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Everything posted by TheEagle

  1. Frank dont you have some employees to tell on?
  2. I heard Frank saez called the boss and reported another employee because he thought the employee left work early. The employee was in Labor relations putting in for a job. The dept coordinator overheard the conversation with frank saez and the supervisor Frank is trying to snitch out his disctrict members. Frank should resign or we should start a recall on frank saez.
  3. Frank Saez your just pissed because everyone you sucked off for an appointed job is gone or retired. You and Cal are the last 2 that need to get out of this union. You should know how shit works.......You roll around in it enough to know.
  4. Walt Harbus is just another one of Jeff's close friends. But yes you are right Walt is very experienced and extreamly hard working. I had him as my committeeman at Sterling 2 a few years back and he was great.
  5. Brogan got screwed by Neil. Jeff is one of the better reps at Sterling. Brogans friends and Jeffs friends are totally diffrent groups of people. What kinda junk are you on? Meth? Have a tall glass of shut the fuck up!
  6. ouch! We need to sweep these people out with Neil.
  7. I am pretty sure it will take the presidents signature for appointments so I hope the two of them work together to make that situation bettter. Most of the appointed people ended up there because they were elected and Neils friend or Daves friend and even a couple of Jeffs friends. But most were elected to committeman at least. Only a couple werent. So I am not so down on appointees. They mostly were elected by us, the membership and then appointed to a position.
  8. I am going to go with Gafa. I have'nt even seen Neil once this election.
  9. Cal said the dues came to local 228 by mistake and are going to send them back to local 400. They do not get to vote.
  10. This 228 elect should be our next skilled trades committeeman...please identify yourself and run for it when Kenn Gafa wins for Chairman.
  11. Frank aren't those all the people you had removed from thier jobs with your boy Neil? Pitbull my ass...
  12. I am not Jeff, I am not the New Eye and I am NOT Stugots. I have never called you a thug. I do not even think I have responded to you since you have been on this site. Chaos? Snake? Did I miss somthing?
  13. Sorry but your misinformed. We have Executive Board AT LARGE positions and they are NOT officers but they serve on the boars... They are executive board members NOT executive officers. Executive officers are spelled out clear. Nice try almost had a point!
  14. I heard that Neil Wallyns girlfriend slashed his tires at the golf outting because he was golfing with his other girlfirend Teressa Emanuel.
  15. He wont redistrict so we can have an election for midnights. He is saying if he gets elected we will have an election, if not, the new chairman will have to figure it out. Nice...... DOL is not the answer either. We need to take care of the problem ourselves. Quit trying to have some outsider take care of our problems. We are the membership and our vote is our strength and our voice we need to make it heard loud and clear. Make your voice heard. VOTE!!!!!
  16. Not to rain on your parade! Great, I am sure that will hold water what Int told you! :fan: Did you get that in writing? :heartbreaker: I want to hear what they say in writing! :sandbox:
  17. How the hell would I know? Call the local and ask. Thats what I did.
  18. Called the local on this today and they said, because it says executive officers...being a board member does not necissarly make you an officer unles the by laws say your are and "officer" For example "executive board members AT LARGE" are not "officers" but they are board members. The local is getting a determination from the Presidents office.
  19. isnt i-4 at lima and dearborn already? diesel at essex and cleveland? Maybe they have you guys penciled in for the new Briggs and Stratton.
  20. Financial Secrearty to oversee all elections, ask your election committee. ask Bill Financial is who the election committe reports to....read constitution... Our election committee will tell you they answer to CAL CLARK!! Infact, in training one of the election committe members called him out on it infront of all of us. Yeah they should save our local money all Neil is doing is trying to screw the local by having 2 or 3 elections. Because, Neil failed to redistrct the right way to take care of his friends and screw his enemies.. Now Neil is telling people we could have a full time committeman on midnights if I am elected! What a joke, Ill take noone for midnights.
  21. Yes it is dirty politics and Neil Wallyn and Cal Clark are at the helm of it! They are using bylaws that they dont have to have an election for ALT Comm and that they don't have to resign to run for office. The Financial Secretary is in charge of the election over the election committee, Cal is stacking the tables for Neil Wallyn! There should abe a bylaw passed that everyone has to give up their job to run for executive office!
  22. WoW Stugots it looks like almost the entire Leadership has heard you speak and are agreeing with you. Except a few individuals. Ken Gafa announced he is running for Chairman today. I guess he felt he had to since Neil was campaining all over the floor all week. Nice to see Neil on the floor finally...OH YEAH IT's ELECTION TIME!!!!!! From What I gather here is who is supporting who...Just rumor but this is what I am hearing so far. NEIL WALLYN is being supported by..... CalClark Terry Shrum Frank Saez Bev Richardson Bill Tondreau Rose Williams Janet Vizzacero Joe Desano George Dreske Kevin McCaully Jerry Payne John Combs I understand why the people above support Neil Wallyn! For selfish reasons, everyone of them. They will tell us all that experience matters!!Really???? what has Neil done that anybody else could not have done? KENN GAFA is supported by... Mike Liesicki Sam Vultaggio Larry Brdak Dino Guido Freddie Haynes Lisa Mayberry Bill Blake Jeff Terry Tony Grillo Lorenzo Robinson Nalisha Carter Angelo Sacino Sajuna Jenkins Dave Wagner Mike Wagner Tim Skipinski Paul Previdi Diane Virelli Paul Torrentee Rick Wilson Tim Williams Chuck Harris Tony Vultaggio Rich Dunford Neil Wallyn has been acting Chairman now for 2 years and he has accomplished nothing so far!!! There must be a reason all the elected and appointed people are not supporting Neil Wallyn! Thats is almost the whole union not supporting him. It is clear Neil is not the guy for the job! :reading:
  23. Yes Neil is running...of course Dave would win. It would not even be a contest!
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