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Posts posted by Pulse

  1. I get on nick's case a lot, but in your case he's been more than fair and lenient. It comes to a point where your either so angry that your incapable of forming thoughtful comments of any kind, your literacy level is incompatible with posting on a web forum or your just being a lousy troll who is taking outside issues out on the forum itself. We all get a little wound up sometimes and things can get over the top but your not trying to be thoughtful about anything you post.


    If your mad at the local, sit down write out a letter, proof read it and then post it. You'll find that much of the time it takes care of the issues, assuages your anger and you don't actually post it. I know that's the case for me, but occasionally things still slip. No one expects you to be perfect but you have to put some effort in.


    The knuckle head sent me a PM... I know...let's have background checks to get on here! LOL! BYE CHUCKIE!!!

  2. Thanks tool time, that makes sense.



    Pulse, on 08 Mar 2013 - 09:31, said:snapback.png

    No because not everyone works 1850 hours. Some work more some work less.



    Pulse did you read Settles letter, second paragraph Max 1850 hours ?



    You must need some extra "splainin'" ...isn't that what I said in a nut shell? Must be a tradesman...LOL!

  3. Because Furious is a pension eligible retiree, and if you remove him then all retirees who have accepted early offers by the company also may face the same action. I have documentation from corporate advising me of my eligibility. If it is questioned by a moderator I will respond appropriately, and any action on my account will be corrected. Ford is welcome to buy out my pension liabilities, and in that case you would never read another post by me again if I accept their offer. Till then, if you don't like it, tough shit. Don't read it if you don't like it.

    Furious is spot on...although he may not receive said pension until retirement age eligible...he is still correct no matter if he only had 5 years vested. Now him and I have had many spirited discussions and have had to agree to disagree...but I'm with him on this one! ...carry on...as you were...LOLOLOLOL!

  4. wow! i never thought you were like that! i was forced to dtp production, they did not ask if you wanted to be laid off. they said report to dtp at this date. 50K and stay prod. at assy. plant. i can tell you there is NO union there. thats slave labor. YOU work at 56sec. per truck having to do the work that you need 1.15 sec. to do. no time to drink water. if you never did that work, clam it. like i said, i would have asked(begged) for a layoff instead of dtp! where will YOU go when your plant disolves? hope it's not DTP!! you call me angry, wow, this is the way the membership feels. maybe you are a little out of touch. ask them!


    Every action gets a reaction. Do you deny that you would have ran out of sub and TAP if you weren't working production? I know of TWO tradesmen that chose that route and believe me...they regretted it. Are you now NOT back to your tools? Nobody liked the mess we were thrown in...but if it had not been for the negotiating skills of the UAW it would have sucked even more. I hear and feel the anger everyday my friend, all I can do is try to point out the positives and potential disasters that were averted. It is up to the member to choose to appreciate whether or not the situation worked out best for them or not. How in the world you were denied an ILO is beyond me. I wish you the best and hopefully this situation will continue to improve...but with RTW in our faces now...I'm not so sure. Merry Christmas...I'm truly glad you got back to your tools.

  5. will the union survive? we will see. i heard from a bitching teacher, angry for not getting a raise in 3 years... hey pulse when was the last time the uaw got a raise?? what happened to cola. i hear we will get a $250.00 xmas check. thank you. so union off your ASS and do something for the working person!!


    It's been a long time since we got a wage increase...I'll give you that. But we did regain some of the concessions we had given in this last contract. Cola was a wash...it was ZERO when we let it go to help keep the company out of the bail-out mess; which by the way was the worst economic times since the great depression. Thanks to your buddy BUSH who squandered billions in surplus on a war he started to make his daddy proud. When you refer to doing something for the working person...are you referring to allowing you to work production instead of being laid off; or are you referring to getting you back to your tools? You have become an angry man Jerrymaker...and personally I think you are being ungrateful. You would have run out of sub pay and TAP if you didn't work production. NO other union besides the UAW would have been able to pull that off for YOU. I suggest you re-examine your position and adjust your attitude. You could even have taken the $50,000 and stayed on production. Hell...you could have taken the $100,000 and carried your whiny ass to a non-union shop for all that matters. Oh wait...non-union shops aren't hiring.

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  6. He means that they will judge if the laws passed are constitutional according to the Nations and then the state's constitution as they see it. I'm sure you'd be surprised at the amount of legislation from the bench that has been done by conservatives if you actually cared to educate yourself on the courts. Whether or not it's activists judges usually depends on what political side of the issue your on. If you agree with it then you most likely do not see it as activism.


    Thank you sir...That is EXACTLY what I meant...couldn't have written the rebuttal any better myself! I believe Cal may have pre-ejaculated out of his mouth based on his reputard slanted views. He must not care that the previously controlled GOP bench sided with the corporations and insurance companies 100% of the time...never for the little guy or working class. Do you suppose that's why they are out on their asses as we speak? At least they will have cool judge costumes next year for Halloween! :banvictory: LOL!

  7. The biggest risks with self- performing work are unforeseen issues that would prevent work from being completed. This could possibly halt production. The contractors generally have very high liquidated damages in their contract which results in a high bid price. If in- house trades were not to complete a job due to these issues the company has no recourse except to discipline a supervisor or not award future work. A contractor assumes this risk and liability and it does come with a price.


    I was not clear on the labor cost issue. Guys were willing to filter on and off of the project during their regular work day. Some project work was completed for no cost to the project. Instead of waiting in the shop for a call, project work would be done. Ford is paying trades to be there for 8hrs. regardless. Some guys would not do this but that's their choice. I always wanted the work to stay. It does come down to a lack of competent management.


    Despite what is said on this thread, or by any politician, union and government apprenticeship programs produce superior tradesman. Some may be more motivated than others....


    ...and should be compensated for their "superiority"! Which leads back to my point that I think they would suffer under Romney's plan to dispose of Davis Bacon. Production would surely follow...then you have people REALLY pissed off. If they were mad at this last contract...how do you think they will feel if the Romney plan goes through?

  8. people please think. think about the people you know, who DON'T work for the uaw. are they better off? is the person who works at wal-mart and makes $8hr and collecting food stamps,(at our/taxpayers expense) because they can't pay the rent. tell me what the hell this so called president has done? Don't stay with or do what the uaw does. they help there own, not the workers. if the uaw say vote for the same, vote for diffrent , your neighbors will thank you! the uaw is WORSE than our goverment!!! you know it!


    This is what gets things off topic. But...if memory serves me correctly...President Obama is leading this country through the worst economic times since the Great Depression. Ford would NOT exist as we know it...if AT ALL...if GM & Chrysler had been liquidated like suggested. That's what this topic is about...the survival of Ford as we know it. :backtotopic:

  9. Why exactly would it be wrong to end favoritism and level the field for contractors? Davis/ Bacon drives up the cost for all government construction projects. This is our tax money being spent inefficiently.


    Most of these policies will have little effect on FoMoCo. Virginia was/is a RTW state. If this had been the path Ford wanted to take they could have tested busting the union at NAP? The union is doing a fair job of destroying themselves. How many members believe that the union is doing a good job? RTW will force the union to perform at a higher level? Thoughts?


    Seriously? Davis/Bacon is what keeps the relevant pay at a living wage...you let your boy Romney take it away and see how fast everyone's wages in the United States drops you fool...including ours. That's one of the reasons I put this out there...if wages drop at a Federal level...you'll see more than "trickle down" economics at Ford Motor Company next negotiation cycle...I guarantee THAT! And all RTW would do for FoMoCo is divide the membership, bankrupt the locals, and cause chaos on the floor. Production would be affected in a negative fashion without a doubt. The company might even need to have increased security on the premises...


    If you've spent ANY time on a production floor you'd know tempers flare for the most minute reasons...let some lazy fuque that opts out of his dues be partnered up with a go-getter union activist on a smokin' hot day in the summer and imagine the potential outcome.

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