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Posts posted by Rabbit

  1. :stop:

    Our local 892 commitee stated that they are coming from Joint Programs. And no matter what color you are, You get one. happy feet.gif :shades:



    I heard Saline's coats are going to be different. Dark Blue coats with one sleeve light blue and other is orange.:rant:

    • Like 2
  2. Hubbard was, is, and will always be the man. You sillies lost him to Saline so he can restore himself so that when He comes back, move over mama. Or he's just out to make a buck like the rest of us at Saline.


    By the way, haven't seen you lately Craig. What Up?



    So Hubbard got voted out or stepped down? If he is "The Man" why is not in office? He left for the money? Saline is full of AAI great, fromer, ex, union officals that are no longer in office. :confused:

  3. Have any of you ever seen how they touch up the skins at Saline on the lines when they put the doors together??


    I have....


    They use a can of spray paint from home depot and these idiots just over spray the door. Don't believe me, just ask the idiots on the Taurus line how they do it. lol it's funny to watch.


    2nd, it's not only the paint spray machine that screws up the skins, the molding department has a lot of scrap when they change over colors. Did you know that when they change over colors going from Black to tan, or grey, they have to run about 15 parts (that they scrap) in order to make sure the colors are not bleeding into the part from the last change over? lol that's also funny to watch!.


    No these people really don't work a full day, this is why it's a country club!. There is more waiting around then actual work.


    As for the company as a whole not making the vehicles, the less they can make a day the more the actual demand is for them. Ford is reporting that they already made 2 billion in profit for the months of DEC-FEB already, and this means for the first quarter they will report about a 4 billion in sales profit. The company just writes off the losses and they also write off the overtime as well. So really the company is not hurting here, if anything they are keeping the demand high on it's most sought after vehicle line, which is a good thing.


    GM is also reporting profits again as of today, ask yourself why Ford stock is 1/3 lower then GM stock, and GM took bailout money that they haven't fully paid back yet? You would think Ford would have more market share but it doesn't and it never will for some reason or another. I think someone on Wall Street is manipulating Ford stock. Maybe Ford could be doing it. The question is why would they want to keep it low? so they don't have to pay dividends on their earning maybe? hmmm..


    I wish someone could explain why Ford continues to have such a low market share compared to the failing companies.

    You sure have alot of knowledge or incorrect information about Saline. When did Saline get transfers from Sandusky Chucky?

    • Like 2
  4. Those ACH temporary members will be afforded the opportunity to run for Executive Board Jobs only. Those members temporarily loaned into the plant will only be able to vote and run in their base locations or locations that they were loaned from!


    Damn! If this is true what is going to happen to Team Flat Rock at Saline? Did Chuck Browning agree to this?happy%20feet.gif:hysterical:

    • Like 1
  5. I heard a rumor that Kanitz is going to get the lawnmower races moved from Onsted to the 892 picnic this year...that should be a hoot...get your corncob pipes ready y'all...yeeeeeeehawwww



    You sure got a purty mouth! :hysterical:

  6. Same old Kanitz. I call with a problem. I'll take care of it he sezz. I'll tell so and so to e-mail so and so and take care of it. Two days later I call so and so and ask did Kanitz talk to you about my problem. Anwser, NOPE, NEVER HEARD A THING.***SAME OLD KANITZ NO HELP, NO NOTHING. BUT A HELL OF A CAMPAINER.*** HEY,WILD, NOW YOU CAN GET THE REST OF YOUR FAMILY A JOB! :happy feet:



    Yeah maybe he can bring back the "pinic" you tool. He doesn't hold the chairman position until June 1. :hysterical:

  7. Rabbit please don't stoop to the level of Wildo. Whether or not the folks on this Rag support Tom or Pete is irrelevant. The message I was trying to send was unless you have all of the facts you should keep your mouth shut. This is an election year so let the candidates run their race and keep all of the slander out of it. Everyone has the right to vote for whomever they wish so let them make the choice. If you do not like Tom or Pete for whatever reason don't cloud the issue with your personal feelings. For some reason Wildo seems to think his opinion is the only opinion and he is virtually clueless. Being true for the right reason is a virtue for the wrong reason is simply being a Suck_Ass. No offense intended.

    Tiredofit. I don't need to stoop. Wildo has put's nothing but factual info on BON. Some people don't like what he is saying so they feel he is bashing Pete. So Wildo got the word SWORN IN wrong. It should have been voted in. Other than that he hasn't or ever posted rumors, lies, or BS on BON. If you read his posts he slams BS rumors on BON. It's a well known fact Pete is on BON quite a bit. Its obvious with Buster6969.

    Wildo started out with "Tom is a good person for chairman". A Pete supporter feels that's bashing Pete. He has a right to his opinion as do you. Yet you rag on him for posting his opinion. I guess you have never posted an opinion, or do you rag on people because their view don't agree with yours?

    They (Pete supporter) want throw stones, and don't like when you throw back. I personally haven't spoke up until Pete supporters started the BS with Tom's integrity without questioning Pete's integrity. Facts sometimes hurt. Good Luck Pete! Not you Tiredofit.

  8. Just wondering if times get tough again...maybe I can apply for a camera job and work 12hrs a day!! Integrity ASSHOLE!



    Are you kidding me your going to talk about integrity? When is Pete going to get some. Ask Pete how many people he promised that he wouldn't give his wife an appointed job? Was she qualified? I doubt it. How much has she earned downstairs? More than a camera girl. Whats next if Pete gets elected. Is he going to give his step mom from Rawsonville and appointed job too! :redcard:

  9. What would it matter who supported who...the members elect these guys and it doesn't matter which ones support each other as long as they do their fking job!! That lies on the Barg/Dist if they can not do their job!



    Wrong it starts with the top down. It matter to the people on floor for maybe an example grievences!! Get a clue. Your right as long as they do "fking job". When is Pete going to step up to the plate.

  10. The big question you have to look at is can Pete get along with the barg. reps and distr. rep that will get elected. No. They do not support Pete, and Pete has not supported them. If Pete did his job they would support him. Instead they support Tom. Pete ran against Tom for the alt. national negotiator position that was recently available. Who won? Tom. Their for international union has more support in Tom. Pete is not a bad person. He's just not right for Saline politically. As for the good ole boy system. They have retired. Good luck to both of them.

  11. I know, I still got a box of pens, pencils, magnets, buttons, bottle openers. You name it, I got it. My favorite is, this guy that ran for district one time, and the next time he ran for barg. He used the same buttons but put tape over district and wrote barg on the tape. I laughed my ass off. :hysterical::hysterical:



    I hope you put your name in the mix. You seem to have all the info on Saline. If someone post a question about Saline you tell them to call the union office for info. The same people you are making fun of. Maybe if you run for office I can get one of your shirts. Vote for me "I'll bring back the PINIC". :hysterical: :happy feet:

  12. My advice to you is to NOT transfer to the Saline plant. You won't like it there. Very few people can adjust to the cleanliness of the place. The work is highly repetitious, using lightweight guns on balancers, with smaller screws and bolts, felt tape and clips. Sometimes you even have to use a little wooden hammer to seat the clips. It's enough to drive you crazy.


    The older natives are country folk who live out in the Irish Hills, and they don't take too kindly to strangers. By that I mean that you might not get invited to have a second donut at the monthly union meeting. They're hardcore, man. And the management walks around sometimes and monitors the employees while they work. Sometimes they want to make small talk. Again, if you're not use to this kind of harassment, it can really get to you. Now, the union officers are something else altogether. They show up when called, do their best to represent you, and mainly keep a low profile. Spooky!


    And then there's all the new work and machinery coming into the plant, at a seemingly never-ending pace. If you're not careful, you will get run over by an outside contractor hooking things up. Keep your eyes open. I won't even bring up the overtime that you'll be asked to work, or the fact that the plant is up for sale.... Shhh.... they're gonna put the Ford sign back on the front lawn, but don't tell anyone.


    And to put a cap on it: Don't even think about buying a house in Saline, because the home values have held their own due to all of the white-collar people working in Ann Arbor and living in Saline. You're going to have to drive more than 10 minutes to work. So, as you can see, you better think twice before you transfer to Saline. I'm just saying.



    As far as any plant you go to people don't care for people coming in from the outside. If you are a good worker most of the time they will warm up to you. Its not the Saline Plant. Its any you would work at. Sounds like your a little bitter you left Saline?

  13. I don't mean to get you guys off subject, but does anyone know what the senority level for the 67 tranferred was? I should be getting close to mine, just wanted to get my things in order. Thanks!



    I don't know who was the lowest, but two people I know had either 9/94 or 10/94. The senority order was scrambled due to some buildings finally releasing people who should have already been released.

  14. Beings you know a Hi-Lo. You make sure you get the combie press job in mediums. Let me know if you end up with it. I'll have the kleenex ready for ya. :hysterical:


    So many people who have came here (even people who have returned) are crying like you would'nt believe! And its not about seniority!


    Its not the same place. Bruce runs the show now bitches. :hysterical:


    Ok tough guy tell everyone what hard job you have. Is that mop and broom hurting your hands. :hysterical: :happy feet:

  15. BY the looks of it, You left and are returning. And you have room to talk? :hysterical:


    If you think what happened years ago is worse then the shit that is going on now. You are out of touch. :redcard:



    If "Returnee" would have listen to Tom he or she would have a different name. Maybe "Staying Put". :hysterical:

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