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Posts posted by buster6969

  1. spineless, coming from an anonymous person on the internet. priceless.

    FU-SI.....spineless is correct for our boy Nick.....he is the chairperson and he following Gary around like a little puppy....He should just step down and let Gary have the job. Better yet Nick, pretty soon there will not be enough appointed jobs to give your competition! I am sure there is a job in trim waiting for you!! Maybe the national will make you part of their staff :hysterical2:

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  2. The only true moron's here are Gary and anyone listening too his BS. The only one that is worse is the spineless chairman Nick who allows this assclown to speak on stuff gutless Nick should be speaking on. What chairman allows thier bargaining rep to put out letters on the floor to us and then puts out a letter himself saying " I support Gary 100% on all his bullshit".....oops.."bulletins". How about get a spine and put your own letters out or just step down and let Gary run the show.

    Back to this letter, Spineless, on Roll analysis/adjustment....pelase explain to us how some get moved off the bump list and then 3-hardships??? How are their hardships any different than anyone else....how about moving by seniority on the bump list!!

    Hows that equity of sacrafice grievance going spineless?? You reported that the arbitrator was going to rule the 15 or 16 of last month. You must have never had to have a grievance go to an arbitrator, because when I had my grievance heard at an arbitrator my case was heard in front of the Arbitrator and then the IUAW told me that they had 30-45 days to give a closing arguement and then the Arbitrator had 30-45 days to rule on it. So explain to us how this works again...moron!

    Can't wait to see what our Local Agreement looks like....glad I am phucking leaving this cluster. I hope everyone opens their eyes, better start looking for new leadership now!

    Nick if you are going to swing from Gary, how about just stepping down and letting Gary run the show and tell everyone how bad his agreement that he just negotiated is and to vote it down. Class Clowns!!

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  3. This was a very good opportunity for the IUAW to gain some much needed respect back from the membership. Had the membership found out that they welcomed and supported the democratic system, that they had debate and mutual respect with equal opportunity, they would have gained some respect back. Had they (the administrative caucus) sat down with Gary and his supporters and listen to there ideas and grievances, the membership would have appreciated it and respected them much more. But instead they made a mockery of the entire democratic process. They taunted Gary and his supporters, they heckled and booed them. They even booed Gary’s nomination speaker. It was the most disgusting display of anti democratic actions that this Delegate has ever seen.


    Gary knew that he didn’t stand a chance to win the election, but what he understood was the fact he got a nomination speech and that speech was truly about the shop floor worker and our retirees. Wow, who would have thought it, someone sticking there neck out for us shop floor workers. We better belittle him and berate him, how dare he speak out for us, and what was he thinking? He must have thought it was a UAW democratic convention and not the IUAW dictator convention such as it was. We better let him know that his membership will suffer the consequences for thinking that he could screw up the dictatorship and put his name in the mix of a democratic election process ran by the Union. (In case you didn’t catch on, that’s sarcasm)


    Someone posted up that the membership of DTP will suffer the consequences of Gary’s actions. So are you saying that anyone who believes in and supports democracy will suffer misrepresentation from the IUAW? This statement in itself supports what I have said. I certainly hope Brother Bob King is better man and leader then the actions of retaliation you’re saying he will do, are suggesting he is.


    You asked how some of us Delegates voted.


    My name is Jeff Hodges, I proudly represented local 3000, AAI unit, as one of their Delegates;


    I voted “NO” to reducing the amount of Vis Presidents in the IUAW. The Union is about saving jobs and organizing not reducing jobs, that’s a company function. I voted “NO” to their pay increases. I agree with Gary Walkowicz’s motion to amend this proposal. Gary asked for it to be directly tied to the workers raises and or concessions. If the shop floor worker takes a hit so should the IUAW, if the shop floor worker gets a pay increase so should the IUAW.

    I voted “NO” on the proposal that allows the International Executive board to transfer up to 25 million each year for the next 4 years (100 million) from the strike fund and into the general fund. So they doubled the amount accessible with this proposal.


    I hope this sheds some light on the matter and I hope we can all move on in Solidarity. I hope that Brother Bob King is the man, and the Labor Leader that my Father say's he remembers him to be. I guess only time, and our labor battles that are certainly to come, will tell.

    IS it election time already? No one gives a phuck how you voted. The IUAW didn't boo Gary's dumb ass, I heard it was the Delegates!

    Listen to Gary's idea's and grievances? What grievances would they hear at the convention?

    As far as sitting down with Gary to get his view, all they have to do is look in the mirror and say No Concessions with no other ideas. That would be pretty easy to do without sitting with Gary! It is easy to sit with blinders on and not looking at the entire labor movement. There are many other UAW members then Ford/GM and Chrysler. As far as a member of local 3000 I can picture now standing proud beating your chest, I hope to see you at DTP soon and then you and Gary can run on a slate together.

    The IUAW took the same $ cost as GM did. The IUAW's agreement mirrors GM's agreement.

  4. well, we will see. AAI said they will not ILO anyone. guess what i am on ILO from AAI. now i am back to my home plant rawsonville. we will see what will hapen.

    Why are you on ILO??? Are you a tradesperson...if not then you should have signed for an opening at Saline or DTP!

  5. Whats the scoop on the new plant manager and the out sourcing rumors?

    There is a moritorium on outsourcing, I am sure you would be walking before that happens. The company must be trying to fk with the new leadership, guess what, Jimmy is not as nice and understanding as Bob! If they think that they are going violate the sourcing moratorium they are sadly mistaken!

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  6. battery job is low wage job, and only 70 jobs, "F" region , talk to the horses ass 898. try this what is GM paying for there battery jobs? theres your answer.

    WRONG! There is no mechanism to hire entry level at a Ford facility without all Ford members off ILO and those RTBU rights for those that have it. We have enough going to be starting BS rumors!

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  7. First of all I never said anything about Jeff being in the plant. I wanted to know why him and lil man got fined 100 dollars up at black lake cuz we heard it was for their obnoxious behavior! But it would be nice if he went to his office more often! And as far as being involved there was a lot of people that just went that aren't involved with the union.

    Wow, obviously you wouldn't be happy even if you went so I will end this conversation.

    For those of you who do want to go, get involved it is a nice place with a lot of history and you will meet life long friends in the labor movement.

  8. How many times do the same people need to go to gather unity and strength! Gimme a break! And could you plz tell us why our leadership (Jeff and lil man syndrome Ted got fined a hundred dollars???? A fyi we don't wanna see you guys at the gate so after we go in you can goto breakfast....We wanna see you on our jobs and getting stuff done!!!!!!!!!!

    If the Jeff you are refering too is the prez, his job is not on floor, it is working out of the local. If he is in the plant, then he is not doing his job. He is involved in local bargaining and should get in the plant time to time, but being the prez takes a lot of time,and a lot of your own time after hours.

    As far as Black lake attendees, if you don't get involved then you don't deserve to go. Get involved and get up there, it is a nice place and you do learn alot if you apply yourself while you are there. This is usually paid for out of joint funds because the company can actually send salaried fks as well, but have not done so since around 2000. So the company picks up some and then the UAW picks up some. You do meet a lot of people that are involved in their local unions and allows you to network with others at different plants. Like I said, great experience, get involved and get up there!

  9. Len, just so you understand where I'm coming from. Below is a letter I put out on my shop floor concerning the last attempted mods.


    Dear Brothers and Sisters


    I, Jeff Hodges, was told that I had to put out a flyer supporting this contract modification proposal. That without it I’ll be removed from my Union position. My position as a pm planner will never change my opinion and if removed because of it, I fully understand.


    I cannot and do not support these modifications. I will not tell you how to vote, nor have I ever. I believe that you’re all grown men and women and should vote off your personal convictions not someone else’s.


    My reasons:

    • I can not support the binding arbitrator language.

    • I will not ever agree to give up our right to strike.

    • I do not support the 2nd tier wage agreement. We earn every penny we’re paid regardless of when hired.

    • I don’t support the mechanical tradesmen language of being reduced to teams at the other plants. This means more lost jobs and fewer apprenticeships.

    • I have issues with contracts listing words like “Such As”, “May”, or “Possible”. They are language intent trump words.

    • I don’t believe they are being truthful with product life cycle guarantees. Product guarantees are dictated by product sales and can be amended at any time for lack of.

    • I don’t agree to accepting concessions when our company is gaining market share, opening plants in other countries, stock value rising, and posting 2 quarters of profitability with a forecasted 3rd quarter profit.


    You’ll hear that this modification is only pattern bargaining and that it has always worked for the Union. That’s not entirely true. Pattern bargaining is only as strong as its weakest link. These attempted modifications prove my point.


    I understand that my opinion might upset some people, the truth often does, but I’m of the belief that we still live in a democracy and we have that right. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you understand my position.



    Jeff Hodges

    UAW Local 3000

    That is a bold move telling everyone you don't support a modification that has already been voted down! Welcome to 2010!

  10. Then you don't understand how binding arbitration works. There is no reason to believe the arbitrator is going to take into consideration any Ford UAW increases. The whole reason that language is in the loan agreements is that the political party in power, during the GM & Chrysler bankruptcies, had the majority of their leadership agreeing with the opposing party, that the Detroit Three hourly pay structure was uncompetitive and out of line with what everyone else pays.


    And you're wrong about the transplants throwing money at their employees, to keep the UAW out. They're no longer afraid of the UAW or any part of organized labor. GM & Chrysler concessions last year took care of that. I'm too fucking tired to Google it now, but there were several articles last May, after the GM contract was ratified, where Toyota, Honda & Nissan let it "leak" out that they were no longer going to pay competively with Detroit/UAW wages/benefits, but rather will start paying according to " prevailing local rates". You can bet when Toyota moves Corolla production to the new Mississipi plant - the one they mothballed last year - that $12 to $14 an hour is going to be good enough in Canton, Mississipi, not just to start, but indefinately. You can also bet that VW isn't going to pay competitively, with Detroit, in their Tennessee plant, when it starts up, either.


    And I predict a very chilly reception for the UAW organizers working the transplants. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm dead certain I'm right. Trying to organize the transplants is a long shot.

    Actually VW has one of the highest percentage of Unionized plants and welcomed the UAW when coming to NA!

  11. We need to raise the labor rates (Ford) so GM and Chrysler can come to terms and pattern with Fords labor cost.


    We must strike to help GM and Chrysler.


    The IUAW will not have a choice. We need to stand together and vote down what ever the IUAW brings us. That will force a strike to get more. mThis will result in a long but worth while strike.


    Save your money. Its our only hope (a long strike)......

    Now that is phuking stupid, strike over an agreement even if we make gains, no strike if we don't get some of our $$ back. That sounds like some Gary W. crap! Lets strike for no reason, brilliant. Lets hope we get enough back not to strike, but if we get nothing then yes lets walk! Thank you for paying down our debt with the money we saved in concessions Alan, give us our money back or walk! Enough of your bonuses off our backs!

  12. Didn't say you wouldn't get something, but whatever "something" is, it won't be a return to the pre-2009 contract. More than likely, both sides will make a lot of noise, then settle for a better profit sharing formula. Mark my words.

    Mark my phucking words, profit sharing doesn't stop the company from giving salaried bonuses even when the company has debt.....not enough and you can thank your friend Alan and his dumb phucking move to give himself and others huge bonuses on the backs of our concensions! Mark my words....you think the no vote on the last mod was huge...just wait till we take to the streets! What will a month or 2 cost Ford, not to mention the negative media impact and possible loss of market share that we have just gained. Can't wait for the fireworks!

  13. I doubt it, on both fronts, $$ or street. See Sunday's Detroit Free Press article on Bob King:



    Did anyone see the news tonight, Our good friend Alan makes more than Honda/Toyota and Nissan CEO's all added together. So getting something for us members will not kill them. We will be on the street, because without something back it will be a "Hell No" Vote! If they would have been resposible and instead of paying out million dollar bonuses they paid down our debt to show that what we have sacraficed went toward improving the company business instead of them lining their phucking pockets again I would agree with you. Unfortunately that didn't happen so phuck them and take to the street. I am still waiting on my share of the grievance that was filed for equity of sacrafice, so that I can buy momma a new pair of shoes!

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  14. No need to get upset...u know everythings a rumor until it actually happens!

    Wishful thinking as long as we all can come back, but you shouldn't put Tom's name out there unless it was true!

  15. We were told by the Plant Chairman yesterday that those of us that were originally from Saline but left and came back will not have to go back to Wayne or DTP this time but everyone else will. Sounds like something was worked out at the convention last week.

    Are you sure you didn't dream that!! What about those of us that did not sign because we wouldn't have seniority? I would bet that is not true!!

  16. My guess is is when all the dust settles there is still going to be at least 200-300 orange workers if not more at ACH Saline. Wayne people are going back to wayne? DTP people going back to dtp aroung 250. Around 250 Flat rockies going to Saline. I don't know how many Wayne of Michigan truck workers they have there with recall rights to Michigan Assy.

    I think you are correct, the orange will be laid back off in the near term, and in the long term, they will be called back. With projected volumes ford will need more workers at the Ford facilities. These members on ILO, who are temporarily placed, will be forced into those jobs. Some see that happening as early as end of 1st quarter of next year. One thing to keep in mind is that next year is a contract year and each side will be digging in trying to positions themselves for negotiations! So this may drag out until Sept on 2011! Lets hope not that way everyone will be back working! Hang in there ACHer's!

  17. Do you have any idea how much a transfer press costs? Ford spent $60 Million setting up the Schuler inside DSP.


    It's not only the press. It's the feed system, exit conveyors, and all the automation necessary to make it work. A lot of Money Ford would need to spend to what, close another stamping plant when the ones they currently have have excess capacity to be utilised?


    Not saying it's not going to happen, but it would be the stupidest decision Ford could make right now instead of investing in Flexible body shops and modern paint buildings.

    transfer press, 10+M, but Ford wsa supposed to invest some money into stamping, but did not say where. If KCAP has open floor space then it could happen. I just don't know why they would be doing any surveying if they have open floor space. I just know that Ford will probably not be putting any money in Brick and Mortar anytime soon!!

  18. I do not see us getting a pay raise Grim, the honest truth is we will be somewhat on par with GM and Chrysler. They can not ask for pay or benefit increases or they risk going to arbitration. I know Bob is smarter than that , so while I can see maybe some performance type bonuses (who knows we may even get them this time around) but that is all i would expect as far as monetary increases.

    I disagree, Ford has a rude awakening coming in 2011. They got a little greedy asking for some things similar to GM and Chrysler. They should have been happy with the market share improvement and called it a wash. Now, because of their greed, they will be giving us some $$$$ back or we will take to the streets!!

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  19. Have anyone heard anything about a stamping plant for KCAP. Rumors are that they been testing the water and measuring off property???????????

    With all the open floor space Ford has, I find it hard to believe that they would be putting money into brick and mortar! A waste of money right now!

  20. Think it unlikely if you must, LAP has already been told that the Kuga will not be sold in the US it will be an export for us & will be built alongside the Escape with a possible Lincoln version of the Escape in the works as well.

    It will be the replacement for the escape and will be the next refresh for the Kuga in Europe! Ford will not run 2 of the same style platforms in the US!

  21. I couldn't agree more.

    All Gary comes to the table with is Vote "no" on concessions and Nick swinging from his nuts. I hope Gary don't buy Nicks shit and runs for Chair, that way he can run DTP with the no concession mentallity, but he better have alternatives and suggestions, not just vote "NO". Welcome to the real world, prove you can run the ship instead of sitting in the passengers seat with a blind driver (nick)!

  22. Gary ran knowing he was a long shot to win, considering he did not make it known he was going to seek nomination until a week or two ago. I would say that 74.5 votes with little campaigning time was a decent count.

    He said it himself he knew he really had no chance to win the position, but he did accomplish what I think he set out to do. That was to bring to light how his membership feels about concessions.


    On another note yesterday another pay raise got passed, shortly if not right after the decision to not replace or cut another VP spot as well as scaling pay over 6 years for entry level International reps.


    On to your last sentence Fired , I do not see things changing until the members actually hold their elected delegates responsible for their choices at the convention. If that means that all locals make local motions at their membership meetings before the convention to set in stone how they want their delegates to vote, that would be the only way I can see things (votes ) really counting.


    One man one vote (meaning all members vote for top leadership spots, instead of delegates) so far has not been put on the floor from the resolutions committee, guess we will find out tomorrow if this proposal will be blocked or not.

    It wasn't 75 votes, 14 delegates supported him who carried 74.33 votes!

  23. Move no one accept those who need a job or all the people that want to transfer to another plant by choice. I'm glad we have the opportunity to move if we want too. One of the ex NAP transferee is getting the opportunity to move back to his hometown Chicago.

    LOL, you must be a temp loan at Saline or Sheldon Rd. Sorry, but you will be coming back to DTP or wayne very soon!

  24. Thank you PTR, the workers do value what our customers think.....and some of us even still believe the fight we take on still has an effect around the country.


    Maybe cocky thinking, but i would like to think that a democratic organized labor force should still be allowed to voice their opinions. Some however would rather sweep things under the rug and let the same old same old continue to happen.


    We are not all lazy ,lying , cheating workers....the new union activist want fair work for fair pay as well as accountability from those that lead us.


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