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Everything posted by Simpleman

  1. Not everyone from NAP gets on here and cries about losing their job. That would be like me saying that everyone from DTP is arrogant and self-righteous.
  2. I totally agree. But I figured I would show the positive side of working at a factory. :cheerleader: :bandance:
  3. Lets continue pointing out differences between Iraq and factory work... 9) In a factory you don't have to worry about walking around a corner and getting shot at. 10) In a factory you can go the f*ck home after your shift. 11) After working your shift in a factory you can drive home and not worry about an IED blowing you to f*cking bits. 12) After working your shift in a factory you can go home and sit in the A.C. , watch T.V. and not have to worry about someone blowing you up with a bomb. 13) In a factory, you can be the biggest fuck-up on Earth but still get a paycheck. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of for now.
  4. To go back with the I.B.E.W. , all I have to do is sign the books and wait for a job opening. Work out of Local #80 looks good right now and I believe the books are close to empty. I have been asked to resume teaching apprentices when my time with Ford is done. That would be a part time job being that classes are held twice aweek. I am currently in the middle of the hiring process with one of the companies I previously mentioned.
  5. I'll answer that question Davdog. Since the announcement of the closing of NAP I have been job hunting. Here in the Norfolk, Va area the going wage is $12-$16 per hour for non - union construction electrician, approx. $20.70 per hour for an I.B.E.W. electrician, and top end is about $26 to $28 per hour depending on which company you apply for ( Anheuser-Busch, Ball Metal, International Paper ) in the industrial field. In North Carolina there are one or two more opportunities, but for me, it's too far to drive. Also, moving out of the area is out because of family health issues with my wife's father. I knew when I hired in at Ford it was like hitting the lottery. It was a good ride while it lasted, I learned alot, and hopefully it will guide me to my next job with whatever company I can get my foot in the door with.
  6. They are in the minority here at Nap, not the majority. Also, I don't believe the average consumer is aware of what a few knuckleheads are saying on BON.
  7. When I hired in at NAP, Ford did not require a journeymans card, just the documentation to prove you had worked in the trade for "x" amount of years. I believe Ford wanted 8 years of experience or the journeymans card.
  8. That's a false statement. There have several instances in my career where I wasn't the senior person and got the position (not in Ford). Several of my friends have had the same experiences. Face it, the union protects the deadbeats and makes the people who give a crap pick up the slack.
  9. http://www.silverraven.com/fy.htm. Just for you foreskinfan.
  10. Pretty easy to imply that about you foreskinfan seeing how you want a handout. All this crying and complaining to your local union, state representatives and governor bullsh*t about how you "deserve" something shows that. So you don't like it foreskinfan when someone implies something about you but you don't mind doing the very same thing to someone else? Too bad foreskinfan, deal with it!! :slap:
  11. Changed your tune alittle eh Dreg? Like I said before, It makes business sense not to give packages to a plant that will close after the year 07. Does that suck? Yes it does. Contrary to what you think, I feel terrible so many people will have to adjust to a new lifestyle. But I also don't have my head in the clouds thinking someone will help me out either. You really think Ford is trying to make themselves look good by giving these packages? It's more of a money savings move than anything else. And as far as being a company bitch goes, I consider the source and realize you expect to be handed things while I like to earn them. I guess if putting in a honest days work for an honest days pay makes me a company bitch, so be it. What does it make you?
  12. The point is the same moron. I still don't think NAP will get packages. Severance Pay?? There isn't any federal law requiring a company to pay someone if they are laid off. I guess you're just a lazy f*ck who expects a free handout. You have serious entitlement issues. You think because you work for a company for so many years and then are let go for whatever reason before you acquire company retirement eligibility that the company owes you something? They don't owe you sh*t. Your just a lazy, selfish, POS! YOU'RE the reason people think Union workers are spoiled. Spineless? No. Just not a dreg of society like you.
  13. I was laughing at you dumbf*ck! You think the local bargains for packages??? Your quote "The buyouts will be negotiated by Local 919 well before the next contract (2007)." I do believe Ford will give options and people can take it or leave it. Local can't demand packages from Ford. I believe the International does that. Once again, STFU! Get off my high horse?? Where else in the world would a company give you anything before they laid you off? What, I had a cystal ball and saw this was coming? No, I had common sense and didn't overextend myself. I'm not rubbing anyones face in anything. It's my opinion. Like you said jack*ss, " This is a f*cking forum last time I checked and I'll chime in when I see fit. "
  14. I don't give a rats *ss that you worked here at one time. What I care about is the fact you ASSumed I was amused by the problems facing workers here at NAP. Like I said, keep your mouth shut when you don't know what the f*ck your talking about. And what's this "get what is coming to you" crap? The only thing I have coming to me is a paycheck for the amout of hours I worked that week, nothing more, nothing less. Ford doesn't owe me anything beyond that. I have been blessed to have worked here the time I have. I have spent my money wisely, invested properly, and have not created a lifestyle that I cannot afford outside of Ford Motor Co. wages. I'm not looking for a free handout.
  15. I work at NAP you moron. You don't think I won't be going through any hardships? Why don't you keep your mouth shut when you don't know what the f*ck your talking about.
  16. ROTFLMAO! Ford Motor will tell the local what it will give NAP.(nothing) Local 919 has nothing to negotiate with. You must have something to use as leverage. It makes perfect business sense to close NAP in 2008. One less plant to pay buyout packages to.
  17. You really think NAP is going to get buyouts? Don't hold your breath on that.
  18. And what is average age of the people graduating? Are they going to stick around for awhile? How is the failure rate? Do you get a well rounded education? I wish the best for the graduates and hope if anything happens, that their skills can find them a good job on the outside. I feel the same. And, like you, have kept my ticket active with my local. I think the worst thing anyone could do would be to drop their ticket with their local. I feel like you cut your own throat when you do. (Local #80, Norfolk, Va here.) I don't know what your situation is, but good luck to you.
  19. The UAW's apprenticeship program, to me is a joke. Just my opinion but, I don't think the first thing you should look for in an apprentice is seniority. You create two problems. 1st, you train them and if they have enough time in, they retire! Now you have spent 4yrs training someone for nothing. Sure it helped get that person off the line, but it doesn't help the company. 2nd, most, not all, but most senior people don't want a junior person telling them what to do. Also by picking mainly by seniority, you have the possibility of by-passing more qualified members who could better fill the position of a skilled tradesmen. Now I'm sure they will be people who will tell me I'm full of sh*t, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That being said, I feel I have better qualified view than most seeing as I have been an instructor in an apprenticeship program on the outside and have had the opportunity to train apprentices since joining the UAW and I have been in the electrical field for roughly 23yrs. I will not compare the two apprentice programs and say one is better than the other. What I will say is, Ford had better change the way the apprentice program works now, or they will have bigger problems later.
  20. Could you please tell me where you get your facts on hourly wage for Toyota? Last time I checked, they were paying maintenance approx. $25 dollars an hour. Just curious, thanks.
  21. ROTFLMOA!!!!!!! Beautiful post!!!!
  22. And you should change your name to Dearbornjerkoff. You guys up there have serious entitlement issues. You know your safe, so you don't care. Blaming EVERYTHING on management is a copout. And few people want to be in YOUR presence! Have a nice day.
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