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Posts posted by dtpbodyman94

  1. Sorry dtpnick I don't know who Chuckie is. Also I am sorry you see this as whining , I have been a Ford employee for 15 years and never once been out on medical and never once had a write up or an awol. I come to work everyday and do the best that I can to build a quality product for Ford motor company. What I posted was just my observation of what I see going on around me everyday. I cannot believe that the union has gotten this bad and we , who are the union let it happen to us. It frustrates me to believe that we have to put up with representation like this . As far as running for a union position, why ? Nothing ever changes at DTP is all I hear. You either fall in line with the top brass (bernie and the boys) or you will surely not get reelected or have their support. That right there is what is so disheartening to see. Their way or the highway , and I am not that type of person. People who have the guts to run and want to change things to make our conditions better are quickly slapped down and told not to rock the boat. That is not the type on union I came from and it surely is not a union to be proud of. Maybe it is different on other crews but on c crew that is what i see and that is what ppl are saying around me. Again I am sorry if you see this as whining, all I did was put my and other peoples observations out for all to see .

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  2. Chucky why are you posting stuff under one profile and answering under another? Do you have multiple personality syndrome? How many profiles do you have? LOL You have also CLAIMED on other threads you have only been on medical once(liar)..You have these same troubles EVERY plant you work at,,, Why is that? Is it the Union and management picking on you?..Or is your whiney attitude? If you hate your commitee people so much then run for office and get elected

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  3. I have been around the block and i cannot believe what we as a membership pay to allow the sh@# that happens to us at local 600. I have never been anywhere where management can treat you like a dog and get away with it like they do here. I see our elected leaders on the floor time and time again huddled up with theses bosses laughing and having a great time together. What a joke! What do we pay for ? I see labor telling the union how they are gonna do things only to have our great union tuck their tail and accept what labor tells them and helps them enforce it. This union along with company have beaten us down to the point where I think as a membership we have given up. For 15 years I have never dreaded going into work until I came here and I hear the same sediment all around me. How pathetic is it that we, dues paying members absolutely despise coming to work. weather it be overloaded jobs, loss of break time, bosses on our a@@ constantly, or our leadership caving to every demand ,we deserve better people. We have elections coming up and I don't see anybody excited about it . Everybody just sits around and says we are gonna get more of the same , nothing changes around here so what does it matter . Out with the old and in with the new in hopes something might go in our favor for a change. People we need to unite for a change and find away out of the mess we are in. We don't pay union dues only to have it used against us . We are the people paying for this despicable representation! We are the people that get mistreated by management ! We are the people that deserve respect for what we do everyday ! We are the UAW not local 600 ! So lets find a way out of the mess we are in and get back our self worth and our respect so we can forge ahead with our heads held high and more importantly be proud of being a UAW member.


    Thanks for letting me vent.


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