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Everything posted by lepskilledtrades

  1. From what we understand is that all the chairmen from the locals are talking about this IMT program together so they can all do it the same. Whether that is true we don't know for sure. We don't know about any job from Mexico. Then we guess we will revote.
  2. I work production at Lima Engine Plant and thank god our last contact didn't pass and it wasn't because our local union or international holding anything up it was because our membership was smart enough not to have the old wool pulled over our eyes!! We voted it down.!!
  3. So tell us at LEP how does your IMT program or whatever they call it, work and does that mean you already signed your local contract?
  4. slapping a number of tradesman on the line is exactly whats being done here. We went from having plant wide seniority to departmental seniority. So if a tradesman or woman is put into IMT program and all of a sudden they need more trades they can hire off the street and put them in a certain department and they can't touch them.
  5. No not yet we turned the first attemp down because of the way they designed that IMT program.
  6. We agree everyone in powertrain MUST stick together. The way our IMT program was designed in our first local contract would have been a disaster to skilled trades as we know it. Lets all hope the next one we see will be alot better. It's not that we are so opposed to change. We all change. Our union seem to want to model us after the germans cause that is where they do the IMT program. What they haven't told us is that most of their trade work is contracted out and the skill level of their trades isn't as high as ours plus many other differences. If they really are dead set on wanting to copy a system. How about coping from someone who is actually a threat to our market share. But then again Toyoita and Honda don't do IMT's
  7. We haven't saved any money with the IMT program we are presently running because we still have the area tradesman covering in the departments plus the IMT's trades running the machines full time. In our IMT program that we voted down the IMT tradesman ARE part of the production people . We have NO 5 minute rule or anything like that presently. That rule wouldn't be so bad. We need to have ONE form of IMT language ( if we have to have it ) for the engine plants and everyone follows those rules. Our commitee tells us that BOB KING is all for the IMT program that we have so how can we trust them. They tell us one thing and everyone else tells us that is not true!!
  8. It's pretty hard to get the HPU where the company wants it when you just launched a new engine 6 months ago. We are still working the bugs out of it. Evidently some people don't realize that. The only thing we keep hearing is BOB KING is all for IMT!!! even though the membership isn't!!
  9. No the International wasn't envolved. Our last local contract was full of IMT language (90% of it ) and the membership (trades and production) voted it down. Now we are waiting on a new proposal from our local but we heard it had IMT language still in it.
  10. Whats a 5 minute rule? Our trades at LEP don't get 5 minutes OFF the line!!! They run machines all day every day
  11. Our local is dead set on trades working as full time operaters in the machining areas. Helping hands don't bother us at all. We don't mind that. It's the part of having to operate a machine and also do your trade that is the problem. We can't seem to get our local away from this idea. Soon outside contractors will be doing our old trades jobs and our local is too stupid to see that!!!
  12. Our local is dead set on trades working as full time operaters in the maching areas. Helping hands don't bother us at all. We don't mind that. It's the part of having to operate a machine and also do your trade that is the problem. We can't seem to get our local away from this idea. Soon outside contractors will be doing our old trades jobs and our local is too stupid to see that!!!
  13. We wish they would give up on it locally . Our local is pushing this IMT bullshit down our throat. Why don't the internatiuonal step in and tell our local to drop it???
  14. Sorry but you are right and wrong. IMT's were snuffed out at national level but the locals are still pushing for it. Here at LEP we are still doing the IMT program even though we voted our local contract down that was full of IMT language. We were told , by our plant manager, that Romeo, Dearborn and Cleveland were getting ready to do their IMT programs. We were also told that if we didn't do it that they were going to close our plant!! Yea Right!!!! From what we understand the IMT program will cover all of powertrain. We have heard rumors that our new local contract still has a lot of IMT language in it also but we haven't been presented with it yet. We need to hear from The other engine plants on if their local is pushing this IMT crap. We were topld that Bob King wants this IMT for powertrain. So our answer to that is we don't!! So maybe he needs to come down here to Lima so we can remind him who he works for!!! Because we certainly will let our local know at election time.
  15. We were told at our state of plant meeting that Romeo and Dearborn were about ready to start their IMT programs. So we take it neither local contract has been presented yet? Can anyone there find out if IMT language is in your local?
  16. We here at LEP were told that Romeo and Dearborn were getting ready to start their IMT programs is that true?
  17. Has Romeo signed their local contract yet and is there any IMT language in it?
  18. simple addition must not be one of your strong points heh? I started working in a factory when I was 18 dipshit. come on down to lima and I'll make you my bitch asshole! Or better yet tell us where we can find you . Or are you afraid "beatdown" Don't you worry about what we do in Lima because we will do the right thing. If you work construction then you obviously don't work at FORD. So stay the hell off our site!!!
  19. You are an idiot!! I for one came to Ford with 20+ years of factory experience working a hell of alot harder for a hell of alot less so don't try and pretend you know who we are or what we are about. You bitch about someone being on the computer alot well did you post this from your job? By the way last time I checked trades are blue collared workers! If I were on a construction site with my education I would be your BOSS!! By the way I used to do construction too.
  20. We at Lima already know why work went to Cleveland and that is not the issue here . The issue is that our union tried to force feed us a contract that is no good for anyone and we let them know we would not take it!! And hopefully we will let them know again if they try the same crap!!
  21. Sorry that you are misinformed. There are at least 6 other people that I know of using this username "lepskilled trades" and the same password from Lima. Not to mention the half a dozen or so other usernames from Lima that I know about!!! Wouldn't want to run for our union positions, can't lie good enough. VOTE NO on IMT!!!
  22. Lima doesn't have a local contract as of yet! It was voted down by production and trades both by a good margin. Ok mr. know it all how do you fix an IMT program that no one wants other than vote it down? If you are in powertrain you better hope we vote it down the next time cause it will force your plant to accept it. It's no good for anyone!
  23. Now it sounds like they are going to use a layoff to scare them into a yes vote on the local contract!!
  24. Thats really amazing since the scrap price for the tearout itself was paying for tearout. How could they run out of money when the project was paying for itself?? Sounds a little fishy to me!!!
  25. Preserving trades jobs is only one issue that the IMT program will not do. !. The response time for the trades will be diminished by the IMT system believe it or not. The events that need to happen for an IMST to go to a down job is more extensive than just putting in a page. The departments are not manned heavy enough to readily have someone avaiable to go and take a IMSTs place to go fix a downed machine. While some departments do not offload stock when something is down , others do, so someone needs to cover. Area trades are still in place to cover calls so the IMSTs are not getting any calls 2. The skills needed for IMSTs to do their job will deminish because not enough time or oportunity for IMSTs to perform jobs will be allowed because there will always be that rush to get them back to their production jobs. ( this is already happening) and also the training for the trades on the new equipment has been very slow to nonexistant. There have been many issues that have been brought to our locals attention since this system has been put in place and our local has NOT addressed any of them. Then they expect us to vote this in HA! HA! VOTE NO on IMT
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