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Posts posted by Local1111

  1. Local1111,

    My comment needs no further explaination.

    I'm with the Capt on the uncle bill sob story. That just about breaks my heart. :boring:


    So we killed the messenger? You mean the one the company loves? You mean the one that the company could get to do anything they wanted? You will soon have a lot of respect for this new president, His name is MR. Huddleston.


    Let me tell you a new one, Not one person in that plant cares one way or the other if you decide to close it tomorrow or next year. After-all you told everyone to take that last buyout offer as their would be no more coming. How did that work out for you?


    Lets see 700 blue people to be moved into another Ford plant at an additional cost of $45k per. You better clear out a spot for us. Wait, that's seems to be a problem on that one also. I foresee a lot of people drawing SUB and sitting at home while you try to figure out what the way-forward plan part 19 will be.


    And you have a 2 to 1 ratio of hourly to salary. Until this gas crisis you just wanted to close the assy. plants and not worry about those white collar jobs. How's that one working out for you too? Oh that's right, you always shaft salary in the back.


    Jim is gone.. The lie is over. You couldn't find anyone to make these parts for you for 2 more years, so you had to keep it open that much longer. Indianapolis is and always was a local that did what had to be done for the company. Even after the last person walks out this door, you will never take our dignity away. And if possible 3 years from now, their will also be another election. Not only here, but in every other local that is still open. We are people that formed a union to collectively stand strong with each other. I see it as: paris threats are water off a duck's back.


    It's like the Captain also said :Your perspective is correct on the original ACH plan, but things could change with that plan.


    So.........I hope this still means that I can come to your and uncle bill's next soiree? RSVP

  2. :happy feet: 621DAN 280JIM :happy feet:
    I could say something sarcastic, but I will leave the low road to the likes of you. Im not impressed.

    You care to explain this please? I'm not going to go back into your previous posts, where you say you don't know a Mr. Huddleston, so I'm left wondering what you mean by this. I think you just want to take a swipe at someone who posted.


    Mr. Lewis garnered the same number of votes in this run off, that he had in the first election. As a UNION, we do thing's a little differently than management. When things are not going along as we expect or want, we hold our top people accountable.


    With your attitude, you are a major part of Ford's problems. Luckly for the rest of us, you have just a puffed-up image of yourself, in your own mind. You'd do well to remember this new Local Chairman's name. He is exactly the type of person that will lead the UAW into the future.


    Times are tough now paris, hopefully they might be bringing you a white box tomorrow and usher you out the door finally. :happy feet: :ohsnap:

  3. WHOA DUDE!!


    That's exactly what I've said in here for months, but it won't sink in yet.


    Brother, you hit the nail on the head. And if that's the Jody who shoved that contract down our throat's, I'm with you all the way.


    Amazes me how he posts in here all day and evening also. Sets a fine example for someone who is suppose to be working, yet plays on the PC on our dime isn't it.

  4. I think that it is pretty ironic that you've been a mmember of BON for a year and you save your one post just for me...thanks, but what I really think is that you have another alias on here maybe fatfrank(joined in the same time frame) or maybe local1111. Again I find it awful hard to believe that fatfrank didn't know anything about any petition, then someone from the plant asks a union official and what do you know...it is true......now someone new who has been a member for a yr comes on here like he knows me just to dig......coincidence...I don't think so!! Again I must have struck a nerve!!


    Good luck to everyone in Indy!!


    Your Good Luck is like the kiss of death. Glad you caught on to me by now. I'm all of these posters, about 100 so far that don't seem to like how you talk down to everyone. Perhaps you also need reading glasses, I just heard they circulated a petition to do away with you within the UAW, you want to tell me you haven't heard of that petition?


    Feeling Paranoid are you? Keep looking over your shoulder, one of these days it will come home to roost.


    I made a lot of accounts on here years ago, so I could dig them up every so often to take my swipes at you.

  5. I think that it is pretty ironic that you've been a mmember of BON for a year and you save your one post just for me...thanks, but what I really think is that you have another alias on here maybe fatfrank(joined in the same time frame) or maybe local1111. Again I find it awful hard to believe that fatfrank didn't know anything about any petition, then someone from the plant asks a union official and what do you know...it is true......now someone new who has been a member for a yr comes on here like he knows me just to dig......coincidence...I don't think so!! Again I must have struck a nerve!!


    Good luck to everyone in Indy!!


    Your Good Luck is like the kiss of death. Glad you caught on to me by now. I'm all of these posters, about 100 so far that don't seem to like how you talk down to everyone. Perhaps you also need reading glasses, I just heard they circulated a petition to do away with you within the UAW, you want to tell me you haven't heard of that petition?


    Feeling Paranoid are you? Keep looking over your shoulder, one of these days it will come home to roost.


    I made a lot of accounts on here years ago, so I could dig them up every so often to take my swipes at you.

  6. No one cares who you are. But since you want to play the guessing game. let it begin. Based upon all the time you have on your hands I would have to guess that you must have an appointed job in the Union. I say this because you spend a lot of time running the members down and acting like a know it all. Since you seem to be appointed and seem to think you know everything that is going on in all the plants I figure you must be in the Ford department, probably one of the "wiz" kids, as you refer to the new group down there that works so much harder than all the other reps and seem to be proud of an agreement that does away with cost of living, 30 and out, inferior wages and benefits, and you seem to love all the Modern Operating agreements.


    Now, your claim to being from the East side is probably accurrate, the East side of Jefferson Ave, which would be solidarity house, ass-clown, to use your favorite quote to people you don't agree with. :happy feet: :banghead:

    Ouch !! LOL !! That little black book is just filling right up !!

    And they wonder why the members get so upset and distrust the International and Locals.

  7. All of your points are valid good points. I agree with 99.9% of your post. The part I question, (not you but ford) is can they have EPAS gears in 85-90% of their product line by 2012. I have my doubts....if this was Toyota making this claim, I would say yes....but Ford has never made a deadline in God knows how long....never. Add another 2yrs and I say "we have a winner".
    Keep that attitude you little fk.....your tone shows your involvment and I bet you do as little as possible to help out.

    If your current chairman would have said the same as you, your ass would have already been sittin in GEN/JSP with only 1 offer.

    He could have ridden it out and played tough guy and not done a thing and the plant would be closed like the plan Ford had for it. Instead, he decided to fight the closure with alternatives......2010!! So sit on here and whine and cry like you have on every post you have made and cook you up some of your Ka' houneiz and have some dinner!! While you do that your Chairman is working on a plan to keep your ass there longer!!


    You also said it correctly when you said it is a global business..... :shades:


    uhmmm Frank, good question. 1 week ago, I was outside when an engineer showed up, with the brand new RV gear. LOL, even he was driving a Chrysler product. He works in P.S. Even he wasn't quite sure on that same issue. yea... Ford will be making 250K hybrids by when?, Ford will be................ my new home in Michigan. Since we have no housing crisis here, like in Michigan. I can get 2 homes there, for the price of one here! I can be a slum lord part-time now.


    What people fail to see is, we are NOT working on any new products AT ALL. It's gone, some one else has gotten the contracts and will be making them. But you know, keep drinking the kool-aid and don't rock the boat, it's not good for moral. Much better to keep these rumors floating.


    Then after local elections, someone can say "Jimmie, mis-spoke!" These are election ploy rumors. You see the little yoda pumpin up jimmie here now.


    For YOU, Capt POS you pickled souse,, I help out by making Ford pay me every day and they hate that. I can litterly go when ever I want. Dummy, didn't anyone ever tell you, not to get mad, get even. I'm not like you, with just a 100k buyout offer. I plan on working til I'm in my late 80's. Frank and I will be moving to a plant near you, HOWDY NEIGHBOR!!


    Hey NEIGHBOR, lets share a ride to work. Your such a nice guy, that I'll be over anytime I need to borrow sumthin. We can be drinkin buddies. Comeon man, smile, think of the possibilities. we are gonna be buddies. I'll start calling you my bitch right now.

    Get sum titties tattooed unto your back bitch.

  8. again....you may sit there and think fate will save your sorry ass, but there are others at your plant that are working their asses off trying to keep you guys there. So be part of the solution and not a hinderance on keeping your plant open sack!!

    I's got ka'houneiz, dudette, BIG BIG BIG ones!

    As of 2 months ago, roof needed $18 million in repairs, Machinery for current RV gear is to begin leaving the plant by shutdown, same time we stop producing the same gear for Chrysler. Meanwhile said gear that is leaving will be going to TRW, who in return will start machining the same parts and then shipping those parts back to the plant to continue assembling them here. . This time next year, the plant will be running service gears for the current product. TRW will be making the next generation RV gear 80 miles NW of this plant. By 2010 every one of our current R & P gears is suppose to be sourced to another supplier for the new applications those are suppose to go into.

    6, count them 6 companies really really want this building badly, due to location and Indy is turning into the warehouse mecca of the country.

    Ford has released at least 3 media papers stating that by 2012 85-90% of product line-up will be using ELECTRIC POWER ASSISTED STEERING.

    No word on Hydraulic P.S. pumps life released yet. But every new product that Ford has released since '07 has not used anything we make. WHEN ford gets rid of ACH they have exited the parts making business totally. It's now a GLOBAL business. WHERE are new vehicles being sourced? MEXICO or CANADA. 3 very very short years LEFT in this contract.


    Moral problem? We got no stinking moral. 50% of the plant is now Orange and you see it in the vehicles they drive to work, if they even have a drivers license. New plant manager, yea you know the one, the one that shut down Norfolk and how many others, makes a blanket statement he wants all Blue people out of the plant as fast as possible. PM work? LOL...

    Re-loaded trades stating they have been told they too will be out come Sept. 1 year from now, looks to be the time the facility will be starting the quick wind-down, and by 2010, there is suppose to just be a couple of hundred people left.


    FATE? FATE? the writing was on the walls in 1999, when VISTEON picked some Orange dots and Johnson started drawing millions every year, gotta love that scam. I's got no fate, I just go thru the motions and everyday, hate it more and more.


    Anyone care to tickle my Ka'houneiz? Pass your cool-aid to someone that gives a shitzu.

  9. If not then I got bad info and good because it wouldn't help the cause of trying to find different and new opportunities for Indy, but I really do not think I got bad info!! :shades:
    I do not beleive I promised any new work opportunities!!


    better yet take a package so that the plant can be more viable!!

    Quoted you twice now, ... don't back pedal out of this....


    I love your remark, a Viable plant is one making $14/hr according to you. And when are the new ones coming out? Can I quote you as to December? Are these new and exciting ones too? You sweating meeting all of your new found friends now, up their in Michigan?

  10. Dude...If you didn't get the message back in Dec. I think that you are a sack of sht and I really do not care to carry credibility with the likes of assholes like you! Is it or isn't it true there is a petition circulating or was circulated. If not then I got bad info and good because it wouldn't help the cause of trying to find different and new opportunities for Indy, but I really do not think I got bad info!! :shades:


    Don't drag me into your sorrid life. Your no friend of mine CAPT Piece Of Shit! Your life in Dec. was a drunken stupor! Lay off your booze for 24 hours, dude!


    Quite possible now that your sources are feeding you :fan: Wait, It's another I heard, and I think, and their was also the I really! You forgot the I'm afraid and the I'm ....._______ fill in the blank.


    But wait,theirs more! Now Capt POS has new and exciting work opportunities for a plant! And this comes on top of what? Well at least this is now captured because we can all attribute it to the drunken little eye patch wearing Yoda, with the wooden sword!


    You got a hell of a fan club brewing on all these threads! People gonna be beating down your door to meet you!

  11. :finger::finger::finger:

    Hey, I hope that I am wrong, but I here that there is a petition and maybe you can (if your not him) ask Jimmy if he has heard anything. I am just telling you what I am hearing bro!! I definitely do not want to stir up anything.....read any of my posts, the only time I :stirpot: is someone talking bad about the UAW or a salaried fk!!


    Will you Please get it straight! He's not Jim! - I AM, or was until you keep saying 10 others on here are also! For a bitch your a real 2-timer!

    BTW your wrong, just like the temp that started this topic and always tries to :stirpot: . Matter of fact it's so damn fun to watch one pass by and then mention to another FORD employee these kinda rumors to see people run with it! :lol2::hysterical::speedie:


    Did you hear about the new petition that's going around today? We want to be bought out by a Chinese firm! or or or how about this one... Ford is gonna pay us a $5000 bonus due to the JLR sale, or, how about this one, Capt is gonna leave the site because he has no credibility!<-- yea, like when :pig:

    Well so far, you still have no credibility!

  12. I am not in charge of resourcing your rack-pinion, is that your RV geaR?? The general stores and dock WILL be gone forever!!! Didn't you guys come up with a COA that would allow you to stay open???

    What I was saying was....without your COA you would have been shutdown earlier than 2010!! iF YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DO THOSE ACTIONS......YOU WILL BE SHUT DOWN EARLIER!!! When you see Jim tell him nice job at keeping you guys open. Without him at the top realizing what needed to be done your fate would have been the same as the rest of the ACH plants!! you should thank your chairman for 2 more yrs.!!!

    Are they going to mysterically get technology? I hope you are not waiting to sell your house until 2010.....you may not last that long.....I heard there are some issues with your COA......no COA..no 2010!!

    Can't you keep your lies straight?? Your best bet is to keep your nose out of thing's you really no knowing of, Capt. Piece of Shit. But you want everyone here to think you know it all.


    I don't see you answering real questions.


    Where do you work Capt. POS? I know a few that want to have dinner with you.


    Personally they can shut down this stink hole tomorrow for all we care. And if their is a problem with a local contract here, I think it would be so sweet to shut down the whole Ford system, don't you? it's happening at GM, it can happen here.

  13. PM Local1111 and find out the reasons if you are that interested,


    Hey I happened to like the tone of Frank's post.


    What's with you and these PM's? Is it another way for you to pick up little boys? Frank's easy going, for such a big fella, but most people his size are like that. I don't think you want to make him mad either, but you do that so easily. You were warned once or more, before, Jack.


    What's the matter Jack? Heat getting to you? Finding you don't seem to have many friends left in this world?


    I wonder why? Attitude perhaps? Naw that couldn't be it, you've never had one worth a hoot to begin with.


    Woof Woof, that's my other dog impression. Your such a big man on the keyboard. Balances out that little wee-wee you have. Hope it makes you feel better about yourself. No wonder your so lonely, sailor.

  14. Not what I meant, is Ford likely to offer more if they close the plant down?

    Pretty hard to know what to do in uncertain times,


    No, It's a relevant question. Now the world seems to want to know everything an autoworker does, what he makes, every benefit he gets. With that info, they deem him overpaid and under worked and blame the fall of company's upon him.


    IF your an Autoworker, it doesn't make much sense asking what the weather will be like next month or next year. If your not an autoworker, I wanted to know what you make. I wanted to see you tell the world how much you make.


    When the plant closes he gets to see the fruit of his labor come to a retching halt. He gets to see a decline in living standards in the city crumble. He gets to watch other company's that built their business around his work, start to file for bankruptcy. He gets to watch the tax base dwindle and taxes rise to offset the loss of those jobs. He gets to watch people turn into dogs fighting for the scraps of jobs, that are left and undercut the next guy by a downward spiral for competition of what few jobs are left. He gets to accept a lot less money if he's lucky to find someone that will hire him. He gets to watch his kids that were mediocre in school, look forward to a 'good job' within the military or flight out of where they grew up and a move to another location because someone said, they were jobs someplace else.


    Basically it's something the workers have to deal with. Kinda like a family loss. Kinda like 'Enron'. And yet, the world still turns.

  15. Let me guess, YOU are Jimmy and you are our plant chairman at Indy. You sound just like him. You are Jimmy or you are somebody with the international.

    No actually The Captain Piece of SHIT isn't Jimmy, Frank. And the little turd isn't in the International either.


    Isn't that right, Captain Piece of Shit!! Remember me? I'm the one you jumped on in OCT. slamming the Chairman of 1111 and now I've sat here and watched you for month's spouting a line of bullshit so far long, it makes me wonder how far someone has to slam their cock up your ass til you sweet talk everything you have no idea about.


    Here's how Our local runs Piece of SHIT captain. FORD couldn't get a buyer for the gears, no one wanted to touch them, What was Ford left to do? SHUT down the plant and not have product to build cars for the next 3 years? The International did our plant like they did Tulsa, they had to explain the contract to us 3 times til International got it to pass.


    NO YOU DUMB MUTHERFUCKER. They extend the life of the plant, til the next generation of product comes on line and is made by someone else. NO COA, no nothing saved the plant, FORD needed the damn parts! Ford made the decision 11 months ago, before any COA was ever seen.


    Think we should air our dirty laundry in this forum like the capt. and wakeup and 228 2280 OHAP does Frank??


    yea , why not.... Here's a fucking news break for you Captain piece of shit.. Jimmy doesn't stand a chance in hell of getting elected come May. Hey captain piece of shit, didn't you know jimmy is despised not only by the International but by Ford AND THE MEMBERSHIP equally. You need to go to more of your meetings and get the picture Capt. POS! 3 other plants now have an extension for 3 more years too, and then how many more will before the end of the year?


    You've sat in this forum and tried to set yourself up as someone in the know, Yea, you actually know NOTHING! You tried to get everyone onboard to buy this last round of bugouts, but no one listened to you and guess what, their not listening now either. You weren't missed when you wasn't posting, so take the hint and disappear like...... FOREVER.


    Remember what I said to you before, I PERSONALLY am looking forward to meeting you.

  16. I guess you missed this part huh?


    "Retail sales?? Fleet sales?? Whatever!! It outsold the Civic! Period!"


    You being Canadian, i cant say i am surprised. We send our slower folks up there..................




    Obviously, reading is certainly not yours..........

    For this comment alone, you need to be banned and an example set as to why.

  17. well cap'n terry, is was raining years ago when you watched 400 get robbed by the other group of unity slugs. remember when they all got arrested. this new unity group (look out 228 and 2280 when you see this slate coming) operates the same way and you continue to write for them. flyers for the floor instead of you job. but you got your appointment to essp rep.

    BUSTED eh? makes sence, since he sits at a computer all day and night posting, and to think he was calling others out wondering if they were ESSP rep's.


    LOL :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

  18. Where do I fit in...I just turned 54 in late January.w/ 36 years...do I qualify for the buyout? Not as I read it have to be 55 with 10 or more years :banghead: ?



    Then you need to read the above copy of the buyout update better. You've already got 30 years in and can qualify for a money package.


    Grow-In's are good til Nov. 30.


    And yesterday they added the entrepreneurial package. Whatever the hell that is, I didn't hang around to listen to it. Not many stayed to hear about the packages this time. Almost everyone's mind was already made up, like people have already discussed til now.

  19. 8,000 jobs to be cut at Ford


    Total of hourly reductions since '05 may hit 44%

    February 9, 2008






    About 8,000 autoworkers still must go at Ford Motor Co.


    That is the internal target for Ford's latest job-reduction program for hourly workers, according to people familiar with the objective.




    If Ford reaches its goal, the automaker will have cut 44% of its North American hourly jobs in three years. That dramatic decline, combined with job cuts at General Motors Corp. and other auto firms, has been a punch to Michigan's housing market and mood about the future. Under the latest right-sizing effort, Ford, which has been restructuring its money-losing North American operations since January 2006, is offering hourly workers who voluntarily leave a variety of buyout and early-retirement packages.


    Under one package, for example, retirement-eligible workers who volunteer to leave the company and forgo all benefits, except accrued pension, can receive $140,000.


    The window to accept a deal opens for most of Ford's hourly workers Feb. 18 and ends March 17. Workers at a few plants that have closed under Ford's restructuring -- St. Louis, Atlanta, Norfolk, Va., and Edison, N.J. -- have been eligible for a deal since Jan. 22. They must decide by Feb. 28 whether they will leave.


    Informational meetings are being scheduled to educate workers about why they should take the latest, boosted offers, which have been sweetened for workers who met certain conditions.


    For example, skilled-trades workers, who generally make a higher salary than other autoworkers, previously were offered an early-retirement package that included a lump-sum payment of $35,000 and other benefits. But that payment has been bumped up to $70,000.


    At a parts plant in Saline, which Ford is in the process of selling to Johnson Controls Inc., three educational sessions on the buyouts will be held Tuesday, according to the Web site for UAW Local 892.


    Since 2005, Ford has reduced its hourly workforce by 36%, or 35,500 workers, through early-retirement and buyout offers. Those workers who remain on the job, then, have already passed on a deal, making this latest deal a tougher sell.


    Several of those workers told the Free Press they were not interested in taking a deal.


    "I'm not considering it," said Joe Fabrizio, 36, a married father of two. Even though his younger brother, Jason, took a buyout last year, Fabrizio said he wants to retire from Ford, just like his father did last year.


    Tony Monteleone, 43, a worker at the Dearborn Truck Plant, said Ford has been offering buyouts and early retirements for so long that there are plenty of horror stories circulating through the plants about workers who took a deal, blew all their money and are now struggling to make ends meet.


    "They can't even find a job," he said.


    As of Dec. 31, Ford had 57,900 hourly workers in its Ford operations and 6,100 in its parts-making subsidiary, Automotive Components Holdings, LLC. That was founded in 2005 as a temporary business unit to sell or otherwise dispose of facilities formerly owned by Ford's spinoff, Visteon Corp.


    But given the sour U.S. economy, which automakers and analysts expect to be a drag on auto sales for at least the first half of 2008, Ford decided last year that it needed even fewer workers and would need to cut deeper.


    "We will continue to reduce our employment consistent with our restructuring to operate at the lower demand over the next few years," Ford Chief Executive Officer Alan Mulally said in November.


    Many analysts have assumed that Ford is reducing its hourly employment to take advantage of its new 4-year labor contract with the UAW. Under that deal, the automaker can pay new workers a starting rate of $14.20 per hour, or about half the salary of outgoing workers.


    The lower wage will be limited to about 20% of Ford's total UAW workforce.


    However, Mulally said in late January that it's not clear whether departing workers will be replaced in these tough times.


    "We just don't know," he told the Free Press after the automaker released its preliminary financial results for 2007. After losing a record $12.6 billion in 2006, Ford reported a net loss of $2.7 billion last year.


    Under Ford's turnaround plan, the automaker aims to be profitable by 2009.

  20. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080208/ford_plant_sales.html?.v=1


    Ford Offers $140K at ACH Some Workers

    Friday February 8, 5:17 pm ET

    By David Runk, Associated Press Writer Ford Offers $140K to Workers at ACH Operation That's Being Sold


    DETROIT (AP) -- Ford Motor Co. said Friday it is offering some workers at a Monroe-based operation that makes vehicle driveshafts $140,000 if they leave the automaker to take jobs with the new owner of the business.


    The offers could be seen at other Automotive Components Holdings LLC plants that Ford hopes to sell.


    "It is an approach that could be considered at other plants, assuming ratification of a competitive bargaining agreement between the UAW and the buyer, and the successful completion of the sale," ACH spokeswoman Della DiPietro said.


    The Monroe operation is part of ACH, which Ford created in 2005 to manage 17 plants that Ford reacquired from a struggling Visteon Corp. as part of a bailout agreement for the supplier. Ford spun off Visteon in 2000.


    Last month, Dearborn-based Ford announced that officials had signed a deal to sell the driveshaft business to Pottstown, Pa.-based Neapco LLC, which is affiliated with the China-based Wanxiang Group.


    Neapco plans to open a plant in Wayne County's Van Buren Township, where about 300 employees of the driveshaft unit will be offered jobs. DiPietro said about 700 Monroe employees represented by the United Auto Workers union are eligible for the $140,000 offer, and they have until next week to make up their minds.


    If they take the offer, DiPietro said, the workers will get the payment over a two-year period. They also would take a new job with Neapco under a labor agreement between the UAW and Neapco.


    The 700 Monroe workers also may chose among a variety of offers for buyouts or to flow back to Ford, DiPietro said.


    Also Friday, a UAW local representing workers at an ACH facility in Saline said in an e-mail update to members that a similar $140,000 offer was possible if a deal is reached with auto parts maker Johnson Controls Inc.


    "We are progressing but at a slow pace," the e-mail from UAW Local 892 said.


    Messages seeking comment were left Friday with the UAW local and a spokeswoman for Johnson Controls.


    In November, Milwaukee-based Johnson Controls said it had reached a nonbinding agreement with Ford to buy the interiors factory that employs about 1,350 workers in Saline, about 40 miles west of Detroit.


    At the time, Johnson Controls said the deal was contingent on negotiating a competitive labor agreement with the UAW, as well as resolution of other issues to make the plant more competitive.

  21. Just wondering about the last sentence of parg. 2. Could the company keep you past the June date lets say to Sept or Dec.

    Will it be possible to stay longer to grow into one of the packages if its mutually agreed on?

    I would guess it depends on what your job is, and where your located.

    Examples: If you have a high demand Trades job in an ACH plant, they might keep you til plant closing, or as stated til June. If your a production worker in an ACH plant or a Ford plant, probably not. They need to clear slots for flowback, and to reduce costs in the ACH plants as soon as possible. I would also expect them to tell you yes, but subject to change too.


    Good Luck to everyone, once again, these are hard personal decisions. Everyone is different and it's quite a smorgasbord.

    /edit: Oh, the grow in... like last time til Sept 1, 07?, From what I heard from Management there would be NO grow in this time around. Just the 28 year bridge would work that way (PRLP).

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