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Everything posted by flint

  1. :reading: Is there still a transfer agreement between Sterling and Vandyke?
  2. Just wondering what is the plan for the remaining peeps at Flatrock who want to return to Van Dyke? Heard sooo much-don't know what or who to believe. Recently those people wanting to leave were told after the contract, around December. Sounds like a blow off to me--what do you think?? :stats:
  3. Thanks Dave. I hope this all works out for all of us. I'll look foward to any info you put out at work. Good luck with the whole "Joe Hindrichs" thing. That's a scary situation considering what happened at St. Louis.
  4. When it comes to calling Dave-"Fugetaboudit!" Yeah-alot of us are looking foward to returning to Van Dyke-although from what I hear there are some at Van Dyke protesting it. Keep me informed on here if you could. Are there still people in Gen?
  5. Dave or any union rep with insight??
  6. Dave, Can you enlighten us as to why there is over 100 days float on the mustang and over 200 days on the mazda?? Knowing the contract talks are coming up and also how AAI has a few departments that management wants to outsource, this ridiculous float is making alot of people think the company is preparing for "something." Whats your insight, and is the union questioning this? Also, with such a high float, why has our production number recently gone up??
  7. You're right on the money about being blamed for all the company's problems. Although, I feel if I'm going to complain about a policy, I should try to take a proactive role in changing it. I truely believe that management/safety has nothing better to do than make and enforce ridiculous rules that are not helping anyone-Company or employees'. Lets talk about how AAI has a "PA" system that announces breaks/shift starts/emergencies/ that no one can even understand!! It sounds like a Charlie Brown cartoon-blaa blaa bla blaa. Or how when we had a major gas leak in the plant a year back management wouldn't allow us to leave our stations-so we all walked off the line and stood outside, later going to medical for treatment. How about the so called safety presentation video we're suppose to have twice a year-hasn't happened yet. Now we're being told no safety glasses with a tint-but yet our own general stores sell them!? Too much time on their hands, taking care of kindergarten issues instead of what really matters. Get 'em outta here...
  8. The union is all about NEGOTIATIONS. Nothing is written in stone. Do you really think allowing an employee to listen to the radio is going to hurt production?? If anything, it improves morale. Why am I explaining this to a union employee-unless you're management. Why even post on this subject if you're not interested in helping the cause. go away
  9. According to Dave Deboot he agrees that this new policy of taking away the only thing keeping us sane-our radios/head sets-is something he doesnt agree with either and we should send our complaints to: EDITED BY STAFF: 14 Feb 07 @ 12:34AM, est. The e-mail address previously listed here is not responsible for this issue.
  10. I spoke with labor last week, and they said Dec 18 will be the list for people leaving in January. Thats all I know...
  11. Thanks--although I figured I'd get these type of screw balls with nothing better to do than post anything on here BUT an answer
  12. You have no idea what you're talking about-and of course I figured someone like yourself would waste yours and my time responding to this. I'm not going to explain why I'm asking, and for who--ALL I want to know is if there is language stating that an employee can be forced. If you don't know, don't answer. :slap:
  13. Can anyone enlighten me on the contractual language concerning being laid off and having an opening in another plant? A few of us are wondering if the union can force you to take the opening or if you are allowed to pass it up. Just looking for an answer with the proper page/appendix # out of the contract if you know. thanks
  14. I have dealt with my share of layoffs and gen pool. Never once did I consider head hunting at other plants for people who are lower than me-you know why, because it's not contractual. If it was than of course I would expect to exercise my rights. It cracks me up when I recall how often people cut each others throats at my old plant over senority issues. How about this, I was laid off and in Gen along with 100 others, and our "high senority brothers and sisters" had the nerve to try to exercise their senority and bump us out of Gen pool. Hilarious!! Are we really brothers and sisters?? Or just co-workers respectful of each other UNTIL the :fan: !!!
  15. It's good to know where you stand. I'm so tired of give give give to the company while they take take take. I see local unions caving in, plants fighting other plants, and union members wanting to leave because we're all being told how uncertain our futures are. Well if this is the end then I'd much rather go down swinging--get 'em Dave! :slap:
  16. Good post. So what does the membership do? It's up to our chairman to take the stance against what the company is trying to do. And I hope Dave will--he knows he has the members to back him if it comes to a strike or any other stance the unuion might choose. Some things are worth fighting for and not being bullied around anymore. I understand the company and even our union is disappointed that the attendance policy didn't pass, but thats no excuse to allow the company to start the threats and job cuts
  17. I can only hope our newly chosen Union representation is more loyal to its AAI local 3000 members than our last reps. All the outsourcing allowed and "hog cutting" that went on is an insult to us all--lets see if it happens again. I hope Dave lives up to his "We'll strike if they try to outsource" comment he said a bit ago. Come on Dave, lets not be a part of the other plants rolling over because they're scared. These concessions, outsourcing, and such are an insult to what the union stands for-especially Plant VS Plant bull crap!
  18. Whats so lucky?? AAI has proven to be a nice plant but ran by a bunch clowns for management. We're so lucky to have been over staffed by 500 people. We're so lucky to have been told 440 of us will be laid off because of this. We're so lucky that because our cry baby management is ticked off because the attendance policy was turned down, and now they want to purposely allow transfers to once again overstaff us--causing what? more layoffs! Oh and don't forget how lucky we are to have management bringing in people to inspect some of our RTO jobs(whats left) to be outsourced--more layoffs. Plus we've been told Mazda wants to build the new model here, but oh wait-they can pull out at any time. So go ahead and come on down--there's plenty of room :fan:
  19. What an idiot--typical--No response to show me where it says in our contract that your preciuos senority earns you a spot at any plant you so desire??? Thats because it doesnt exist!!!!!
  20. O.k. so then you show me where it says in the contract that senority can bump people out of their jobs between plants?? You can't--unless you have a sister plant or share bumping rights between plants. Again, its not a free for all-senority only goes so far. Unfortunately, my plant/union has a history of bringing in too many transfers and then threatening layoffs'. It's a shame I have too worry about what my local may allow--come through for us Dave! :shades:
  21. The point is if my plant is not in danger of any CURRENT closings, that shouldnt mean its a free for all for all you HIGH senority peeps to come take what you think is yours. If us low senorities were going to be bumped because you feel MY plant is yours for the taking, then that would have to be voted on, but my point is dont over staff us and then in 6 months claim layoffs due to bad attendance...
  22. Yeah Dave, I will be anxiuosly awaiting this info. I don't want to allow either the company or the union to cost me my job because they allowed higher senority to come over and displace us. By over staffing us thats exactly what WILL happen and both sides know it.(company and union) If you end up telling us this is whats going to happen, I hope you fight it...
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