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Posts posted by littlecountry

  1. I vote NO because I want an end to the 7 day AWS schedule.Notice the exception to paying double-time on Sunday for all who work a 7 day AWS schedule?Written just for local 600 M&C DTP Body Paint and Final.YEEES bone em good,,,off with their heads---SOLIDARITY!

    Your card game finally ended, haven't seen you post on here or maybe you been working your days off that you complain about!

  2. How can we miss you if you don't leave.

    You sound like those celebrities that threatened to leave the country if "such-n-such" happens.

    Guess what. They're still here.

    Don't threaten to do something. Those are empty words. Do. Then we can judge you on your actions, not your words.

    The same applies to politicians.

    Read the topic , I said after the contract passes!

    How do you make it day to day?


    I'm flattered that you compared me to the Elite!

    Seeing as you can't read , I wonder how are you going to make an informed vote, maybe you can read you just can't comprehend, you should take advantage of the schooling Ford offers to help you with your issue!

    If you need any info , I will provide it for you

  3. What we asked for was NOT a path to wages, but EQUAL WORK FOR EQUAL PAY and that INCLUDS Bennies That hasn't happened and now its not just Woodhaven, its also Sterling and Rawsonville with a third even lower tier, PLUS the damned fools added virtually unlimited use of LTS. We wanted tiers ELIMINAATED not added.


    Those of you that think this is such a great contract, had best heed the future. If we don't getthe tiered people the same things we currently get as legacy, whats to stop them from voting in 4 years to screw us as will have screwed them. So many don't look at the future, but our contract IS our Future, and its damned important to all of us.

    They gonna vote to screw us anyway just because they feel they was wronged and they wasn't even employed by Ford at the time 2nd Tier was put in place

  4. This contract gave raises and 2nd Tier a path to full wages , Jimmy gave you what was asked for! You people are greedy for voting No!!


    Headlines will read" Greedy Ford workers think they are special and deserve every dime of Ford's Profit!!!"

  5. That's not nice! Why so cruel, I've not said anything negative towards you! Don't worry I don't hold any hard feelings towards you for your uncalled for actions!

    They are just upset that I will be leaving and will no longer be on this forum to provide them info!

    I understand why they are lashing out at me, it's because I am letting them down, but please people understand I must leave and I will forever be etched into your minds!

  6. Sounds like bullshit, always vote no to first contract... There is more on the table.I'll be voting no until they close Lima! I want another plant to work at with a real local union before I retire! I would hate to retire from local 1219, what a joke!

    Never wish for a plant to close!

    Please seek help after making that comment!

    Praying for you!

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