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Posts posted by Hobbitt

  1. It seems to me that the IUAW is VERY VERY desperate for this to pass?? One must ask oneself why ? Is it because there is something in it for them? Is it because they promised the Company that they could hoodwink us again ? Is it because they think we are foolish enough to give up our last little bit of rights? Something smells fishy when the IUAW spams phones to sell a POS like this !!!! Have the courage and fortitude to do what you KNOW is right, and that is VOTE NO !!! We have to make a stand , or the Company wins the whole ballgame with this vote..

  2. Ross Perot told the American people "when they pass NAFTA you will hear a giant sucking sound from the south and that will be American jobs going to mexico" At least he warned us all and told the truth. Huh,What a concept that truth thing.

    Ross Perot said those words in 1992 while debating for the Presidential Elections. I said it then, and I will say it again, we need someone like Perot in the WH to look out for all Americans, not just big business. I know WE work for big business. But when the government only cares about big business' , the whole nation suffers, as we are seeing now.

  3. Again, I reiterate, UDONTKNO SHT!!! The IUAW didn't move millions of people up to the middle class dumb ass, the Union movement did and still does!! When was the last time you went on an organizing drive or participate in an organizing event...let me guess...never... low life fkers like yourself who reek the benefit of being a part of this great organazation and does nothing to help move it forward, is the problem.....because if you open your beady little eyes, you would realize that organizing is going on all over, because of the Union movement! Improving the way of living for the rest of the world...so sit in your own little world and keep talking shit about the organazation that has fed your family, you little fking pathetic excuse for a person.


    PS..I was at the con con where the mic was shut off...he talked for 2 minutes and his time was up to speak....so again UDONYKNO SHIT!

    While I agree with some of your post. I have to strongly disagree with a portion thereof.. "PS..I was at the con con where the mic was shut off...he talked for 2 minutes and his time was up to speak...." We both know that was NOT why he was shut down...and another gentleman said he would give him his 2 minutes also. Really wanna air dirty laundry here? While I agree that the IUAW does what it THINKS is best for us the membership, I also cannot blindly follow them when I think something is wrong. The way that the upper leadership decides the next President is wrong....IMO. The members SHOULD have more say in who they want as the next President..the problem with that though, is that only a very small percentage of us even pay attention to 1/10th of what is going on. Can we agree on that much ?

  4. Exactly right. Kind of a spooky title isn't it. OOOOOH that's Scary. Maybe he will ride off in his "Scary Mobile" all the way to KCAP! :hysterical: :bandance:

    Tell me when he is coming ...I will pick a good job out for him, somewhere in chassis in a pit. He can think about all the kick ass things he can do while laying out on the beach...while throwing drive shafts. :hysterical: :happy feet:

  5. My solid inside sources at IUAW told me personally today, well actually my ex sister in laws best friends second cousin, heard from the guy at the barber shop, that there will definately be another buyout..possibly ! She/he/they said it would probably be around $500 to $200000 and could include an Easy Bake Oven and maybe a Barbie Playhouse..limited supplies act fast. No refunds or exchanges after 10 days , some restrictions apply. Barbie Playhouse may be changed to a My Little Pony, if you already own your own home.. :hysterical:

  6. I wouldn't count on "the big O" to much. He is hand picked by Kissinger and the rest of the big bankers/powermen. He is supposed to be the "new face of the New World Order" and you can bet your bottom dollar that Labor is at the bottom of that "order". We don't have enough members and/or $$$$'s to make them give one :censored: about us.

  7. I agree alot of people voted no, as did I. There were just enough yes votes to make it questionable this last time.(personally I cant find 20 people that say they voted yes, but people lie too) If they were to open the contract again, I will guarentee you there will not be enough yes votes to even make it possible to fake a passing vote. No way at all. I am in no way saying that the IUAW/Locals do it, just saying that there is no way this gets opened again , and passes before 2011. IMO.

  8. I believe AIG has some connection to the Government Pension Plan.....may be why they keep getting whatever they ask for without a ??? being asked. I also noticed that the show that Obama was on with Leno....you know the one that was TAPED a while back...had Obama being 'outraged" at the AIG bonuses being payed... How did he know that they were getting bonuses BEFORE they got them ????????? And he was outraged.. yeah OK.

  9. not to disgrace the people over 30, but I think that the union and company are the ones who made sure that people didnt make minimum wage and work in a dump, pretty sure that the people over 30 are not sighning payroll.
    You think THE COMPANY MADE SURE THAT WE AREN"T AT MINIMUM WAGE?????? The Company doesn't EVER give us a THING. The Union has had to fight for it, period ! I will give you that the Union has not been as aggressive in fighting when we had the chances (10 years or so ago) , but the Company would rather all of us woirk for $7.00/hr with no safety or health regulations or benefits whatsoever.....and if you think I am wrong on that, I want some of whatever you are taking. And as far as the over 30 brothers and sisters, they do not sign the payroll, but they damn sure fought to get it ....Thanks for that bros/sis'.
  10. What he really meant to say was...thank you for your service and your sacrifices, and help guide us through these tough times. Without you we would all be making minimum wage at some dump, where they could fire you for any reason at all. I read that between the lines. BTW I agree with lquidspine and el norte !

  11. Here is a classic case:


    The hi-lo driver feeding the line comes back from lunch s**tfaced.


    The line workers are scared to death he is going to kill them delivering parts.


    Upholding the Union model of don't be rat, they call me, or one of the reps. underneath me, and say, "This guy is s**tfaced. I am afraid that he is going to kill me."


    In any event, this all gets to me quickly.


    So, what is the right answer?


    Do I bust him? That doesn't seem like I represented him very well.


    Do I tell the line workers to shut up? That doesn't seem like I represented them very well.


    And, there is the ESSP program to throw in the mix. Our work is hard and this program is recognition of that.


    What is the right answer?


    How does a person handle the various and competing fiduciary responsibilities?


    After all, every one of those people I had agreed to protect and defend.

    You walk his drunken ass off the floor, before he does kill someone. He then only gets 3 days for "Out of assigned work area", instead of a week for being drunk. You then give him a choice to go to ESSP and get help. You tell him that was his one free pass. You have protected and defended everyone involved, the only one that loses anything is the person who was at fault. Next?
  12. Your friend should tell that utility dipshit that he's all better now. If that guy is stupid enough to think that he can catch Hep C from your friend, then he's stupid enough to believe that your friend just got cured.

    :hysterical: That's the best solution yet....and the idiot would probably believe it too. " I went in for a transfusion , and they replaced all my blood. I am Hep C free now." :happy feet: :happy feet:

  13. This thread makes me sick. I cannot believe some of the people on here. We get cursed in the public for making too much money (because the public doesn't see the shit we have to do), so we yell and scream about "They dont know about our jobs" .Then some of us turn right around and do the EXACT same thing about OUR LEADERS ????? WTF are you thinking??? I wouldn't take the ass chewings and heartache that the IUAW leaders are getting right now for 3 times the pay they get. I could go on for another hour, but I am sure that it would make no difference to the ones hating the IUAW leadership. Just for clarification NO I am not IUAW,or elected, or appointed, and I was against this vote. But I still believe that the IUAW did what they thought was best for thier constituents. (UAW) I hope that some of you will take a deep breath ,relax, and understand what Unionism really means. The next battle is just around the corner brothers and sisters, don't turn on each other, stay focused on who the REAL enemy is and thats FORD not the IUAW/UAW...flame away !

  14. I disagree Spring. The rank and file does elect the local officers but the international officers are not elected by the rank and file. They are appointed by the powers to be. Don't start telling me that the convention delegates that are elected by the rank and file have the power to go to the national convention and change the way things are done. We all know that once you get to that level of power there is no getting them out of office unless they retire or turn 65 and are not allowed to run for re-election again. How many people ran against the IUAW president last election? None! How many people do you think will run at next year’s convention when Ol' Ron steps down. I would be surprised if it was more than ONE. I have seen it for the past 6-7 years at the regional level. The people running for office have been pre-selected at the bar while BS-ing the night before the election takes place. Then the ones that have been handpicked run unopposed and win by acclamation. I'm sure it is done more in advance at the IUAW level but it's the same old crap. If this was not the case the White Haired Wonder would not be in the place he is. I know you know which Appointed Rep. I am talking about because from your past posts you feel the same way I do about him. About 90% of the information that comes out of his mouth is inaccurate. We have to go around him and to Frank K. to get more accurate information. It is sad but I do not know one single person that would vote for him but he has a job for life. It's the good ol' boy network at its best. To the IUAW reps that do care and put in more casual time than we care to even think about, My hat is off to you. I wish I could shake everyone of your hands and say "Thank you! Not for doing your jobs but for going above and beyond your job." I appreciate what you do. Unfortunately there are certain people that abuse the job and we at the local level have no way of getting them out of office.

    I am gonna sue that "white haired wonder" for turning the volume UP on the mic. when he was trying to shut off the UAW members question today at the vote !!! I cant hear now...and I have no feeling in my right arm... :hysterical: What a joke.....As far as the other.. I would like to nominate for IUAW President Mr. ...............hey who turned off the microphone...???

  15. r7n7.....you need to listen closer to what is ACTUALLY said, not what you wanted to hear. Mr King never said "if", but he did infer that. But fell short of saying we actually get anything, except a "committment".... He also danced around the question when it was asked in a more straight forward way. Employee X "Mr. King what makes this promise of future product any better than the last 2 contracts, when we were promised a new Body shop?" Remember that one ???????? AAW I actually agree with the majority of your post. I was also embarrased when a UAW brother was belittled before even getting his question out, because he drives a GM product. Whether or not I agree with him driving a GM or not, he should be able to speak . (I would rather he drive a UAW GM than a non UAW Ford myself). There were about 5 or 6 things done/said by the IUAW and Local leadership today that really made me sad to be a part of today, and I hope and pray that we NEVER have to go through this crap again. Unfortunately we will I am afraid. Soon.. :censored::censored::censored::censored:

  16. I gotta bob king on my gettelfinger and I cant get him off. So ron or bob can you promise Me some new product like a hybrid, or a plug in car or batterys, something like 55 million dollar tax break would take care of or is that a secret febuary 17, 2009,thats just michigan, how about me In kentucky and louisville ass, y I will vote yes know matter what happens to my brothers and sisters accross the USA! can you get trades to run my machine I dont think I can keep up with the techmoolgy it be hard. Ohio needs some stupid stuff to dont forget Indianapols, and KC, ough thats right sorry KC. who else pays dues i forget sometimes it hard to remember all of em. But I promise you this we will not take conceptions- conscietion that because we dont do janitorial services anymore. you are one hellofa leader ronny THANKS THE MEMBERSHIP.

    Would someone please take lightnings keys away, he cant type in this condition. (who said drugs where bad for you?) I had to read it 4 times before I realized that indeed, it made no sense..

  17. I've got another question: How is it he can shove a $871,000 earmark in these so called (UP YOUR ASS) STIMULUS BILLS for Catfish Genome research at the University of Auburn in Alabama?


    But on the flipside, that's pocket change compared to the scumbags who ask for millions for even worse projects. FUCK ALL THESE POLITICANS.





    By the People, for the People has now been replaced by...By the Rich Corporations, for the Rich Corporations. Republicans nor Democrats care one hill of beans about the working class any more...at Election time some of the Dems. will come stroking the Labor Unions for a vote, but after elections it is business as usual.

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