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STAP bum

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you know in the first year and a half i worked at stap i had 52 unauthorized days off ..Gordie Cambell saved my ass ...what ever happened to that union


How the hell do you rack up 52 unauthorized days and still think you should keep your job!?!??!


I have ZERO.


This is what is wrong with the union.

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i was young (18) and had some "issue's"



what my point is that that is when the union did there job and helped the workers ...that is what a union is




we wildcat-ed when a worker pulled a formans tie and was suspended



you guys need leadership .....not yes men

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I hear so many of you here crying and complaining about the vote that was cast for this new contract. I myself voted NO. I wore the pin NO COMMITMENT NO CONSESSIONS and I meant it. My question is why did so many of you vote for this and are complaining about the results now?


Don’t get me wrong I am madder than hell with this vote. I have 25 years in and will miss my 28.1 by 2 points. So what do I do? Should I go to Oakville and miss the $75000 and the voucher for a car? Or do I take the money and go leaving me with such a low retirement that it will be difficult to live on? Either way I feel screwed.


Why did we get a one hour meeting to decide what we wanted or needed for the rest of our lives? I feel we were coaxed, coerced, and cajoled to vote for this contract on the spur of the moment and many of the people signed under duress. I think they bullied us with the fear that if we didn’t vote for it not only would we not get a better deal next time but Ford would probably decide to leave Canada thereby putting many of our brothers and sisters out of work permanently.


We waffled and we lost in most cases. So what do we do now? Do we cry and complain or do we go to our UNION LEADERS and say DO SOMETHING? Where are the people who were supposed to get us a deal we could live with? They sold us out so what can we do now? Ford opened the contract two or three times why can’t we open it once and say you have to do better? Come on CAW earn your money do something for STAP. We have had top quality for most of the years we have worked why should we be sold out now? STAP has been a money maker for Ford for many years and this is how they say THANKS.

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How the hell do you rack up 52 unauthorized days and still think you should keep your job!?!??!


I have ZERO.


This is what is wrong with the union.


The Union??? why is the Union at fault? The Union could not "save" this persons job UNLESS the COMPANY DID NOT WANT TO GET RID OF HIM/HER.

Congrats on your zero, sounds about right.

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You have to be asking yourself , did I ever make a big mistake! 400 to 450 senior employees at STAP who were forced by the union, and voted the 83% in favour, had not received adequate time to review the proposal brought to the membership. Unions are about fighting the fight ,not to give in. I want to fight back, now i feel i was told i have cancer and have up to 18 months to live ! We didn"t need to do the consessions right away , hell it"s not happen to STAP anyway the consessions now thats funny , there's nothing new in it to make it worthwhile ,more loss jobs . Thanks for the $130,000.00 but it's a small price for buying out the community ,your union members there families and kids future . It was a bad deal and now our union is much less powerful on a globle stage . We will lose the footprint with Ford forever in canada , the jobs will never be back and when capacity goes back up ,there are no new investments. Ford has us and the union leadership on the run, when will the leadership finally get the balls and stand up for the workers and not the company's demands!! oh by the way,I think we would have better off to wait and let the contract run till 2011. Ford was going to close STAP anyways and you got nothing but empty promises that are just old news.We need leadership not cowards at work.

Finally I would just like to say, that STAP employees deserve more then this from the company. The union knew for years that STAP was closing and told membership on the floor to trust your union leadership, don't listen to the media, however, in the end, we learned from the media we were closing, not from the union or the company. I think we desrved a little bit more respect then that. Up until now, I have been a proud CAW member, now instgead of holding my head up high I'm embarrassed because the union has lost the fundametal values, workers rights, job security, fair wage, and future. Chose a side...workers side or company side! Even the UAW members fought back their leadership .it was a no vote They received committment from the company, new products and job security. no mre consession till we get some jobs back . p.s tell whitey if u see him alot of ppl blame him not scott smith the escape goat.

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You have to be asking yourself , did I ever make a big mistake! 400 to 450 senior employees at STAP who were forced by the union, and voted the 83% in favour, had not received adequate time to review the proposal brought to the membership. Unions are about fighting the fight ,not to give in. I want to fight back, now i feel i was told i have cancer and have up to 18 months to live ! We didn"t need to do the consessions right away , hell it"s not happen to STAP anyway the consessions now thats funny , there's nothing new in it to make it worthwhile ,more loss jobs . Thanks for the $130,000.00 but it's a small price for buying out the community ,your union members there families and kids future . It was a bad deal and now our union is much less powerful on a globle stage . We will lose the footprint with Ford forever in canada , the jobs will never be back and when capacity goes back up ,there are no new investments. Ford has us and the union leadership on the run, when will the leadership finally get the balls and stand up for the workers and not the company's demands!! oh by the way,I think we would have better off to wait and let the contract run till 2011. Ford was going to close STAP anyways and you got nothing but empty promises that are just old news.We need leadership not cowards at work.

Finally I would just like to say, that STAP employees deserve more then this from the company. The union knew for years that STAP was closing and told membership on the floor to trust your union leadership, don't listen to the media, however, in the end, we learned from the media we were closing, not from the union or the company. I think we desrved a little bit more respect then that. Up until now, I have been a proud CAW member, now instgead of holding my head up high I'm embarrassed because the union has lost the fundametal values, workers rights, job security, fair wage, and future. Chose a side...workers side or company side! Even the UAW members fought back their leadership .it was a no vote They received committment from the company, new products and job security. no mre consession till we get some jobs back . p.s tell whitey if u see him alot of ppl blame him not scott smith the escape goat.

I could not agree more.

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