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Posts posted by ford-boy

  1. Yes. Agreed. Both sides of the aisle are screwing us. The big question is WHY??? Why doesn't the media pick up the ball and tell us again how the Gov. of Alaska is ASKING to please " let us help. Alaskans WANT to contribute. PLEASE, let us pump the oil." Why isn't this THE HOTTEST topic?? Why aren't more Americans as OUTRAGED as I am?

  2. Check out these talks by Lindsey Williams. I just saw, (on Fox news) the Gov. of Alaska ask Mr. Reed to turn Alaska loose and allow the access to probably the worlds biggest oil pool. Why are the democrats resisting? Certainly makes Mr. Williams' claim all the more believeable.


  3. This about sums it up.



    Think about it




    The OPEC minister will look you in the eyes and state: ' We are at war with you infidels. Have been since the embargo in the 1970s. You are so arrogant you haven't even recognized it. You have more missiles, bombs, and technology; so we are fighting with the best weapon we have and extracting on a net basis about $700 billion/year out of your economy. We will destroy you! Death to the infidels! While I am here I would like to thank you for the following:

    1) Not developing your 250-300 year supply of oil shale and tarsands. we know if you did this, it would create millions of jobs for US citizens, expand your engineering capabilities, and keep the wealth in the US instead of sending it to us to finance our war against you stupid bastards.

    2) Thanks for limiting defense dept. purchases of oilsands from your neighbors to the north. We love it when you confuse your allies.

    3) Thanks for over regulating every segment of your economy and thus delaying, by decades, the development of alternate fuel technologies.

    4) Thanks for limiting drilling off your coasts, in Alaska , and anywhere there is a bug, bird, fish, or plant that might be inconvenienced. Better that your people suffer! Glad to see our lobbying efforts have been so effective.

    5) Corn based Ethanol. Praise Allah for this sham program! Perhaps you will destroy yourself from the inside with theses types of policies. This is a gift from Allah, praise his name! We never would have thought of this one! This is better than when you pay your farmers NOT TO GROW FOOD. Have them use more energy to create less energy, and simultaneously drive food prices through the roof.

    Thank you US Congress!!!!

    6) Thank you letting us fleece you without end. You will be glad to know we have been accumulating shares in your banks, real estate, and publicly held companies. We also finance a good portion of your debt and now manipulate your markets, currency, and economies to our benefit.



  4. You know, gas is averaging $4.00 a gallon and still climbing. In many places it's well over $5.00 a gallon already. It is one of the key reasons the stock market took a 400 point dive on Friday. It's a big part of the reason the cost of many of our goods has gone up. Many Americans are really feeling the pinch as more and more of their budget has to be put in the gas tank. It is a national crisis.


    When the Russians put up Sputnik and started the space race JFK stepped forward with a plan to not only catch them but beat them to the moon. He marshalled us towards a common goal as a nation to achieve that goal and in 69 Neil took that one giant leap. He provided a goal, and leadership and we came together as a nation and took care of business. Whatever else you might think of JFK, he did give us that.



    A couple decades later when the Russians were still acting up it was Reagan who stepped up to the plate as a strong leader and said "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" He provided real leadership and inspired Americans to make our economy strong again and to take the Russian bull by the horns. As a result was defeated the evil empire and set communisim back 40 years in the process.



    Where is the real leadership now President Bush? I voted for your sorry ass, twice and now when your nation needs you to provide real leadership and find a way to deal with this crisis, you have nothing to say. Gather together your snow pea sized gonads and step to the plate Georgie. Make an attempt to inspire the American people to find a way to deal with this issue.



    I agree 100%. Where are our visionary leaders when you REALLY need them? Our economy is sputtering and losing valuable jobs to other countries at an alarming rate. Mexicans POUR into this country illegally for DECADES and noone in the senate has done anything to stem this tide.

    If I could attend a town hall meeting of the presidential candidates, I would like to ask them this question.......China will be here in the near future selling cars. These new cars will come here by boat, go on a showroom floor, get sold and the money will go back to China. They will get the "whole loaf" from America. If an American car co. wanted to sell in China they are required to become a half partner with an existing Chinese car co. So our American co. will get half a loaf. In truth, China will get ONE and a HALF loaves while we will get HALF a loaf. Why, Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain, is entering into and allowing these kinds of trade agreements good for our country??? When the F--K will you people do the right thing? Who or what has you so tightly grabbed by the balls, that you cannot act in the best interests of YOUR OWN F--KING country??? You can support "FREE TRADE" all you want. This is NOT free trade.

  5. Lots of hype, lots of promise, like the F-150 that gets 60 mpg and the family sedan that gets 80 mpg. NOW would be the time for numbers like that. Even half those numbers would be outstanding. It had been posted here, about 2 years ago, that parts for the HH were already scheduled for production. Parts like axles and related parts. It's very disappointing that this did not make to production.

  6. NAFTA has nothing to do with China or Japan. That is what McCain supports.

    I have seen quite a few primary debates for both sides. I have heard both Hillary (ugh!) and Obama comment on NAFTA as well as outsourcing..... BUT I have NEVER heard a WORD out of McCain's mouth about what we could do to stem the loss of our manufacturing base. In fact, he is a copy of Bush on that issue, who you may recall, didn't even want to TALK to the big three not long ago. His comment to them was "build better cars." Remember??? I have voted Republican for 32 years with the exception of Ross Perot. With what I see as their (Bush, McCain) utter disregard for the health of many industries here, they will not get my vote this time.

  7. So, the Japanese government funded the ENTIRE Prius hybrid system. It must be nice to have a friend like that. What else does the Jap. gov do for THEIR OWN????? They wouldn't think of manipulating the exchange rate, right Retroman?

    R-R-I-I-G-G-H-H-T-T. If I had the chance to ask Presidential hopeful John McCain about "FREE TRADE", something he supports 100%, I'd like to say, there is no such thing as "free" trade. Most all other countries manage, PROTECT, restrict and TAX the process. In the near future, China will be sending cheap cars here. They will come in to our market "freely" and go on a show room floor cheaply. If Ford wanted to sell cars in China, they would have to become an equal partner with a Chinese company. So, Mr. McCain, tell me why is it good for our country to get a half a loaf and for China to get the whole loaf???? This is "free trade"? I don't think so.

  8. As of this moment, one dollar will only buy 99.6 yen - the highest I can remember seeing the yen against the dollar. So where are all the people who are always accusing the Japanese of keeping the yen artificially low against the dollar?


    Oh great. It's now FINALLY where it should be. It fact, it should be pegged at 95 yen. Where has it been for the last 30 years?? To balance things out, how about it drops to 75 yen for the next 30 years?

  9. I always thought that the Police Interceptor name was unique to Ford. My first recollection of it came in 1958 where a neighbor had a red/white Fairlane 2 dr. hardtop with the 352 Interceptor engine. I have seen that badgeing on Crown Vics. However, recently I saw an Impala with the Police Interceptor badge on the rear panel. Now, just a few days ago, I saw a Dodge Ram pickup with the Police Interceptor badge on the tailgate. Is it now public domain??

  10. I can't help wondering what Toyos profit would be, ....IF they were to deduct for the average # of Ford/GM/Chrysler pensions. Then deduct for the major medical expenses to current and retired employees. Then deduct for unemployment/jobs bank benefits, etc. Just wondering what THAT would leave Toyo with. Probably wouldn't be much to write about then.

  11. I was just sitting at a light behind a '97-'98 Camry thinking how much sludge must be in that thing. The light went green and off we went. At about 45 mph, a huge body part ( the hood) came directly up and over the Camry flipping rapidly and heading straight for ME. Holy crap. I swerved to avoid contact. Yhe hood came crashing down on the road. I must say, I have never seen a hood fly off on the street like that... at the track, yes. I don't really know why this occured as the car had been traveling on this road for at least several blocks at 50 mph and even if it wasn't fully closed, I would think the double lock would hold it. It came pretty close to me. Scary.

  12. Really? Maybe I'm in the minority but my gross pay now is like 600% higher than it was when I graduated from college in the late 80s.


    I was hired as a high school math teacher in '83 at $14,000 on Long Island. When I retired at the end of the 2006 school year, I was making 98,000. That would be a 700% increase. I wasn't able to buy a 5.0 GT Mustang in the mid 80's, but could have bought one 10 years later.

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