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hi-lo feva2

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Posts posted by hi-lo feva2

  1. Tranfer options. The ability to sign up for an available opening at other Ford locations outside of zone. No transfer money included and get in-plant seniority date upon arrival. Example: I live in Missouri and a hardship requires me to be in Michigan. I could sign a “available transfer opening’. If and when a spot opens, I receive a start date and new seniority date in that facility. That’s all.

  2. I could not agree more!!! I can only hope the 130k buyout plus pension is true for me LOl . Still the 25 year full pension plus 30k is still a great deal. I would have taken that when I had 25. Hope all the good rumors are true for all who would benefit.

    Have 94, I’d take it. To good to be true
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  3. Got slammed by tier 2 for voting yes. Yep. 3-4 yr guy. I'm at 23 yrs. No moving allowance to go back to his plant, "like everybody else got", and full pay in four years. Misinformed is an understatement. "You guys screwed us once, we're standing up". I have never wished for my retirement to come so soon.

  4. First of all Obama's Mother doesn't have anything to do where he was born, the grandmother is caught on audio tape saying he was born in Kenya. His mother went back to Kenya to be with her husband and that's where they had the baby. A certificate of live birth also is not a birth certificate. Anyone that has ever had to get a copy of a birth certificate because they lost it, knows this fact. I also looked at my own original birth certificate, and it has 3 signatures on it, and the hospital information with a serial number.


    Obama won't show it because (again), it won't say born in USA on it.


    I'm sure Trump is investigating in Kenya this issue, he has the money to send people down there to find out. The media can only talk about it. but you bet your ass someone with money like Trump is going to investigate it. Why would he put his credibility on the line when he's a high power business person in NY, he just wouldn't.


    Trump is currently up more in the poles. He's up also in the Straw poles as well.


    I voted for Obama and we all got screwed. Yes we all wanted him to do a good job but people and the office Jaded him. And your right I think most of the media wants him to do well, but it's the House and senate people that are fighting him.

    The next time you get a chance, go register as a tea party republican. Seriously. You speak right from Faux news and radical right wing conspiracy blogs. This trump is a side show. He's will say and do anything and you are falling for it. Like I said, Obama will kill him in a presidential election. He cant debate with the Pres. I cut and paste some of an article from thinkprogress.org. Check it out and quit typing and sounding so ignorant. Then give me your exact source of info.




    On several occasions, Trump has implied that Obama’s grandparents essentially lied about his citizenship “for social reasons.” The other “smart people” who agree with him include conservative blogger Tom Maguire who claims the birth announcement was planted to win a potential custody battle involving “a black Kenyan baby sought by the black Kenyan father and his African family.”


    Yet, as Crowley pointed out, the birth information printed in the Honolulu Advertiser always came directly from the state health department (via the local hospital), not Obama’s grandparents or relatives. It’s also worth noting that since Obama’s mother was a U.S. citizen, he was automatically conferred citizenship and all of its “assets” no matter where he was born, thus making him eligible anyway for the benefits Trump claims his family committed fraud to obtain. Unless his grandparents somehow knew that baby Obama would one day want to run for president, there wouldn’t really be a reason for his family to fabricate a convoluted lie regarding his birthplace.


    White House senior adviser David Plouffe dismissed Donald Trump’s birther beliefs today, noting that “there may be a small part of the country that believes these things, but mainstream Americans think it’s a side show.” In fact, more than half of GOP primary voters believe Obama was not born in the U.S., compared to 11 percent of the general public.

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  5. Frickn birther bitches. What a joke. The man has proven he's eligble to be president. His mother is American so it really doesn't matter where he was born technically. You idiots think they would let a black man on the ballot if he wasn't legit. Pleeease. Fuck Trump, he bankrupt two casinos. Everthing he says is, "I hear", "I hear", but he don't know jack. Find something to hang on to but the fact remains, your president is black. Get over it, accept it. Bring him on in 2012 and watch the Pres. beat his ass down. McCain wasn't born in the U.S.. Look it up. Matter of fact, can I see the live birth of Bush. Go have some tea idiots. The president isn't perfect but he's in charge and doing a good job considering he's working with a bunch of "just say no to everything he tries legislators". Their goal is to destroy the man but he keep moving forward and I know in the back of his mind he's saying "fuck them, this is about America". Four more years, Four more years, Four more years. Birthers, fuck you all, give me some substance.

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  6. WOW People that work at DTP must be the only Ford employees that work hard everyday

    Is it easy in any Ford Plant STFU Fucking Crybabies :hysterical:

    Crybabies? Really? Someone from kcap calling us crybabies. Don't be mad. It's was in the best interest of the company to take over certain models. Ouch! Sometimes I hit too hard. Straight up, no ice, no chaser. Just how I roll. Keep it straight.

  7. Pretty easy to say when your sitting on a hi-lo every day not doing any real work according to your username.


    Yes you work 10.7 hrs per day and even most days you don't work that long, but the work in there does not fit the pay for sure.


    I guarantee you load door for 2 days and you're ass will be dragging for the rest of the days + the days you have off.


    Oh Wait! summer time.. They have no fans? and you also work on wood floors or concrete. I forgot about that one.


    Also YOU TALK ABOUT BID??? what bids?? there are no bids for Body shop, and they have this rule that if your in body shop you can't bid on any jobs in another plant like truck, or stamping or engine. They have it so you get fucked and that you certainly do stay in there.


    I don't care how much you get per hour, this place sucks. Take the buy out go back to school I say, get the funk out.


    If your going to DTP this week guys please send me an email so I can talk to you!.

    Just wondering if you take pictures and hand out badges. I can only wish I drove a forklift at this time. They don't have fans but the facility is a climate controled facility. I'm not saying it's AC but I got there last June and it was hot but nothing, I mean nothing like St. Louis or even AAI with fans. Experiment: go outside in 90 degree weather this summer and go back inside dtp, you will feel the difference. It's (dtp) just not that bad. Yes you do work on wood or concrete but what would you prefer? Really? Seriously? I'm almost afraid to ask that. It's still thirty an hour and it's no picnic (parts plant). Buyout, your joking right? I hope your able to get out, I really am, because I bet there are people who'd give there front teeth for thirty, better yet, temps. in there right now, willing to take your spot. So good luck with that buyout and school. Like I said, if your coming from assembly, nothing will surprise you about the work at dtp. Just keep in mind how to perform a job at a comfortable pace and if your running, it's your own fault. I'm done with this topic and moving on. DTP works for me and to some it doesn't, but it boils down to how you approach it. Just be positive. Straight, no chaser.

  8. You get paid to do what your suppoose to do at DTP and that is WORK!!!!!!

    That is exactly right! It's a place where they expect you to work, god forbid. Your going to work 10.7 hrs period. Compared to Saline it will be hell for ya. But those straight from assembly should be fine. You will be put on a job and that will be your job unitil you get a bid or retire. If you have less than 16-17 years, don't expect to get a good bid. I'm personally glad dtp has the reputation it does because it keeps the super high seniority away due to real WORK. That's my take on it. I happen to like dtp because it's the most job secure place I have worked in the ford system, which is the most important thing to really consider rather than, "is really as bad as they say", or "I have to actually work" or "I hear the jobs suck" or "I hear you have to walk up steps, down a mezzanine, down more steps just to get to my job." Suck it people, after all, it's 30 an hour. Frickn pansy asses.

    • Like 2
  9. AAI should already be on tag relieve considering one shift was implimented on july 12. It takes 4-6 weeks to train for tag relief. With that being said, what is the delay? The writing was on the the wall because they kept way to many people for one shift. Even with tag, there is probably an excess of 200 heads. A new product would iron out the manpower issues. The union made a point of saving jobs initially but looks like they just slowed the bleeding down. AAI is at a fork in the road and only it's navigation system (Glass House) knows the direction and it's even confused. Give AAI direction!

  10. Once again all speculation. You throw the Heritage foundtaion name around like it means something. Thier nothing more than a right wing group pushing the republicants agenda. You will never break away from oil consumption if you dont start womewhere.

    The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank organization that pushes right wing extremism. They take this groups info as gospel? Let the crazies be crazy die. They copy and paste from these sites and then claim, "it must be true, our conservative gods (beck, boner, shelby, reagan etc.) say so". SMDH!

  11. Die, I own both my cars outright, each is worth about $12,000. I manage my finances just fine thank you, I only owe on my mortgage. When doubling your mileage to work, gas prices would always be a bigger part of the budget, I was talking about the percentage of gas used vs. a 40 hour week. Right now it's not an issue, when it $4 a gallon (under Bush) it was an issue for most people. (if it's $7 a gallon it's everyone's issue) Your last statement has no forethought at all. Obama is pushing cap and trade at all costs, which will in his own words "(energy prices will) necessarily skyrocket".....yes gas....heating oil...natural gas...and electricity will all go through the roof. Obama does depend on a big oil company...Petrobras. You should look that up Die, but since I know you don't believe anything but liberal media, I'll give you a hint, look up what company George Soros has put 900 million into (could it be the national oil company of Brazil?) George told Obama to stop all deep water drilling for 6 months in the Gulf, which would cause all 33 rigs to be unused. They are all leased, and would therefore go back on the market to whoever needed them...and guess who needed them like yesterday....George Soros and Petrobras...who just got a 2 billion dollar loan for deep water drilling from our govt. (to drill up to 14,000 feet deep...almost triple the BP depth) You say you own your own business, which includes using math....DO the math on what's going on with Obama & Soros. Look into the Center for American Progress, which Soros runs, and how it gets Obama to follow whatever directions they give him. Finally, are you a fuck*ng idiot?...why would I buy a smart car? I work for Ford, (I own 2 Fords), I would buy a Fiesta or a hybrid Fusion if I was really concerned about mileage. Since no one believes you still work for Ford, I guess that's why you would be pushing smart cars instead of Ford. You are a traitor and as always an ID

    Hey def stick to the topic of work because your much better at that. This little rant you just spewed is a page right out of the repub. playbook. Looks like a copy and paste. "In his own words", wow, really? Read the whole statement, if it exist. "Liberal media", blah, blah. What news do you read? Apparently you don't read news that reported that POTUS put a stop to all drilling for six months but was overturned by a judge that is an big investor in energy. Too bad you didn't put that in there, which is quite relevant. "I know you don't believe anything but liberal media", but the Center for American Progress is as liberal as it gets. I have the site bookmarked and read it daily. Call me liberal. There is a gang of info. on cap and trade and I think you just grossly misrepresented Obama's position. The purpose of cap and trade is not to "skyrocket" energy prices and I just have to call you out on that. It's easy place conspiracy and blame on the Pres. but he's still the smartest guy in the room, in my opinion, and overall on the peoples side.

  12. Taurus 10, our local at AAI told us Chicago would let our members sign up in July, and we would be put on hold until training for the new shift is needed. This was the same for Michigan Assembly. Ford wants everyone signed up or taking the buyout ASAP after we lose our shift. As soon as everyone's working and then the ILO's (who didn't take the buyout) run out of their weeks, Ford can hire in new $14 an hour workers. Does the new Explorer ship in Nov? , if so, at least 2 months before that they'll be rolling off the line, and the pre-production models will start even earlier. So it might be a 2 month layoff once people sign to go to Chicago. We're supposed to pick the plant we want on a Friday in July, and become a member of the new plant on Monday. This is the scenario no matter what plants have openings.MAP has 550 openings with 410 possible RTBU's. So that's at least 140 jobs open for the high seniority members. Maybe a small amount will stay where they are, and the 140# will jump up to 200 or so. Either way MAP will be snapped up quick, as well as other MI plants who will have small openings. Taurus, do you know the exact # they need to run the new shift, and how many openings will be left after some of the workers follow their product from Louisville? All this info is very important in making life choices. I'm hoping for MAP or other MI plants...hell my plant might still be open, but I'd be the lowest seniority to stay, and it woudn't be safe. Chicago would be the last option for most people, myself included. If i turn down the last plant (chicago), and they fill all the spots with the next 700 people, what happens? There's lots of possibilities floating around. I do not want to go to Chicago, but I've been to Crowne Point, IN...The Lake of the Four Seasons..real nice community. There are some decent housing prices to rent out there plus home buying possibilities, and you're not far from the Calumet City Ford Plant in ILL. I'm trying to do my homework on the area, even though with my seniority May '97, I should have some Michigan offers still available to me. Any info you've got on the Chicago plant , Taurus, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Deflep1 aka Rockingrob!

    So is 94 on the bubble or 97. Just trying to figure what sen. you state is on the bubble or how you would be the lowest to stay because you started in 94 . Thanks.

  13. I am temp. prod. at AAI and it seems there is a lot of concern at the plant.about where people will end up. I think all of us temps, have the first right to any posting because we are on ILO, I seem to remember a hierarchy of who gets placed first and I believe those on ILO go first. If no openings come up before AAI members go out on ILO then they will hop in line then.


    I know this whole temp situation was created to keep people working and I would never want a fellow union member to go through what I have but, those at AAI had a chance to stop this a long time ago. Now they face the real possibility of being the ones who ride out their sub and tap, maybe then they will be offered a temp spot somewhere and feel what is like to have 95' seniority (the current cutoff) and zero plant seniority, stuck in trim on some bad shift in a crummy unit.


    Like said earlier I would not wish that on my brother and sisters but lets show some foresight and stop this cycle now.

    WTF are you talking about. AAI had a chance to stop what? It's not AAI fault your in whatever situation your in. You don't want to wish nothing bad upon your fellow bro's/sis's but you still say "maybe then they will be offered a temp spot somewhere and feel what is like to have 95' seniority (the current cutoff) and zero plant seniority, stuck in trim on some bad shift in a crummy unit". You could have gone somewhere else pal. I am in trim by the way, with more seniority than you, on a crappy job and night shift, soooo now what? Suck it up. You don't have my sympathy. Your working okay.

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