the managements discretion.


    So go ask your politicians to fight for you, the voter, and not against you by acting for the companies who support them. Research how you can benefit from the sacrifices others made so that you can enjoy the same benefits we have as UAW auto workers!


    And I double-dog dare anyone anywhere to tell us on this site if they would turn down a job offer at Ford if it was available because you don't want those benefits!


    Thank you!

  16. Ford needs to sell Fords, right? Who buys Fords?? My opinion, middle class, who is middle

    class? autoworkers, and teachers, firemem, police and such! I remember when almost all vehicles

    on Ford employee lots were new, now it is different story. We are all so scared of the future we can

    not buy new cars. With all this contract talk every few months, I don't want to buy anything. But I

    know what will be the first thing to go if I get cut back anymore, my 2008 Ford truck financed through

    Ford Motor Credit.

    I know they sell alot more vehicles than employees,but how many upper class people buy

    fords? Most I have seen drive BMW, Volvos, and more expensive models. Are the big 3 cutting there

    own throats? By chopping away the middle class?


    I'm in total agreement with you. The funny thing about you saying this is that we were just talking about this the other day. My wife is needing a new car, but I told her that we're not doing anything until all this friggin' dust settles, and THEY (FORD) are keeping it stirred. They just couldn't stay satisfied with the last set of concessions, even though they said how good it was for THEM.


    I just can't believe how the I-UAW are playing right into the hands of Corker, Shelby and Mc-what's-his-name. Everything that the UAW and then Big 3 were told to do by those rotten ass politicians, they're friggin' doing! UNBELIEVEABLE!! Everything. "Y'all need to give up drastic concsessions so Ford, GM and Chrysler can compete in this global market. Y'all need to be more along in line of the FOREIGN TRANSPLANTS." What the...? We have to bring OUR AMERICAN STANDARDS DOWN TO THEIR LEVEL? WITHIN OUR BORDERS?? Why don't those folks working in those transplants wake the hell up? And Gettlefinger and his cronies are being played and I'm sure Corker is laughing his arrogant ass off as these votes take place. They've played the UAW against itself! The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, notice that saying never said anything about the middle-class...

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