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Milan Chick

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Posts posted by Milan Chick

  1. ISA Has way better jobs and you get paid more. They are probably going to have 3 shifts soon and that will open alot of jobs up. MAP is a nightmare!



    I have a few questions about MAP. Hopefully someone can answer.


    1. Is it a 4 day operation? What are the shift hours?

    2. Can you have radios or IPODs there?

    3. Do you have to schedule your vacation/personal days? Or can you call them in.

  2. As of last Friday there was a memo sent to the supervisors over at the truck plant letting them know that 70 people are going to Rawsonville to work the new battery line after shutdown. They will be transferred out of assembly and back making parts because of some deal someone made in the back room somewhere. Some of the Saline people were also complaining that they didn't want to go to Rouge, so they also are sending those to Rawsonville.


    Is this fair for the people at DTP body, stamping, trim that have more seniority then those truck plant individuals?




    When are these people supposed to be leaving to go back to Rawsonville?

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  3. From what i was told by labor relations, they will be forcing the people out of gen by senority. Ford has to empty it before they can close it officially. Then when the loan process to saline is finished, those employee's report back to their home plants for jobs-availible. The people who replaced them will be put into ILO, or offered opportunities in other plants, "If their's any place to go at the end of this cluster F#$k!!!


    I wonder how many people were in JSP then. Was it the same amount of people who went to Saline? If it's relatively close, that would make more sense to me.

  4. I don't believe you will have a chance to back-fill the openings you are talking about, unless you were in jsp or will soon be on ILO. I hope this helps, this is what was told to us at the time of the postings.


    So your saying, they are not going to replace the people that left?

  5. Yeah, it just doesn't make sense to me at all. I couldn't understand why they would want to keep moving people around unnecessarily. I mean, why would I flowback now? It would only be replacing the new Saline people. Just to be kicked out when they return by someone with less seniority.....possibly. They told us at Milan if we leave, we aren't coming back pretty much. I just have a hard time believing that they are holding everyone's job at all the Ford plants for the new Saline plant workers. Something seems fishy to me.....

  6. the people going to saline are not transferring they are on loan and when there home plant wants them back they must go, you should have signed up for saline it is a great place to work.


    So, then what happens to me if I am at DTP replacing the person who went to Saline? (this is all hypothetical by the way, I am not leaving Milan unless I see something great come up or they boot me out) I am just curious to know how all this works.


    I am glad Saline is a breath of fresh air for many of you who have went. I am even happier to hear that the people have been welcoming and friendly. This whole process of transferring and closing plants has been so stressful on everyone. It's no fun to walk into a place with shitty jobs and shitty people to go along with it. I am glad I didn't transfer to Saline though and I will tell you why. Being at Milan, I feel is no different than being at Saline. Both are great places to work. So for me to leave a good job for another good job (Both not technically FORD plants either) doesn't make sense to me. I had the seniority to go, however, I just would of shot someone else's chance to get out of a shitty job and into a great plant. Though I can't help to wonder what someone is thinking, who has worked in the assembly plants the whole time and just transferring to Saline......what do they think? I am also happy for these people who will get a taste of the "good life" for a change. LOL!

  7. I am hoping one of you can explain this to me. Because I certainly don't understand it. They opened up these Saline jobs for the Ford workers. So many workers from Dearborn, AAI....whatever are transferring to Saline....for a year and 1/2 or so. So with all the people who left Dearborn, etc. they will have to replace their jobs. So I am assuming I will see jobs opening up at these plants and will be able to bid on them (I am at Milan obviously). So lets say I get to to to DTP. I work there until they let go of the Saline plant Ford people. Now, what happens to me? Would I stay at DTP? or would I be kicked out by possibly a lower seniority person? Don't they lose their seniority also by transferring to Saline? I just don't understand how that would work and I don't understand why they would want to keep moving people around all the time.

  8. He really did care about his people. He wasn't in that position to make easy money. Even with everything going on.....flowbacks, transfers, buyouts, sales....etc. Steve seemed to put us at ease for the most part. Everyone knew that Steve was doing everything he could to protect all of the people at Milan. Whether they had 30 years or 30 minutes in the plant. In my opinion, probably led him to an early death. I am just totally sick over it. I am sure there are many still at Milan that don't even know and are going to be shocked to find out the bad news when they return to work Monday. I can't even imagine what work will be like Monday......he was loved by everyone.


    Yes, he was a big U of M fan. I guess he used to go to these games with his son every year. UGH. I am just so saddened.

  9. The whole milan plant is deeply saddened by this sudden tragic news. Steve Stamper was an amazing Plant Chairman. He always protected his people and did whatever he could for them. He fought his ass off for us. He was a very nice man with a kind heart. He was very young as well. I honestly don't know what is going to happen to our plant without him. Please pray for his family and our plant.

  10. Is this true I hear Milan Ach plant is hiring off the street, but under the new Company Flex-N-Gates Contract?

    In other words the new employees will be employed and Paid by Flex-N-Gate?


    Curently the plant operates under Visteon, Automotive Components Holdings and Ford.


    But with the new employees getting hired they will not be under this umbrella?

    Is this true ? and if not please explain.?


    Right now, Flex N Gate is not hiring anyone. Neither is Ford, Visteon or ACH....whatever you call us. We have to exhaust all of our people first before hiring off the street. Meaning, we have took some Monroe people and Ypsilanti people (who aren't Ford) and brought them to ACH. Also we have packages here that allow us to take a buyout and work for Flex N Gate and give up our rights to anything Ford. Unless you retire, then you can get your pension and work for Flex N Gate. So with all this, I think we are a ways away from doing any hiring of any sort. Unless they can place a bunch of us Ford people into Ford plants. But that doesn't look like anytime soon either with everyone else getting laid off, plants closing and being put in the JSP.


    But IF they hired anyone right now, it would be under ACH since Flex N Gate still hasn't officially taken over the plant yet. If someone got hired, they would have ACH wages until Flex N Gate took over and it would go to Flex N Gate pay scale and rules whenever Flex N Gate takes over. I hope that helps.

  11. I just got word at my plant that they are doing indefinate layoffs at DTP with people who have 15 years and under. I know they are cutting the C shift, but this is the first I heard of this rumor......is it true? If not, what is going on over there?



    Oops....sorry got carried away with my title. Meant Indefinate layoffs at DTP.......Not Indefinately

  12. When questioned about the amount of new people coming in and adding a 3rd shift to production, our union has stated that no third shift will be added for production. Only for body shop. But we will be losing our TFTs in August and that is about 126 people.


    I had no idea you guys have TFT's over there! I will keep my comments to myself on that one. When are they talking about putting the extra shift on in body shop? How many people do you think it will take to fill up a shift in body shop?

  13. I don't mean to be spreading rumors, but I heard one today and wondered if anyone had heard anything about this. I heard that Milan ACH had reached an agreement with the new buyers and that the Ford people still working there would be able to remain there until the current Ford national contract expires and Ford subsidizing their pay until the end of the contract. Any truth to this? Again, I am not trying to stir any pots, just asking a question about a rumor I heard. Thanks for any feedback.



    I am at the Milan plant and it's not true. We have 4 months after Flex N Gate takes over get out.....take the buyout....flowback, whatever. We then end up in GEN pool unless we bid on an upcoming plant opening. Which that in itself doesn't look promising either at the current time.

  14. May I suggest xanax for your anxiety. I've heard it works wonders.


    I heard Monday as well. Hey Frank, throw me a few Xanax my way too. Slowilly isn't the only one with anxiety! :hyper: Going crazy over here myself. Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, Ridilin.....whatever, I am not picky. Scared to go and scared to stay. I am a freakin mess. :banghead:

  15. You're right that there will be more openings........at DTP. I got insider info Thursday that approximately 20 people who transfered last year (to the truck plant) with the 1st flowback were given the option to go to Dearborn Engine. I believe approx. 15 said yes. So, that means 15 more openings at the truck plant, but 15 LESS at Dearborn Engine. Union officials called Dearborn to confirm that this was happening and said it was all "legit" because those people had put down DE as their preference last time. Does that mean if I don't get my 1st choice this time that when the openings arise I will be given that same opportunity?


    Wow! I have a hard time believing this is true. I will be interested to see come Monday. It would be nice if they would eventually move everyone up to their first choices. But I just can't see that happening. Now I heard that Wayne Assembly added more jobs so they had to redo the whole list.

  16. they have both! But if u bout 2 come over here now, more than likely u b on 4days 10hrs


    Thanks for the info! Had a debate with another co-worker about the hours at that plant. I guess we were both wrong. I thought it was a 4 day operation there and she said it was a 5 day. I won't be getting that plant, but she might be. What determines what hours you get? She would want to be on the 10 hour - 4 day a week thing. Is the hours by department?

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