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strong back weak mind?

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  1. fellas all of you make very good points (except ed). Grab the mic and lets help everybody make an informed intelligent decision. Hold the leaderships feet to flames
  2. It really doesn't matter if you got 8 years or 18 years, STAP's been jerked around long enough. I don't feel like im so hard done by , my family and i just want to know whats going on. Ed im not sure how many years you've got in but you seem like a bit of a dildo
  3. We should bargain for the most lucrative severance package possible. If they want to close the mill, then so be it. If they want to keep it open I will continue to work hard for myself and the company. I am sick of these games
  4. your dead on buddy. I've worked at stap for 8 years and I'm sick of the lies. Ford needs to shit and get off the pot
  5. everybody in the friggin plant knows this
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