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Posts posted by MonkeyButt

  1. I didn't read the full article, but that GM worker isn't the only one doing the 1000 mile commute. I do the same thing. I was in same boat when Ford announced closing of TCAP. I chose to go to DTP to continue working toward my 30 yrs. I work my 4 12hr days and then drive from DTP back to Wisconsin to see my wife and kids for my 4 off days. Some times the drive really sucks (during winter weather), but some times the drive can be a peaceful escape from the stress of the whole situation before getting home. Not an ideal situation, but it is what it is.

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  2. I am voting NO just on the basis of the strike clause, as far as that bonus goes doesnt it state if profit sharing is less than bonus then bonus will be paid and vice versa?


    The way I read it, "Its 'either/or' not both." We are already entitled to profit-sharing(until they decide to take that too) if there is any, but the bonus will only be paid if profit-sharing comes to less than $1000. If profit-sharing is $1000+ then the bonus they are dangling is nothing and there is no carrot for passing the new concessions. Not really much of an incentive is it?

  3. Cutting SUB pay, changing union work rules, such as the definition of so-called skilled-trades workers, and cutting absenteeism are part of an effort to get compensation competitive with the U.S. factories of Japanese automakers, such as Toyota Motor Corp., another requirement of the federal loans.


    What is the change in definition of skilled trades workers that they're talking about?

  4. Your right again ! I am sorry ! Guess i'm a little jealous that's all. I hope everyone is doing great especially manslapper ! As for you monkey-butt , you and that little hindew can suck my nuts. I am required to tell you that because ...... well i can!


    Its hard for a bitter ass-clown like yourself not to be jealous of someone who can see the silver lining while laid-off. I don't know if you're in DTP Body, but if you are you're welcome to come over to the door line and discuss it. :slap:

  5. What the fuck? I come on this site to read some good information about current news and events pertaining to my job!Not some candy ass writing a fucking back to school essay on, (What I did this summer) and crying over VA because your homesick!!. A honey-do list ? Best truck plant in north america? You must be out of your fucking mind.!!! As far as management goes with improving on people skills, Fuck them too!! It's on now ! I got a little something for the 1'st mother fucker that tries to shine on me ! When do i get my sub pay bitchman ?


    What the fuck? The thread is called "Golf in Michigan". It's pretty obvious that it won't contain anything about current news or events pertaining to your job. You aren't required to read every thread when you come on here. Use your head, asshat!

  6. Who said they came here from anywhere ? ya just never know there are actually Arab Americans that are even born in America . and just because they are born in America does not mean that they have to drop their heritage or family religious beliefs.

    Thats one of the greatest things about this country you can believe in God, Allah or whoever on up to a damn Alien passing by in a space ship but we are all (legal immigrants or born nationals ) allowed the right to freedom of religion. Obviously this factory has a majority of Arab Americans that prefer a negotiated holiday for one of their religious days off no harm in that.Should the majority of this country not be able to spend Christmas or Easter away from there families ? I would say no.


    Not saying as a non Arab person i would be happy to give up a traditional holiday but hell i didn't want to give up my pay raise in 05 ( first retiree VEBA) but the majority voted too so i didn't have much a choice this country is a democracy first and thats part of the process.


    I never said they came from anywhere. If you would read the post I was responding to, you would read the comment about "illegal immigrants and assimilation". That is what I agreed with. If anyone wants to come to the US, then by-all-means come. Just realize this new home has rules and traditions also. Fill out the necessary paperwork to become US citizens, follow our laws, and don't think that we have to change to accomidate you.

  7. Fuck Tyson,,,,,They hire illegal immigrants,,,I will buy another brand if possible,,,immigrants should be legal and assimilate,,,,Americans are soft,spoiled and spineless."You massacared Native Americans" and then went on to build the greatest country in the world.Ta-da-da-da-da-da-da,,,,,Ta-da-da-da-da-da-da,,,Ta-da-da,,,Ta-da-da,,Ta-da-da,,,Ta-da-da" C-H-A-R-G-E.Modern populartion control method;make the citizens hyper sensitive to guilt..We all have a bloody history.All of our ancestors fought wars.There was no Government 'Free stuff' Only the strong survived


    I was just posting an article stating that Tyson went back on taking away Labor Day, NOT defending them. Like you, I believe if you want to come to America so bad, then you should be willing to do it legally, be willing to assimilate, and not expect any F***ing handouts.

  8. Tyson gives in




    Tyson plant adds Muslim holiday, keeps Labor Day


    SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Union workers and officials at the Tyson Foods plant in Shelbyville, Tenn. have agreed to reinstate Labor Day as a paid holiday, but the plant will also observe a Muslim holiday this year.


    Tyson had previously agreed to drop Labor Day and substitute Eid al-Fitr as part of a new 5-year contract. The change was meant to accommodate Muslim workers at the plant.


    A news release on Friday from Tyson's corporate headquarters in Springdale, Ark., said the company requested reinstating Labor Day after some employees complained.


    For the remainder of the five-year contract, there will be eight paid holidays, including Labor Day and a personal holiday that can be used to observe Eid al-Fitr or another day the employee's supervisor approves.

  9. Are the skilled trades at DTP gonna be off the 2 scheduled down weeks? Heard they may be and will be forced to use vacation. Isn't it suppose to be lay-off/unemployment if the company had previously informed the union we were working? Don't know the exact in/outs of the situation.

  10. I came in on the 8th, but haven't received my check yet. Was told to go to payroll to sign for my stub, but when I got there, it couldn't be found. Was told there were a few that "slipped" through without being cut and to check back this week. Funny how they had a list of the ones that "slipped" through though.


    I had this same problem 1st time around, too. Something about a hold order (or whatever), but I have no alimony or childsupport to hold up the process. When I mentioned this, they went glassy-eyed and told me they didn't know what the holdup was then.


    Hopefully, they enjoy the interest they get from holding it longer, and it gets resolved soon.

  11. Pipefitter,

    What part of the truth that I spoke about hit the "button" that sent you into that rant? I speak the truth. It is obvious that some of you can't handle it.

    Since you are now the "hero" that told off Paris; explain to me why you think you are worth more than the previous group of people that were offered buyout packages. Who knows, you might be able to convince me and everyone may benefit from you. :shades:


    Have you considered that maybe its, "not that we're worth more than the previous group", but that they were undervalued and underappreciated when the 1st buyouts were offered?

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