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  1. I heard it was a waitress that called the news and it was payback for something that happened. What it was, I have no idea
  2. I agree 110% I'm sure the guys that got pinched had 30+ years since it looked liked they were two steps away from the grave and had grown accustomed to their lifestyles. Well things aren't booming like they were in the early 90's Its a new world order out there people.Our market share is in the sh**ter.and people need to change their mind set. These guys that got caught,do you think they care?? Hell No.they have enough time in to ride out anything the economy throws at them,Im sure it was a big fucking joke when they got back to the plant half in the bag that Channel 4 approached them. My 2 cents??? They, along with their supervisors,and area managers should hit the fucking street. I bet Billy Jr, Fields and Mullaly got a real kick out of seeing that on the local news knowing that that shit is gonna hit the fan for us UAW members in 07 as if it hasn't happened enough already. More ammo for the man
  3. http://www.clickondetroit.com/index.html In the right hand corner,Click on Video Rescue 4 Will we ever get out of the Media????
  4. I heard contractors were doing roof repairs and a tar bucket caught fire,no damage,no one hurt. That is per channel 7 news at noon
  5. Thanks for the reply's,I'm sure the Union would end up making a deal to strike out the grivence to save some deadbeats ass who's related to somebody in the Good Ol Boys Network anyway. But thanks again for the answer
  6. Is the company allowed to work people overtime in a particular dept. if that dept. has people on TLO???? If they do, is that cause for a grivence??? Thanks
  7. I couldn't of said it better myself
  8. I'm not suprised!!!! 5 mph speed limit my arse!!!!!!! Hopefully it wasn't serious!!!! Anyone have updates????
  9. I agree, Transman I heard they cut a shift in Dept.42 1 month min.
  10. After the 412 that got the buyouts leave,where will that put the plant population? Thanks
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