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Posts posted by nmsford

  1. Believe me when I tell you this that there's less drama in non union shops and less lawsuits. Come on if you want to have a discussion on this at least be honest about what is really going on. I will tell you that the IUAW will make the tier "chosen" 1's pay union dues by taking over the pension fund like they did the health care and if you don't pay union dues you won't get what is left of your pension after they mismanage it like the VEBA. So come into the real world.

    The reason there's less drama in non-union shops is because none of the employees will stand up for themselves for fear of losing their jobs. I guarantee you without UAW you would have a much heavier work load, there wouldn't be nowhere near as many jobs available. My brother works in a non-union shop and he is an "electrician". He does all the maintanance that needs to be done in the whole shop. They have one Maintanance classification and its "electrician", they do everything that all our trades combined do. Do you know how many jobs that right there would eliminate?? That's not including all the production jobs that would disappear if we didn't have the uaw

  2. You also knew going in that you were joining a union that bargained every four years thus your pay and benefits could change each contract. So if you don't like what a contract or contracts have got you, then quit.

    Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound when you post stupid shit like that??

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  3. i wasnt tellin u shit, except thats the millwright answer......ahem...ME CAVEMAN ME HIT SHIT.....ME USE HAMMER....HIT AGAIN? look its a millwright!


  4. I voted no, along with 1788 other 551 members. One of only two local`s to do so.


    "Will they fight, sure they will that`s what they get paid to do." "Will both sides give & take. Right again"


    Fight, because they get paid to fight..... ? what kinda fighting have you witnessed in the last 3 contracts?


    Give and take...? what kinda give and take have you witnessed in the last 3 contracts?


    How many contracts have you had to live with? How many re opened contracts have you shared the disparity? How many no votes have you cast?



    1 of the 1788

    I know it's not much of an excuse. But the reason more locals didn't vote No is because after the first two locals voted it down the IUAW panicked and held emergency meetings at every local with some of the guys who actually wrote tha contract strongly urging us to vote Yes. With all the pressure and scare tactics from IUAW people were to scared to vote it down

  5. yup thats the millwright answer

    Ok are you saying that's a false statement?? You're telling me that you walked up and knocked on labor relations office door and asked for an application?? If that's what you're saying you're either a liar or the only person that I've ever heard of getting in without someones help. Unless it was in the 1970's or earlier

  6. Yeah our local reps all have two or three kids some got their wives and son and or daughter in laws a job too. Don't really want my kids working here myself. I send them to college. Just kinda seems like they are abusing their position in the union. But that is how it is anymore everyone out for themselves and they will screw you over to get what they want. Pretty cutthroat anymore. It's just a shame. These kinds of things is why the union gets a bad reputation.

    How did you get your job?? You and everyone you work with all got your jobs from somebody you know there that got you in.

  7. Good for you....welcome to trades and enjoy. Remember, always respect production workers cause you know first hand how hard they work and you will soon find out how much you have it made on trades. At times, you work harder at your trade but that will never compare with what we put up with during our production time.

    Thanx. And thanx for the advice. I know how much shit production has to put up with and I'm definitely grateful for finally getting this chance to start my apprenticeship.

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