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Posts posted by imageneral

  1. I have a friend that had an accident in his harley davidson F150 He took it out for a sunday drive and a texting teenager tboned the truck. He had it rebuilt 100% and the only thing he is missing is the Built by Dearborn Truck Sticker on the window. His OCD is driving him nuts that it isnt there. I was wondering if anyone could possibly mail me one?

  2. Cap is losing the MKS and Taurus. They will both be moving to the Fusion Chassis. MKS will be the New Lincoln Continental which wont be built at CAP. As for the Taurus who knows. The police Taurus will still be built there. The Explorer will need to keep selling like hotcakes for CAP to keep 3 shifts.

  3. This forum is pathetic. Our local is pathetic. We can't make enough cars to keep up with demand yet the company wants to bring in more cheap labor which leads to more quality problems. I am sick of hearing the "our plant is in trouble" rhetoric. I have been hearing "our plant is in trouble" since day one! I am disgusted at the every day goings on with our union and the unlimited check writing. Trips for everyone! Just ask for the money! There are way to many "educational" extravaganzas going on for this committee and that committee. If we are in such dire straights for money at our local then we need to start belt tightening as well. There should be absolutely no trips for anyone if we are bleeding money locally just like international. In the 15 years I have been at this plant all I have seen and heard at our union meetings is begging for money to send delegates here and there and once that is taken care of its lets see how fast we can get the quorum count the lowest so we don't have to sit around here and listen to people bitch. We just cant seem to vote in honest moral people to control the dues money. The constant infighting between people, this group and that group it just sucks. Hearing on a daily basis that your local is the most crooked as they come. Why can't we seem to get a handle on our expenditures?? Why does there always have to be a "family member" or "friend" that needs to be "taken care of"?? There is absolutely no honesty in this local. Its all about who can get what from whom. I come to work every day. I don't ask for favors. I have never had an Awol. I am in constant pain but don't run to medical like most people do. I have respect for the job I have. I would make a great candidate for our local. But I refuse to run because of the constant onslaught of people that are poisoning our very name. I do not wish to be associated with that. I would feel like I'm fighting a losing battle on a daily basis if I don't "tow the line". These people that are raiding our checkbook for their own personal and friends and family gain make me sick. I can only imagine what is going on at the IUAW with their checkbook if this is just what its like at the local level. It sucks to compare the two but I call it as I see it. There are a few good guys in our local and I will keep my opinion to myself on that because I know the bandwagon jumpers will massacre anyone that is put out there. I'm just saying I am highly disappointed and embarrassed at what's going on and I hope change for the better is on the horizon.

  4. Our soon to be President Elect




    "In 1998, Williams was appointed to the national bargaining department. Three years later, he became director of UAW Region 4, overseeing nine north-central states, including Wisconsin and Illinois. He negotiated painful concessionary contracts with Caterpillar Inc. that included the union’s first voluntary employee beneficiary association, or VEBA, to take over responsibility for retiree health care from the company.

    The Caterpillar trust ran out of money"



  5. The construction outside the plant is the main reason over 1500 people did not vote. I voted on my day off but anyone that had to make a left turn after the shift was over just didnt want to take the time to go all the way around. I am definitely afraid that these people that didnt go vote are the future of our plant and I hope we make it long enough so that I can get my 30 in and get the hell out.

  6. Their top pay scale is ~$22. Is that what you are saying Ford should pay everybody to get rid of the two tier system?


    Be careful what you wish for

    No Pioneer..I was saying it would be great if the UAW would fight to end two tier here in the states. I wasnt saying anything about a pay scale..

  7. As someone who has had to do the hold for quality repairs to these vehicles I can tell you that when they say they are doing 1000 a week that is just a number to throw out there to keep people happy and have something to say. It could be more or less depending on what needs to be done. As for who's car gets repaired and shipped first I have no clue how that works. But when we are sent out to do quality repair the lists of these cars just sitting out in the hold lots of thousands of cars are pages upon pages long. There is really no order we go by we just start at one end of the yard and work our way to the other. It doesn't go by name or date its whichever car is closest, and you work to the furthest away.


    When there is a refresh on a vehicle sometimes vendor parts just don't work out like they do on paper. Some cars can have quality holds for one thing or multiple things. The problem is Ford needs to keep the line moving one way or another and they build a certain number of cars a day with said problem. There are many quality checks these vehicles go through before they can be released. That is why our quality has improved greatly over the last few years. It stinks that you have to wait a little longer for your vehicle but I'm sure when you do take delivery you will be a satisfied customer.

  8. CAP has turned into Cook County Jail with all the thugs and gangbangers that they have hired. There isnt a day that does not go by that I dont walk in and shake my head at the utter disrespect for the job and the people around them that these ungrateful animals show. I am appalled at the breakrooms with the tables littered with garbage and the messes these animals leave behind them. I said it a hundred times..they are only here for a paycheck and to tell there parole officer they have a job. C crew is a joke and needs to be eliminated for the sake of our plants survival depends on it.

  9. Well what did they think was going to happen when they added a shift oh wait "crew" full of youngsters that works eeeevery friday and saturday?? I walk out of the plant on saturday mornings and see so many hungover people walking into work its not even funny..they look miserable and still drunk..its no wonder they are constantly late and being fired..when you have to try and lead a responsible life and you are stuck working every weekend..at that young of an age.. while all your friends are out having a good time it takes its toll on you.

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