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Everything posted by Stugots

  1. Maybe he doesn't hold his liquor that well because he is a dedicated worker and isn't at the bar or the party store all day like mod.
  2. Hey Mod, I mean hey stamper..I'm still waiting for you to expose what retiree I am--
  3. I'm not drinking your kool-aid and I won't be drinking your water either.-------------------------------------------------------Who knows what's in there.--------------------------------------------------------It is time for 2280 to go Greene.--
  4. They could start at places of employment, and if employees don't have documents hasta luego.--------------------------------------------------------Have to start somewhere, just do it and get it done.---------------------------------------------------------Should go through the proper process like immigrants who follow the law and are here legally.------------------------------------------------------No sympathy for ANY illegals--
  5. As seen on tv------------------------------------------------------------Funny sh*t right there, let me tell you--
  6. Wrong Stu I am 2280 Stu. But thank you
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------I agree, and I only commented on facts that mod embarrassed the UAW, and King removed Vince.--------------------------------------------------------And I believe LC is a damn fine UAW representative as well. And you're a damn fine electrician.
  8. Mr. Greene has a firm handshake.----------------------------------------------------He seems like a good guy.
  9. It is very amusing to me that you haven't a clue who I am.-----------------------------------------------------------You are so paranoid about some merger that won't happen and you think you have it all figured out.----------------------------------------------------------But you don't--
  10. Hurry!, because after the elections the only thing you'll have time to pass on is the bar and a part to the next guy down the line.
  11. Part of Stu votes 228 and part votes 2280 and lastly part votes 400.----------------------------------------------------------I work here it is my election as well.---------------------------------------------------------I was here when we split from 228 and when there was nothing but an empty field on vandyke and 18.-----------------------------------------------------------You have no clue son.
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------First off Mod, I'm not Jeff and I work at 2280 little girl.---------------------------------------------------------Looks like I hit a touchy subject with you.----------------------------------------------------------You should find a way to get rid of the tension you have built up because after election you will be busy on the line.---------------------------------------------------------Thanks--
  13. Mod is to blame also.---------------------------------------------------------He made us all look bad when he was in the bar while supposedly representing us.-----------------------------------------------------------And it wasn't just channel 4 either.-------------------------------------------------------We had nationally syndicated talk show hosts and pundits bashing the UAW.----------------------------------------------------------And for what?!--------------------------------------------------------Because of you Mod.----------------------------------------------------------Mod your time as chair is done and there are two things you can do about it.-----------------------------------------------------------1. Nothing-------------------------------------------------------2. Like it------------------------------------------------------------Tick tock
  14. Looks like SM is getting those posters up, I like the initiative.--
  15. I'm voting Dino Guido tomorrow.-----------------------------------------------------I'm voting Dino for experience.---------------------------------------------------Voting Dino for dedication, and involvement.---------------------------------------------------Voting Dino for strength of unity.--------------------------------------------------------Voting Dino for benefit of production workers.------------------------------------------------------Voting Dino because I know he has paid his dues, taken his punches , and learned his lessons.------------------------------------------------------Dino the right choice right now.----------------------------------------------------------Vote for Dino--
  16. I didn't mean to down him, I just don't see him fitting the part in our local.--------------------------------------------------------We need strong, experienced young leadership.---------------------------------------------------Take LC for example, if LC were up for re-election that's a winner winner chicken dinner in my book.---------------------------------------------------------But again not personal with WC I just appreciate our younger talent like LC, LA or even RM.
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------Yes they were also used that way over there at sterling for a while.--------------------------------------------------------I would just like to see these trades find a permanant home.---------------------------------------------------------I mean we have a real melting pot here with people from around the state, out of state like Ohio and even Tennessee.----------------------------------------------------Van Dyke is a good place to be and we need trades here.
  18. How about that Wayne Conner?-------------------------------------------------------Is he really going out for vice pres?---------------------------------------------------------He has like what 40 years seniority and a do nothing clerk job and he's never here.---------------------------------------------------------I can't see him running a union meeting.--
  19. It was professor plum with a candlestick in the dining room.---------------------------------------------------------C'mon and get real guys.---------------------------------------------------------It was Vince, he acted alone and it is why he was removed from benefits rep and everyone knows it.-----------------------------------------------------------He is bitter, he is paranoid and if we aren't careful, he could win an election with retiree help.---------------------------------------------------------Just a thought--
  20. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You are full of it, that paper that went around was pathetic.-----------------------------------------------------A lot can happen in 3 years, don't think you are going to get away with that trashy campaign it will bite you in the as* boy.-----------------------------------------------------------Political revenge is just the same as revenge in general, it is a dish best served cold.----------------------------------------------------------I hope you're working up one hell of an appetite.-----------------------------------------------------And another thing, it is past time everyone gets off RB's back.---------------------------------------------------------He does his job everyday just like most people, and like most people he is human and prone to error.--------------------------------------------------------Don't judge the man on his past but instead look at him today.---------------------------------------------------------What counts in life is how one overcomes the obstacles encountered.
  21. Just lucky I guess---------------------------------------------------------What's your take on the temp trades ljc?
  22. Hey Mr Mod-----------------------------------------------------------What's up with these temporary trades over here?---------------------------------------------------------How long will they be here?---------------------------------------------------------Can they vote?---------------------------------------------------------Why aren't they allowed the same right to overtime as the other trades here?---------------------------------------------------------Why are they in a segregated population?---------------------------------------------------Why can't they mingle with us commoners?----------------------------------------------------Are you getting nervous about the elections?----------------------------------------------------Thank you--
  23. Angelo Lupo we can't wait until June 1st, can you start today?--------------------------------------------------------Way to go Mr Torrente. I knew you were the man for the job.----------------------------------------------------------John Bakalis I'm so pleased that you were elected and look forward to your input.----------------------------------------------------------Now that Jeff has crushed the competition by a very wide margin, can we put all the bashing of our President to rest once and for all.----------------------------------------------------------And congratulations to all of those who won their respective elections.
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