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Posts posted by partsisparts

  1. Popularity.

    If that is the unit of measure that some people use to objectively evaluate what is currently going on then I would suggest that you and others that think everything is great is clueless and part of the problem.


    Irregardless of political party I trust the people that are capable of doing basic math and currently the government has run up more in debt than years past and is still spending WAY more than its taking in. With the full tax impact of Obama care still looming to kick in it really has not been felt yet. I hope that same "popular" feeling carries you thru the realities that are playing out.


    Its similar to asking passengers on an aircraft what there thoughts are on a safe flight. They might all feel "safe" but its really up to the pilot and the aircraft to complete the trip. If the pilot is negligent at the wheel or the aircraft has a failure then popular opinion is out the window , literally.


  2. So it's okay to make racist comments about a whole group of people as long as you say "But its a comedy routine." lol You clowns call conservatives stupid? No it's not okay. Racist is racist period and yes he did accuse all white conservatives of being racist in that bit. It's not funny. If a conservative comedian made jokes about blacks like that the NAACP and every lib in this country would be all over his ass. But in America, it has become okay to make racist comments about white people. It's even "funny". Well, guess what, its not okay, and its not funny. It's just racist, period.


    Now as to your comments about Obama.


    1. I don't recall ever saying something as stupid as "Obama is trying to give the country to Muslims." So I don't know where you go that from but it wasn't me.


    2. Obama has not been the least bit covert about his intentions to take away freedoms. He has been right out in the open about his desire to take away firearms for instance.


    3. Convincing sheeple to vote for him does not take a great leader. It just takes a lot of stupid people and thanks to the liberal run education system in this country we have turned out plenty of those over the last 25 years.

    There is not one racist comment in the bit. Saying people are racist is not racist. Here is some evidence of why he was saying what he said.






    I can go on but you get the point. ( I hope)


    As far as my comments, THEY WERE A JOKE! hence the LOL at the end!

  3. Well that's a pure bullshit statement. As if the state of economy is some big secret that only a select few know about. Pretty much any well educated economist could have easily briefed Obama on the full extent of the recession. The claim that he had no idea how bad it was until after he took office is a laughable excuse and a pure lie.

    obviously you don't understand it. thanks for playing

  4. You are an insufferable idiot....you bring up a point, I challenge you on that and now it's trivia.......

    The matter you and I are "discussing" was a minor point inside a larger one. There is no way that Obama could have known the full extent of the recession until he was briefed after he was elected.This matter is trivial compared to the larger point.

  5. Obama makes Obama look bad.

    Regardless if you like the guy or hate him it does not change what comes out of his mouth. The IRS scandal IS a legit major problem, the AP wiretapping is hitting the heart of some of his biggest liberal supporters and Benghazi is an outright lie and Obama and friends making a statement and now trying to walk it back to something opposite of what they said themselves.


    The worm twisting on the hook....



    Twisting? No not really. His popularity has gone up since all of this hit.




    From the article:


    First, Americans are sick and tired of the Republican witch hunt against the President. It’s been over 4 years and conservatives have been constantly pushing some kind of “conspiracy theory” trying to make Obama look like some corrupt tyrant out to do whatever he wants.

    The main problem with that is that the only people who really care about these asinine theories are hardcore conservative voters. Republicans have spent over 4 years pandering to these people, while appearing more insane, radical and desperate to the majority of Americans.



    Second, the American people don’t trust Republicans. And why should they? These are the people who perpetuate this myth that the economy is getting worse, headed for demise, and our deficits are out of control—despite the fact that almost every economic barometer shows the economy isn’t only improving, it’s picking up steam, and we’ve reduced our deficits at a pace not seen since World War II.

    What Republicans have done is backed themselves into a corner. They’ve spent over 4 years doing all they can to pander to the most radical within their base, creating the monster known as the Tea Party. Yet, while solidifying their base—they’ve alienated the majority of Americans.

    People don’t trust politicians in general, but they really don’t trust Republicans—especially Tea Party Republicans.

  6. Don't deflect...you are the one that tried to make the point that Obama didn't know how bad the economy was...I pointed out that you are wrong and now you want to change directions......do you ever tire of defending this idiot?.. and by the way...he does not need my help to look bad, doing pretty good job on his own...hell he's even got chris Matthews criticizing him....."The Thrill is Gone"

    I'm not deflecting you're worried about trivia while your parties leaders screw you.

  7. Do you have reading comprehension problems.....he said it was the worse recession since the great depression...so he absolutely knew.....he has failed...can't make it any more plan than that

    More to my point. You too,are so focused on the President and trying to find anything to make him look bad, that you missed the fact that your party has screwed you economicly for 30 years and your to focused on silly things to notice. I don't think it's a coincidence.

  8. Try the one above dumb ass. At thirty eight seconds he makes the racist comments accusing all white conservatives of being racist just because a black man was elected. Its racist, pure and simple. It also happens to be yet another lie. But hell, that's what liberals do when they discuss conservatives, they lie. You know this. It's a fact. Water is wet, liberals lie, duh. What you think that just because Bill Maher is white that its okay for him to make racist comments about other whites? No its not okay, its racist. He's a racist, scummy dirt bag and anybody that finds that asshat even remotely amusing is a pure moron. That about sum it up for you?



    Oh and for the record, I couldn't care less what color the President of the United States is. I care about his or her leadership ability. The left has been playing the race card for Obama pretty much ever since he announced his intention to run. It doesn't make it true.

    He doesn't accuse all white conservatives of being racist, first of all. And a lie? IT'S A F%$IN COMEDY ROUTINE!


    Here is the other thing. You say Obama has poor leadership abilities yet he can orchestrate all of these covert govt operations to take away your freedoms. Which is it? I would think he would have to be a great leader in order to convince all the sheeple to follow his plans of taking over America and giving it to the muslims! LOL

  9. Wrong again....in his own words while campaigning in 2008, he said it was the worst recession since the great depression, so how can you say he didn't know how bad it was and he said he was the candidate who could fix it......he didn't

    even ran up more debt...try to keep up...

    And the President himself has said he did not know the extent of the damage caused by the republicans until after he was President. He knew it was bad but not how bad.

  10. Oh my God none of that crap you posted even matters. Here is all that matters. Republicans and conservatives were already upset about the fact that Bush had run up the deficit. Obama promised to cut the deficit in half in his first term. Instead he added trillions more. That's all that matters. I'm not going to quibble with your silly ass over a trillion here and trillion there. It absolutely doesn't matter. All that matters is the deficit was run up even further by the very guy who said that doing such a thing was unpatriotic and promised he was going to cut it in half. He didn't, . . . he lied, . . . . again. That's all that matters. Get over it.

    At the time he didn't know he was going to inherit the greatest economic disaster in 70 years either. It seems to me that all you care about is trying to blame Obama for something. Anything.


    None of the stuff I post matters but what does, is what a candidate says during a campaign speech? You've been being screwed by the very people you fight for and don't even know it. I point it out to you and in your mind a campaign promise is more important. Wow! Are you snowed!




    From the mouth of your own guy. I mean you can keep making excuses for him if you want but it just comes off sounding pathetic.


    This is the same guy who promised to cut the national deficit in half in his first term. Last I checked 16 trillion is not half of 9 trillion. Thanks for playing, seeya next week.

    Let me show you where you are wrong. First of all using your incorrect numbers the debt now would have to be 18 trillion to make your statement correct. If you have problems figuring that out find the closest 5th grader and I am sure he/she can help you.


    The video you are showing me was taken in the summer of 08 while Obama was on the campaign trail. 1.3 trillion dollars of debt is from Bush's 2009 budget, which had not yet been completed. So at the time Obama was right the debt was at 9 trillion. When he got into office the debt was then 10 trillion because the budget for 2009 was done and approved.


    Also, next time try to reply with something relevant. I just showed you where the republicans have been screwing you for the past 30 years and your response is a video of Obama 5 years ago? And you call a bash of the republican parties economic policies an excuse for Obama? How do you figure?


    Try to keep up.

  12. And while were at it, a big fat thank you to Obama for running up more national debt in four years than all the previous Presidents combined. That's doing wonders for the middle class isn't it?

    All other Presidents combined? Your statement is wrong. He came into office already 10 trillion in debt. Added about 6 trillion in debt.(with 1.2 trillion ?attributed to the moron ahead of him) So how is that running up more debt than the other Presidents combined? He would have had to more than double the debt to make your statement true. He is 4 trillion short.




    From the Article:


    On January 20, 2009, the day he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. By January 20, 2013, it was $16.687 trillion -- a difference of $6 trillion. Year by Year Breakout:

    • FY 2009 - Although this was actually President Bush's last budget, it was being implemented during Obama's first year. Congress agreed to add the first year's worth of spending from the Economic Stimulus Act to this. That $253 billion accrues to Obama.
    • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.293 trillion deficit.
    • FY 2012 - The deficit was the largest in history, at $1.327 trillion.
    • FY 2011 - It contributed $1.299 trillion to the debt.
    • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $901 billion, was less than $1 trillion.

    President Bush added $3.294 trillion to the debt in eight years thanks to the Bush tax cutsand the War on Terror, both of which were responses to events that happened in his first year in office.







    As for the middle class, wouldn't you think the Republicans redistributing money up to the rich for the past 30 years is what is really hurting the middle class? The republican economic policy known as trickle down economics is what has ruined the middle class.






    Note the times of prosperity,on the charts above and below.






    It doesn't trickle down.

  13. If it hadn't been for Nixon, we wouldn't have had Carter.


    So, are ya kinda cheering for Nixon now?

    No. My point is he embarrassed this country on the world stage he weakened our reputation so badly, he weakened Carter's standing to other nations. People did not trust govt anymore and that weakens us to other countries.

    Harry Truman said the Nixon lies so much he doesn't know what the truth is.


    To your point, if there was no Carter there wouldn't have been a Reagan.

  14. I did read it. Frankly your link to some liberal hack piece does not impress me as a valid opinion without "bias". Far from it. Secondly, a single church that was singled out doesn't scream of targeting to me. There were a whole bunch of people and organizations that were giving anti-war speeches during the Bush administration. Why weren't they targeted too? Why wasn't Jeremiah Wright and his Trinity United Church targeted? To quote your big hero, "There no there, there." It's just another liberal temper tantrum in an effort to use the age old liberal tactic, lie and deflect. Not gong to work anymore.

    I guess it's OK when your side does it.

  15. Watergate was the greatest embarrassment to the country ever? :hysterical:




    Apparently you weren't alive during the Jimmy Carter years because I can assure you that America was a laughing stock the world over thanks to him. American service members stationed across Europe got to endure being openly laughed at by many a German citizen thanks to the "embarrassment" that was Jimmy Carter. Watergate is by no means our greatest embarrassment ever. Heck it doesn't even hold a candle to some of the crap that Obama has pulled.

    The President committed multiple felonies. He should have went to jail. Did it ever occur to you that America was weakened by this scandal and had an effect on Carter's Presidency and America's standing in the world at the time?

  16. Don't expect more than the democrats have done, evade, ignore and lie.


    Since I am not a republican and I have well stated I demand better behavior and action from elected officials, and having stated that I do not defend the failures of the past and cannot undo what has been done, I do believe continuing to do those things we all recognize as wrong....is wrong.


    So, who will be "man enough" to stand up and start demanding THEIR party behave as they should, instead of fighting over who should cast the first stone?

    Not a republican? Do you consider yourself an independent? Your views are to the right of the Pope.You are republican....

  17. Watergate is under the radar compared to Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the IRS targeting right wing organizations. The average man on the street has not heard of any of them. Watergate was comparatively minor, and happened forty years ago. Everybody knows about Watergate. Why is that? Could it be pro-Liberal bias in the media?

    Everybody knows about Watergate because it was the greatest embarrassment to this country ever....period. Do you even know what happened? You do understand that Nixon planned a heist to break in to the DNC headquarters? That 43 people in his administration went to jail?



  18. Pfft. If anything of this magnatude had been done by the Republicans does anyone here really believe that the left wing mainstream media wouldn't have been all over it like white on rice? Does anyone really believe that liberal politicians wouldn't have been holding hearings and trying to lock people up? Of course they would have.

    They have, Genius. That is what this conversation is about. Check out post # 51 in this topic.

  19. I'll repeat myself in the name of assuring myself that you have read me making this statement.......

    "Two wrongs are still wrong."


    I am not approving any preceding transgressions. But, I cannot re-write the past. I AM attempting to persuade others to reject such failures from our elected officials.


    Are you saying your side can do anything that the other side has done?

    If so, you support nothing better than you have gotten already. And so it repeats, in perpetuity.

    No, neither side should be doing anything. But I am looking for republican "outrage" when they learn that they have done the exact same thing in the past. I have yet to see any. Hypocisy at its best.

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