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Everything posted by Maislebandit

  1. Hmmm, you sure are stirring the pot hard and fast since joining. I've got one pressing question for you. With both already being UAW, are you for, or against Sterling and Romeo merging locals? I'd also like to hear Eagles take on this question. What say you Eagle?
  2. Any employee who comes to work and does their job should be able to decide when they want to retire. It doesn't matter if they have 40+ years or not. It doesn't matter if they donate their entire pay to charity - or to blow it all at the track or on booze and broads - or use it to support family. They could use c-notes to light cubans for all I care. Bottom line, IT IS THEIR CHOICE AND ONLY THEIR CHOICE TO MAKE. I do however applaud a 30 year worker who decides to move on. Not only does it unselfishly thin the herd, it gives them a chance to enjoy life outside the factory. Sadly, most people who retire from auto factories don't live very long after leaving. I must ask, who are they really cheating? We would all be better off if we correct and control only what we can - OUR OWN BUSINESS.
  3. I know somethings not quite right, regardless of what it is it'd be nice to let us know when you get this nonsense corrected.
  4. You wrote this: Yet you wrote this in an earlier in post: "INTUAW handled it well" ????????????? And what's up with always editing your posts? Can you not stand by what you write every time?
  5. Fact is, the president or Jeff in this case isn't even allowed in the plant without invitation. What a lot of people don't really know is that the president is not involved in the day to day running of the plant. So in a normal situation, when the pres. actually has some type of repoire with the chairmen and plant committee, he or she would know what is going down. As many may know, our current president does not have this connection, so he must call his "other connections" which many may also know is possible because he is really good at riding his daddies coat-tails. This was a very serious ordeal and if the company hadn't altered it's stance, there WOULD HAVE BEEN A STRIKE. I don't care what Jeff, Eagle or anyone else says to downplay this. Since he is questioning wether this job will get done in time and within budget, Eagle obviously knows very little of trades ability and willingness to complete this project. This is not a big project compared to what we have done in the past. THIS IS THE SHIT WE DO. So worry about the west side of Mound road, and we'll take care of the east side.
  6. Eagle(s), you are too funny. If Neil wanted something put up on here, why in the world would he have someone else do it? You can speculate all you want as to who I am - people who have been on this forum a while could narrow it down for you - but your way off base. Anyways, you are the one with the identity crisis. You are one goofy bird(s)!! :tease:
  7. One of the best things about bottoming out is that there is no where to go but up. It is nice to hear this kind of talk from the media and I hope it's just the beginning! :beerchug:
  8. Thanks and yes, the contractors are out after this week. I am glad cooler heads have prevailed, it was looking bad for a little while there. And contrary to some of the multiple personalities on here, this had nothing to do with the election (although I'll admit it was very coincidental) and everything to do with managements attempts to divide and weaken the population.
  9. Really? Is this to a specific location, or to all plants that need them?
  10. Why do you always insist on dividing our Union? If we don't stand united we are all screwed. Don't you realize the shafts, cases and driveshafts affected trades too? There is also a production issue that is on the horizon right now. Management thinks that they can bring 40 people from Utica GEN to "temporarily" man a production line, which they cannot. The language in place allows the temp GEN use for "projects" only. Also something to think about - if the company is successful in bringing contractors in this time, it could be just the beginning. If every project got farmed out, I seriously believe they would reduce trade population. Since the GEN is no longer an option, where do you think they will go? Yes, they will displace production people. Look, I don't want to strike and I know you don't either, but if you and the other people of 228 cannot come together and put their differences and issues aside, we are all in deep shit. BTW, if our bid to keep the outsourced work was half the price of the "market test" yet they still chose to outsource, I KNOW they would have proceeded with a strike.
  11. Your post is conflicting. In the first sentence, you are all out against trades and in the second one you suggest that the company is out to divide us. ?????? I'm not sure where you stand, but any differences in our Union must be put aside or we will come to have no leverage in any type of bargaining.
  12. Tearing out the tool room and some velocity trenches. Work traditionally done by our trades.
  13. Sterling started a GEN/JSP last year. Tradesmen sat in this pool for 5 months while their projects fell behind. Some of these tradesmen got called back up in December and proceeded to work them over the holidays. So, Ford paid these guys to sit and do nothing and then paid them double time to work. As Grandmaster as stated, we quoted half the price (I heard lowest contractor bid was 1.2 mil). I am willing to help the company I work for in these trying times. I think we have all sacrificed some in recent years. At what point does it become impossible to swallow anymore? When I see the choices they have been making locally, makes me think soon. Oh, and as far as the Labor clearance goes, management is doing this without one, hence the grievance.
  14. Management has told the union it still intends to bring contractors in for the tool room job. The union thought they could avoid this by using Utica trades temporarily , as there is language in the contract that allows this. Instead, management would rather those guys stay in the job bank, do nothing and still get paid while paying contractors double what it could be done for in house (in house overtime is out of the question to them). As soon as any work commences, the grievance will be written. If no deal is struck in the allotted time (not sure, maybe week or two ), on strike we go. International already is aware of the situation and has given the local the nod to proceed. I hope this all gets worked out - this could be bad for both company and union at a particularly bad point in time.
  15. I was thinking along the same ironic lines while reading your link and it is completely ridiculous. What is scary though, is that it's not that unfair of a comparison.
  16. No, not "nuff said". First, if you want to let just "anyone" in a plant do millwright work you are creating a very unsafe scenario. Second, you are begging for equipment to get wrecked. You must have a very narrow point of view to make an assumption as you have. Did you know that outside of the UAW that many millwrights do not do their own rigging? Did you also know that many of them do not run equipment and have operators to do that? Did you know that most millwrights do not do ironwork on the outside? If you want to form an opinion, that is fine. Doing so without knowing what you are talking about however, shoots down any credibility you may have.
  17. How many trades are now left in Utica JSP? Word is that Sterling is supposed to get 8 M/W & 2 W on a temporary basis. Thanks for any info.
  18. What people seem to forget is that for that 100 grand you must trade your life away for that year. They forget about what they take for granted (weekends, family life, etc.) The money is good, but 7 - 12's isn't all its cracked up to be.
  19. Getting overtime would be nice but since they won't even hear of it, I hope these people coming over work out. It is better than contractors as far as I am concerned. And Neil has already said if these guys don't pull their weight they'll be gone as fast as they came here. Like you said, Sterling operates different than most Ford facilities. People that do not work here and make assumptions about what we can and can't do is irresponsible. It is this type of irresponsibility that leads to bad press. We've always been able to execute anything management has let us tackle.
  20. If your status is changed, you will have 5 days to opt back to production if your seniority allows (32.5 years would be enough I am sure). You should still retain callback rights to your trade also.
  21. How do you figure? There has been a little overtime here and there all along and some trades will be working over Christmas. Is your speculation for Utica Gen only? If so, why?
  22. The latest word from the floor is middle of Feb. for a dept. 23 afternoon shift. I fully expect Sterling will see increased volumes and maybe some new work in 2009. With all the floor space that is available there, it is needed badly. Sterling needs to fill up its voids or risk being closed. Empty space kills factories.
  23. Only the annex has the new start time from what I understand, and it is all 3 shifts. 6 am, 2 pm and 10pm. I have no idea why they are doing this, it may however have a positive effect on the parking lot rush at start times!
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