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Everything posted by xr7g428

  1. Calling Detroit a "third world country" is an insult to third world countries.
  2. And now the smoking gun. Emails from with in the Whitehouse using the video as a cover up for failed policy. Read the latest set of emails here and see for your self: http://www.judicialwatch.org/document-archive/1919_production-4-17-14/
  3. I just love it when lawyers have to spin their way out of their clients blunders. Or better yet their own. I can see Mr. Lawyer now, his wife walks in on him in bed with his mistress. Caught in the act, Lawyer says who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?
  4. So now it looks like there are two versions of what Bundy said and they are very different. It appears that the New York Times and Media Matters did some serious editing to change the nature of what he was saying. I am not choosing any side in this as I don't think we have all of he facts or that either side is really coming to the table with clean hands. It sounds like the government was being used to further a special interest, and that Bundy hasn't been paying. What ever it is, the problem has nothing to do with desert tortoises. First the full clip: http://youtu.be/agXns-W60MI And then the edited version: http://youtu.be/FbnRnhrNFEY
  5. Langston, which one of those black lines was factual. The back one or the really really black one?
  6. Nothing like looking at the actual documents that were supplied to see how factual your source is Mark. Based on this they could have been responsible for the Kennedy assassination and no one would know. http://www.scribd.com/doc/219833547/Document1-Redacted-110910
  7. We need a less moral society, More abortions, an unimpeded bureaucracy, and a law that required the President telling lies to pass. How could we ever live with out that?
  8. Langston, lets be clear: You are okay with the IRS targeting particular groups for prosecution because of their political leanings. You defend the practice because you share the dislike for the groups that are being targeted. You have no issue with different branches of the bureaucracy banding together to accomplish political intimidation. It is not tyranny when your people are doing it.
  9. Yeah, it is just like black people complaining about getting pulled over when white people don't... I mean if they are guilty anyway what is the problem with that?
  10. And Langdad, you are not a liberal, you are a fascist.
  11. And you think this is a good thing? Gotta get down to it Soldiers are cutting us down Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her And found her dead on the ground How can you run when you know?
  12. Mark, are you claiming that there was no double standard? That is what is at issue here. Is it your contention that liberal groups were given the same level of examination?
  13. That is what i ended up doing. You might want to verify that they all seated correctly too. The ones in the back are a little tough to get to.
  14. Probably another COP failing. The thing to do is to replace them all when one starts failing it seems like they all start to fail. Also, what plugs did you use?
  15. None of the things you advocate work. That never stopped you in the past. Communism is accomplishes everything you advocate: income equality, wealth distribution, guaranteed healthcare, higher minimum wages for all, all knowing, all powerful government. What exactly do you dislike about that?
  16. Langston, if you are not owned by the government, try, on occasion, to act like it. You don't seem to have any rights that you are not happy to concede to the government. You beg for them to take more of your money, to own all of the guns, to control your healthcare, and your retirement, determine who should be allowed to speak, to tell you what kind of car you can drive, and where you can drive it, and even to punish you for having bad motivations. And all of this is perfectly okay so long as they provide plentiful abortions and free birth control. You even believe that the government can predict and control the climate, and that is a lot more complex than the economy and we can all see what a great job they are doing with that. I am not being a dick, I am just trying to understand what could compel someone to think the way you do. People don't attack you, they attack the silly things you support so blindly. Did you ever consider this: you work for an auto manufacturer, might it be a good idea to support things that might help people be able to buy cars? Or at least be able to afford to buy fuel to put into them? Or are you really better served when people spend the money on over-priced healthcare insurance instead? Just maybe building that Keystone pipeline might just drop the price of gas a bit, or is it really better to see to it that gas prices stay high to help wean us away from our cars? You can't seem to figure out which side of your own bread is buttered. The problem is that people like you want to do stupid things like increasing the minimum wage and pushing another 3 million out of work. If you post a job opening right now you don't get a few applicants you get hundreds or even thousands. How do you think that adding another 3 million will effect that? What effect does that have on wages? It isn't good. Your people are so bad at math that they fail to comprehend that decreasing the number of unemployed is a better fix to income inequality than decreasing the income of those that are still working. But punishing the rich is so much easier than helping the poor and middle class.
  17. So I guess this explains a lot; Langston must be property of the US government. This seems to fit: The Congress shall have the power to dispose of, and make all needful rules and regulations, respecting the property... "Dispose of" sounds kind of harsh.
  18. You have to decode Langston, but fortunately it is easy: right = bad. conservative = racist. Republican = evil. Democrat = good. Socialism = Better. Communism = Best. God = dog.
  19. This is not a court of law. I never suggested that the constitution be changed in any way, nice red herring. Pleading the 5th doesn't mean you are not guilty. And yes I would feel the same way about anyone that did what Lerner did. As to the others, I don't know the details, but if they lied about illegal activities, the way Lerner did then they are just as guilty.
  20. Mark, this is not a court of law. We could give a shit for your spin. She plead the 5th. She lied. We don't need law degrees to figure that out. You are used to representing guilty people so you have lower standards than the rest of the public. Get over it. Some times guilty people do get caught, slime lawyers or not.
  21. It should not come as any surprise to any one, Canadian or American, that the US is in retreat. Stupidity rules the day, we keep making employees more expensive to hire and then anguishing about unemployment. We make new businesses harder to start and then wonder what happened to innovation. We allow our constitutional rights to be eroded and then wonder what happened to freedom and liberty. We let our politicians lie to us and then excuse it because they weren't the first.
  22. Nick, God, to me, is not a super hero. You are confusing the acts of very imperfect people, with the belief in something greater than ourselves. The God you are looking for, that fixes all that is wrong in the world, most assuredly doesn't exist. If your test for the presence of God is utopia, I can see why you would be bitter and disappointed.
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