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Everything posted by stephenhawkings

  1. looks like a hatch back might be in the works
  2. well unless you guys can figure out how to make the econoline and the transit at avon lake, maybe flexable manufacturing (HAHAHA) the eseries is dead. but maybe i am wrong, maybe they'll make the econloine in mexico, or transfre all the tooling to turkey and build it there. i know its unthinkable, but the reality is that the econoline is old, and a gas hog, and the pending regulations will make that thing hard to sell here in the good ole USA, if not illegal. but i could be wrong, i was wrong once before about black holes. i just hope my wheelchair will fit in the transit!
  3. well the transit is scheduled to be built at avon, and they're going to start getting ready after the 2009 fseries launch. if you consider the new fuel economy standards that are coming into effect, a 2.0 liter engine makes much more sense than a 4.6 or 5.4 v8. either way killing the econoline is right up fords BOLD and INNOVATIVE moves alley, unfortunatley it is boldly stupid. but you don't have to worry you still have two years to get your conversion van, or motorhome chasis.
  4. Well if you are wondering where this product will come from, you should first ask what product will leave to make room for the production of this fine eurovan. My guess is that the Econoline is now a dying breed, laughable you think? That's what I thought too! Especially when you consider trying to put a snow plow on the front of one of these things! HA that would be a site. my question is how many plumbers, armored car companies, and motorhome coach builders are going to make the switch? lets kill our third best selling vehicle and replace it with some euro-unibody-trashcompacted-vanwannabe! NOW THAT's INNOVATION, and BOLD too! BOLDly stupid, whats next stop making th F-150?
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