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Posts posted by ktpworker69

  1. Ill have this to say......FUCK NO

    now the 1st concessions helped Ford get concessions from the bond holders and dealers this time ill vote no.

    how is cutting the sub fund of what about $200 mills a year going to help Ford...it aint....

    Fuck that and Ford is going to make money in the 4th quarter this year anyway as there market share will reach 20%%%

    i'll have this to say....it dont matter people


    if ford wants to do it, they will....regardless of how we vote



    first page of the contract book says it all.................

  2. Toyota Camray,Honda Accord but not the Ford Edge,Ford Fusion or the Mercury Milan.

    i know this is going off topic, but......yes, the $$ those workers earn they spend in thier communities but bottom line its still a foreign company and regardless where the fusion and edge are built, ford is as american as apple pie

  3. I hope we never have to vote again on concessions BUT if we do....I'll vote "NO" just like last time and the time before that and the time before that and the time before that!!!!!!!! Pretty simple!



    i will vote no as well, but we are wasting our time cuz whatever ford wants they are gonna get regardless what we "vote" for or against

  4. While you obviously think that the union has no power in shaping their own contracts, where the hell do you get a $10/hr pay cut??? I think you've been banging your own head for too long. :hysterical:

    im just using that as an example.....you tell me, if ford said to the union....we are gonna have to cut everyones pay by $10 an hour....what would happen?



    we would be working for $18....thats what would happen :banghead::banghead::banghead:

  5. R U an uneducated fool?

    McCain would have put GM and Chrysler out of business and Ford would no longer be in business also they would have all been sold to Chinese and Indian companies.

    Obama will give them the $$ to get out of bankruptcy and he already is going to guarantee there warranties.. Im sure McCain would have done that :finger::finger::finger:

    what good does it do to bail out auto companies? if people dont have a job, they arent buying new cars anyways :banghead:


    how about giving each tax paying, working american $35,000....now that will get the economy moving again

  6. When we have people in elected positions scheduled to retire, why is there talk of bypassing the elections to replace them?? We have a system in place for a reason, and there MUST be an election to fill the positions. Period. Since it falls on the executive board to enforce the constitution and bylaws I would expect that they do their job and make sure it happens.

    the UAW is just like ford....they do what they want, when they want and no one can do shit about it

  7. http://www.freep.com/article/20090504/BUSINESS01/90504087


    I am sure Ford would like more concessions but I really think I am good where I am at.


    I find it hard to believe that Gettelfinger made this statement.



    Gettelfinger noted that the UAW was not obligated to strike a modified labor agreement with Ford since it is the only domestic automaker to forgo federal funding.



    “It’s worked out very well for the company,” Gettelfinger said.


    I understand the need for Ford to be profitable but was it the labor agreements that put Ford in such bad shape? Last time I checked Ford spent well over $30 billion between 1995 and 2005 outside of the US and the lions share of that $30 billion was profits from its US factories. As I type Ford is spending over $3 billion in Mexico to build the Fiesta and spent big money retooling the Fusion plant in Mexico. I dont think Ford has made $3 billion profit in Mexico in the 100 years that they have been selling cars in Mexico.


    I think Gettelfinger should get a grip and demand that the Fiesta and Fusion should be built in the USA.

    you must be off your rocker. the IUAW can "demand" all they want, but if it comes to it ford WILL do what they want, WHEN they want, and NO ONE can do a fucking thing about it. whats gonna happen when ford says they are gonna cut pay by $10 an hour? we will be working for $18 an hour or we will go find another job....thats what will happen.... :banghead:

  8. About two years ago at my locals Christmas meeting, some woman who worked at Solidarity House came and spoke and she started saying how she saw too many Fusions and Milans in the parking lot and shame on anybody who buys a car built in Mexico with non union labor even if it's a Ford. One of the membership jumped up and told her not to say that stuff because some of the components in those cars were built in the U.S. in UAW shops and that would jeopardize their jobs. And that's why sometimes this union talks out of both sides of their mouths. Don't buy a car from the company you work for because it's built out of the country and non union but, check out their little list of cars they approve of and there's Toyotas and Mitsubishis, Japanese cars. I don't know about anyone else but, I'm going to buy the Ford built in Mexico where the profit goes to Dearborn before I buy a union built Jap junk and see that profit go to Tokyo.

    AMEN BROTHER! :happy feet:

  9. If the UAW brought the contract to the table the membership will pass it! Because most of the idiots that complain will not even show up to cast a vote.

    it doesnt matter what we vote.....the UAW will pass it anyways. we could vote on cutting our pay to $10 an hour and it would pass 51%-49%.............................................crooked bastards.


    they are a big part of the automakers woes

  10. well i should try sucking my dick, because i have never had trouble, but then again i usually dont have troubles.

    then you must be in the "good ol' boys click" cuz we cant get a fucking committeman 9 out of 10 times, much less a big shot in the uaw

  11. Your ignorant! It's obvious that your not here to debate the usefulness of the u.a.w., but rather to bash it without being a big enough person to admit when you are wrong.

    If you came on here and raised your complaints while stating that you were leaving for a non- union job or going to management, i could respect that. I would still think you were wrong, but i could respect your decision and wish you good luck. But instead, you bitch and moan about the u.a.w. but refuse to get involved. You gladly accept what the u.a.w. has gotten you while refusing to acknowledge any of it.

    About grievances... Yes, as a committeeman, i do have the authority to decide if a grievance has merit or not. If you come in to work late on a constant basis and get written up, and then ask for a grievance, your not getting one. If you leave work before the end of your shift and get docked, you not getting a grievance. If you have a legitimate complaint, i would write the grievance. If your committeeman isn't doing that, there are ways to handle that. Having 16 years seniority, i shouldn't have to explain the process.

    ok brother.....i am not refusing to acknowledge any of it. i know the history of the uaw, i know what they went thru to get us the things we have now. the uaw was a great thing in the day, but the days of a great union are long gone.


    and...no, you dont have to explain the process to me

  12. But you will gladly accept what the u.a.w. offers you wont you. What, your not a big enough person to admit that the job you do is most likely easier than it once was due to the u.a.w. fighting to make these jobs more ergonomically correct? How was that Christmas bonus the u.a.w. fought for work out for ya this year? Considering you have at least 16 years seniority, did you enjoy your 120 hrs. of vacation that the u.a.w. has gotten you? Oh wait a minute, I'm sure the company would have given you that much vacation anyway seeing as how they care about you so much more than your union does. How about the signing bonus you received last contract? what did you use that for? Not to mention the profit sharing checks you have received. Did the company give you that because they really really like you? I could go on and on, but it would be a waste of time with you. You already have your mind made up, in your opinion the u.a.w. is worthless because you haven't had a grievance paid off in your 16 years of service. Maybe, Just maybe they didn't have merit. But if they did and IF your committeeman messed up, do something about it. Step up to the plate and run for the position or convince someone you trust to run. Wait, strike that last sentence.....it's so much easier to sit back and MF people than to actually do something about it.

    Seeing as how you think the u.a.w. is worthless, if there ever comes a time that you are accused of breaking a company rule, all you need to do is check that little box that states you waive your rights to union representation brother. Your a hypocrite... the only problem is your not man enough to admit it.

    first off pal....the UAW dont offer me shit.


    do you honestly think that all the profit sharing, benefits, xmas bonuses and everything come from the UAW?.....NOT! there are salary workers that recieve bonuses, benefits, ect. and they arent being robbed of $60 a month.


    yes....i did enjoy my 120 hrs of vacation. i spent some of it playing golf with a family member that is salary and he was on "his" vacation time too. the UAW didnt give him his vacation time did they?


    who decides wether a grievance has merit? a committeman? its more like, if they feel like writing one. besides, who gets the grievance....the company, the people that supposedly did you wrong in the first place. do you really think the company just fucks people then makes it right? NOPE


    i dont wanna step up to the plate and run for comedian. i want NOTHING to do with this fucking scandal of a business. by the way....i do represent myself and HAVE gotten more things taken care of without these scumbags..........if that makes me a hypocrite....SO BE IT, so fuck you and the Useless And Worthless

  13. Another "perception of the past" by Pioneer. The Union used to have conventions in Vegas and other major cities just like any other organization. Vegas is union. We always had conventions where:


    1. They had enough rooms and meeting rooms for the amount of delegates on the dates required.

    2. It had to be a union hotel

    3. We got a good rate

    4. To lower costs even more the meetings at Ford were followed or preceded by GM and Chrysler meetings.

    5. There is legal prostitution there.


    You can imagine that with that kind of volume you can negotiate...a great deal at hotels capable of such volume.


    Vegas was great because the rooms were dirt cheap.....the food was great and cheap.....airfare was always a good deal (package) and they could handle large convention(s) no problem.


    We also used to move around to other cities that could comply with the same criteria above....Chicago, Cleveland...etc.


    However....just like everything else...with shrinking membership and funds...all of the conventions/meetings etc. for the last several years have been in Detroit...........this saves money and brings money into the Motor City and the union hotels...nearly everyone drives in because flying is sky high (joke).


    The Union directed their proceeds to other union hotels in brotherhood, as we like to do when we support/buy American or union made products............I think that is the right thing to do, and I expect that from my union.


    I guess Pioneer would be happier if we all bunked together in a non-union Motel 6 in Alabama and had our meetings in the parking lot......I am sure Mr. Ungrateful would sleep better knowing we suffered somehow while he collects his two paychecks a week.....


    that "vegas is union" excuse is bullshit. just how much do you think it costs to get all these ass clowns to vegas? what is it they do in vegas that they cant do in indy or detroit? prostitution maybe? why do they ALL need to stay in hotels? whats wrong with holding these conventions in the mid-west where the majority of people can go home every night? the blue collar worker has given and given, the company has even given as well....its about time that this fucking UAW start giving too.

  14. What i was saying is this.... Just listening to this persons posts, it obvious he hates the u.a.w. If that's the case, why don't he stand up for what he believes in? Be a man and quit. Go to a non-union shop and work. I find it hypocritical for someone to bitch and moan about the u.a.w. but gladly accept all the benefits that come from being a member.

    As far as him being fired, i am a committeeman and i have seen people that break the rules and abuse the system. As a committeeman, it is NOT my job to get people out of trouble. My job is to make sure these peoples rights are not violated. Having said that, i will fight tooth and nail to help everybody once. Everyone makes mistakes. If someone i represent screws up, i ask the company to let me talk to that person first and explain where they went wrong. I also tell the company that if after i have talked to this person, they continue to break the rules, then do what they have to do.

    No matter what line of work you are in you will always find people who want to break the rules, abuse the system, not pull their weight, etc. Where i believe some elected officials go wrong is constantly bailing these people out and becoming their "crutch" all in the name of getting their vote next term. I don't play that. If that means i will be a one term committeeman, so be it. At least i can look in the mirror when it's all said and done and know i didn't go against all i believe in just for the sake of a vote.

    This guy sounds just like the type of person i have described. He sounds as if he breaks the rules on a constant basis and when his committeeman can't get if off the hook scott free, he bad mouths him and the entire union.

    If that's not the case, he shouldn't be so freaking stupid as to get on this site and bad mouth the u.a.w. considering the bullshit we are up against right now. We have more than enough misinformed people out there willing to bad mouth the U.A.W..

    Lastly, let me ask you a question. If you owned a home that you paid 2 million for and you were still able to make the payments for, would you sell it today for 1.1 million? Why not wait until the market comes back before you try to sell instead of taking such a huge loss if you are managing to still make the payments? if i'm not mistaken, the U.A.W. has looked into selling this. The problem is the location. It's in the middle of nowhere and there aren't enough people in the surrounding areas that can afford to play on a consistant basis. Who is gonna buy it?

    well, ive been a UAW member for 16 years and i can truthfully say that the UAW is worthless. i think they mean good, but they cant do good. we work for ford motor company....bottom line. they are gonna do what they want, when they want and no one can do a fucking thing about it. i have NEVER been paid a grievance in 16 years of service. committemen are glorified secretaries, nothing more, but much less.

  15. They should sell, and put the money aside in the event that members need it.

    since when you think the UAW gives a fuck about thier people? had a friend that was going thru some crazy shit about cutting a job out and getting put on medical, unicare denied him, workers comp gave some bullshit excuse and he went for 14 weeks without pay....drained ALL his savings, is a single parent and was about to have his car repo'd and his electric cut off. ford kept telling him that someone was supposed to pay him but they didnt kno who. do you think the UAW offered the person a little money to hold him over......NOPE. so, his power got cut off, and he got behind on his house payment....ford or unicare still owes about 6 grand to be even

  16. 4 - 10's would require me to hire a babysitter for 9 months of the year so while it may save Ford $, it would cost me a fortune. Plus, it would take me 3 times as long to get home in rush hour traffic.

    i feel ya on the babysitting, but why 9 months a year?.....and im pretty sure ford dont give a fuck about how long it takes us to get home. i go from indiana to KTP at 5pm and its a mess

  17. So we won't be recieving any pay for any other days besides the 24th, 25th, and the 26th? I thought we were suppose to get paid for Christmas shutdown?

    i see your low seniority but cmon dude. have you ever had a xmas break that you didnt get paid for every day that you are off work. the only difference this year is you were off work b4 the actual "holiday break" started.



    ps. yes....you will be paid holiday pay starting dec.24th thru jan. 2nd

  18. So we won't be recieving any pay for any other days besides the 24th, 25th, and the 26th? I thought we were suppose to get paid for Christmas shutdown?

    i see your low seniority but cmon dude. have you ever had a xmas break that you didnt get paid for every day that you are off work. the only difference this year is you were off work b4 the actual "holiday break" started.



    ps. yes....you will be paid holiday pay starting dec.24th thru jan. 2nd

  19. Ahhhh, my heart bleeds for them, honest it does(n't). Went to buy some groceries this afternoon. When I got back to my car, someone with a new Camry, sticker still in the window, parked next to me. It took all of my strength to just load my groceries in my ride, get in and drive away. I really, really was thinking about keying it.

    i got one for ya.....seen a brand new KIA with temporary tags and an old man driving it with a bumper sticker that said "proud korean war veteran" :banghead: .....i proceeded to follow the man for 25 minutes until he parked and got out, at which point i asked him how he could go fight these koreans and now hes buying cars that thier kids make......needless to say, he was stumped and said he hadnt really thought about it like that. well..........HERES YOUR SIGN

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