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Everything posted by Pulse

  1. See what you went and did??? You got "morepie" banned!!! LOL! :banmolest: :hysterical2:
  2. Hey there Candy Cane...pls click on the "quote" square in the bottom right corner of their post when you reply to someone...That way we know who to laugh at! LOLOL! This new format takes some getting used to. :shades:
  3. Don't forget that the Entry Level will "graduate" to Legacy. The 80/20 rule still applies to every other plant except Rawsonville & Sterling. They will get a pension...and hopefully they start it sooner than later...
  4. What HE said!... :bandance: :bandance: :happy feet: :bandance: :bandance: LOL!!!
  5. Hahahahahahahahaha!!! That really is a good one!
  6. If memory serves me correctly...I in-dubadably recall...if I may...that those Southern Boooys Prrrreee-ffer to do the "tongue on pole dance" with shugga cane... :koolaid:
  7. Someone who get's it...sigh "For real... "oh my gawwwd"...have you heard what...like...they said on Blue Oval Forums...tsk..." Hey BABE??? Can ya git me a BEER??? Some of these tools should venture out onto the "secular" forums, like WDIV or CNN... You'll get your @$$ handed to you for some of the " man bitchin' " that goes on here.
  8. F*ckin' niiiiiiiiice! LOL! :banmolest: :hysterical2: I even threw you a "like" dude...TFF!
  9. Dude...if you don't want to quit working...take the TRIP buy-out...$100,000 plus full retirement and medical. You can stay with Faurecia and make pocket money. It's not like you don't know the work eh?
  10. I'm not so sure about that...have you asked the bargaining committee?
  11. Maybe you don't have a local anymore Chuckie. What gas would you be wasting "IF" you went to work? The local isn't far from your "plant" right? All you are doing is TROLLING on here and stirring up $hlt! GFY!
  12. Then HOBO your tail end down to your local and ask the president to see the fricken paperwork. This back and forth on here is futile.
  13. Flex-in-Gate won't sign on the dotted line to make things final unless they get the tentative deal with the UAW. They negotiated to the terms they can live with. That's why the deal must be accepted BEFORE the sale is final. Flex won't buy "what's behind door #3" until they see it. Hope this helps clear it up.
  14. Part of the "dragging out" has been due to the Company challenging some documented evidence presented by us. They have been squirmin' like a whore in a church. They actually had to subpoena 3 Ford executives to testify!
  15. What happens to a lot of "Tradesmen" when they go through the apprenticeship? Do they put everyones head in a parts washer to "fix" their brains? Why is it that when Trades talk about production people, it is as if they were referring to a bunch of powder monkey's f*cking a cannon ball? Many of us "Production" people came to the plants with college degree's and trades from the outside. We have journeymans cards, diploma's and certificates as long as my arm. And a good dose of common sense; which by the way...they CAN'T teach in "tool school" Do you actually think that the listed skills required are above us? Did they convince you of that during apprentice training? Don't you realize how much we have performed in the plants already? Maybe I'm wrong...is it just my perception? Damn man...I can turn a wrench! Lefty tighty...righty loosy... Right??? LOL!
  16. Pulse


    Amen to that brother!
  17. Please enlighten us with the connection between "kanits" and 898???
  18. It appears that you don't know jack...
  19. I looks like they have a tentative deal between 892 and the buyer.
  20. Pulse


    uhhh boy! Here we go again. They are some dirty futher muckers...
  21. Charles is getting pretty fiesty brother... I can feel that melt-down coming preeeetty soon. I was refered to as "f_ckNut" the other day...LOLOLOL!
  22. "does any body know if a person took a buyout when my plant closed. Is it possibly to get back in a ford.how or who I can talk to.I heard I have seven years to do so." The answer is NO...
  23. Deeeeep breath's Brother....before you reach through the screen and choke the living $hit outta someone! I don't want you to burst a vessel my man...you're one of the good guy's.
  24. LOL!!! They better hope Ford doesn't require re-testing before getting back in...seems like a few brain cells got lost over the last few years.
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