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Posts posted by rn4

  1. Sometimes Fired, we tend to discuss the wrong things while having the correct ideas, in the wrong places.


    CONSIDER---------> The OBYSMAL policy on fossil fuels! How do autoworkers support such nonsense, to raise the price of what is needed to fuel the products they build; in other words, supporting nonsense that could very well put them out of a job, their job, their UNION job!?!?!?!


    Also consider; how do union employees complain about the rich, when 8 of the top 10 richest people in congress, (reported by MSN which is affiliate of the left wings MSNBC) are DEMOCRATS; and far, far, faaaaaaaar left ones at that.


    Our friends from the left on here, seem to be willing to be able to put forth an excellent UNION argument against Scott Walker of Wisconsin, for basically throwing out public sector unions. How DARE he! How double DARE he!


    And yet, they listen sooooooo much to socialistic talking points, they forget to not only oppose, but actually support Mr Obamas policies that will have faaaaar more impact on eliminating auto workers jobs, than Scott Walker had in eliminating government jobs.


    Here is the real deal..............you know those teachers jobs in Wisconsin? How many were eliminated, lol. You won't believe me if I tell you because the left doesn't want to hear the truth; and if it does, it doesn't want to ADMIT it. And here is something else it doesn't want to admit, since the changes in Wisconsin took effect, how many teachers do YOU think opted out of the union of their own free will? You won't believe me when I post that fact either, but it is over 25%, and that is just a tease for you to find out the true percentage.


    So let us all clearly understand the gist of this post-------------> UAW members SUPPORTED with money, the public sector unions of Wisconsin, against Scott Walker, to the eventual conclusion that over 25% of the union teachers couldn't wait to run like crazy from the union.


    On the other hand.......the UAW SUPPORTS Mr Obamas energy policies, his epa, and everything else related to the environment including mass transit, that will have a huge, negative, impact upon their job.


    Yep, sounds like some people are being pulled around by their nose to me, but somehow after being in the auto industry as a union worker, that doesn't surprise me at all.


    That Fired, is talking about the auto industry, on an auto industry site that has relevance.


    Personally, I too would like to ask the autoworkers over and over about.........if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; or maybe the Obamacare penalty is not a tax, until the supreme court says it is.......which it did, lol.


    But our tact should be instead how these people are going to cost auto worker jobs, many of them belonging to them. As far as I am concerned, logic doesn't kick in for people, until their beliefs have a deleterious affect on their own home. All of the sudden, just like the old Ford commercials, the light bulb comes on. And if they want to proclaim their beliefs are soooooooo strong that they don't care if they lose their jobs or the company folds; then the easy argument can be made that they need to quit now, for they are a cancer in a workforce that wishes to survive.


    Being a retired autoworker, I have posted before, and I will post again the obvious...........being a free American means you have options. The more options you have, the more free you are. If the government restricts your choices, they are more than likely only allowing you choices, that are acceptable to them. That is not freedom! Realize that your choices are being put for by Mr Obama, Mr Biden, former speaker Pelosi, or maybe current speaker Baihnoir. Now think about it, with a vote of hands, how many of you actually believe these people are so much smarter than you are, they should be deciding for you, what you should do, lololol! Don't ignore it, THEY ARE, by the choices they allow you to have in your life. It is called the OVER REACH of GOVERNMENT!


    Unions are the same way as of this writing. You are either a liberal democrat, or you are a pariah. It doesn't make any difference that Mr Obamas economy has nothing in common with Mr Reagan or Mr Clintons, it is just he has a D on his chest, so he would proclaim (as will Hillary) vote for me, I will set you free.


    Are coal miners union people? What about oil workers on rigs? How about the people who made our tires, before they made regulations sooo tough, all the jobs had to be moved away?


    Those people had their government turn their jobs to nothing, all had to do with energy; or use of it. Are you SURE you are happy sitting there with the people promoting MASS TRANSIT, live in cities, and one size fits all? Hey, do you young people know what a union steel worker once was? Yep divide, and defeat.


    History teaches all things, and maybe you should look back to see where some of our brothers and sisters were, how they got kicked out of the box and by whom, (yeah, yeah, air traffic controllers, they were white collar anyway, so get off of it and look at people like you) and where you presently think you sit in the line of............whos turn is it to be thrown under the bus for the honor and glory of the radical left. I am not going to insist that I am a genius and you autoworkers are next, but I am far, far, from stupid; and I promise you that your industry (thus your jobs) are on the list, and you are moving up quickly!

    You do realize this is the kind of talk that got the political stuff over in the off topic section from the employee section.

  2. Even when we had a 5 day schedule and worked 10 per day, we didn't have the problem like we do now. I remember years running 5 days of 10 hours, and every other Saturday and attendance was not this bad.

    That used to be the norm, if you weren't running like that you had to be worried about a shift being laid off.

  3. More of the same old corrupt bullshit that some on here will defend to the death. When the leadership lies to you, and you can no longer trust them, why on earth would we give our hard earned dollars to them so they can squander it on their own private agenda, instead of what they told us it would be used for? Michigan right to work is gonna bite them in the ass big time. AND IT SHOULD!

    It will bit you in the ass worse.

  4. Wholly agree.


    Most people who earn minimum wage are teenagers. And most people who start at minimum wage are making more within a few months; AFTER they've demonstrated proficiency and willingness to work.


    What isn't widely discussed is a rise in the minimum wage is often a determiner of union wages. It's usually written in the union contract that any rise in the minimum wage results in a commensurate (and automatic) raise to union workers' wages.

    What unions have that in their contract, none that I have ever belonged to.

  5. Calling algore.....anyone seen algore?.......


    Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year record high Saturday


    Antarctic sea ice has grown to a record large extent for a second straight year, baffling scientists seeking to understand why this ice is expanding rather than shrinking in a warming world.




    More from your article:

    The increasing ice is especially perplexing since the water beneath the ice has warmed, not cooled.

    “The overwhelming evidence is that the Southern Ocean is warming,” said Jinlun Zhang, a University of Washington scientist, studying Antarctic ice. “Why would sea ice be increasing? Although the rate of increase is small, it is a puzzle to scientists.”


    Although I, like many of the brotherhood are disappointed with the outcome of the Honda unionization vote. I find it ironic that Bob King is calling illegal, the tactics used by the Tennessee republican politicians. It is right out of the Bob King playbook. Isn't that the same thing he threatened us if we didn't pass the last contract? We wouldn't have a new product at our plant or any that didn't ratify it. I'm actually wondering at this point if Mr King is an operative for the Republican party. Stealing our strike fund money and trying to raise our dues. IUAW no longer listens or properly represents the desire of the Brothers and sisters of UAW. What a great way to get all the new hires to lean more toward RTW. My local represents me well but if IUAW continues it's present leadership style of ignoring the members and doing what they want. I for one would have no trouble refusing the international portion of my dues.


    You want to stir the pot at least be smart enough to know what company they were trying to organize.

    • Like 1
  7. Here is the facts for you I don't think the spaniard is that far off.



    On the first day of NYSE trading after 9/11, the market fell 684 points, a 7.1% decline, setting a record for the biggest loss in exchange history for one trading day. At the close of trading that Friday, ending a week that saw the biggest losses in NYSE history, the Dow Jones was down almost 1,370 points, representing a loss of over 14%. The Standard and Poor's (S&P) index lost 11.6%. An estimated $1.4 trillion in value was lost in those five days of trading.

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  8. Ok...so I go to my local dealer to check out a new flex. It's a basic se model. Black cloth interior. Nice car. But the salesman says, well I can't sell this to you today. He then shows me that somehow the third row seat was installed with the leather seats. It should have been cloth. I chuckled to myself, but as an employee was a little embarrassed. I get that mistakes happen, but is there any end of the line inspection that should catch a mistake like this?

    That should of been caught on the CAI line.

  9. Uh....the Second Amendment opposes that....your "opinion" of these "grown ass men" is not withstanding....just because YOU don't like them, doesn't mean they are incapable of handling arms, just that YOU don't like it....want to help.....arm yourself instead of trying to disarm everyone else...

    That has to be one of the dumbest statements I have ever seen on here.

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