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Posts posted by slapshot2

  1. Slap, great to hear from you. I think we must be talking about two different people here! I'm talking about W. Ed Baire who was a committeeman and then a BC and then a committeeman again. The Ed Baire I'm talking about is currently representing the metal line. You are so wrong about me. Unfortunately, I DO like Baire as a person outside the union, away from the plant. He just refuses to live up to what he could be. As a union rep however, he doesn't even know how to spell integrity. But knowing you and myself, we'd probably do better to discuss this privately. I'm sorry to say, this is going to be one of those subjects that we will not agree on. You're going to be pissed at me but I am going to remind you that you often times defended Fred as well. Do you want time to tell on this one as well? I've seen whereby Baire has had the opportunity to really run with the ball and all he's done is dropped it and waited for someone else to pick it up and then try to take credit for it. He did have potential at one time but unfortunately he squandered his chance. We cannot afford to wait for him to get his act together nor can we afford to wait and see if he will live up to being what we need him to be. He's had that chance, too many times in my opinion. Essentially, he's failed every time.

    Holy Toledo! I defended Freddy? Mary, I haven't had a drop to drink in over 3 years, I can hardly remember a time that I would have done that, but I must admit, even I did not think he to be capable of the things he did at the end. That was shocking, but I refuse to wrap Ed Baire up in that mess. It's not fair to him, or anyone else for that matter. He is a great guy, and this union and it's members mean the world to him. That can not be overlooked. We all know that we are not always going to agree on issues, but to brand somebody as not worthy for things that were perceived in the past is terribly wrong, and the last thing we need to do. We have not the stability as a plant to become too judgemental on these issues. We need good, experienced, union people in there now, or this company will make our local non existant. I think Ed Baire has the experience that we need going forward. I hardly care about what happened 5 years ago, or 10 for that matter, but I do care about right now. The past has never mattered less. We need people right now that are experienced with dealing with the company at all levels, and there is no denying that Ed Baire has that experience Mary. I think you should give him a break and stop speaking negatively about him. If there is something you disagree with about him, tell him, but this is not the right arena to do it. This forum amounts to little more than slander and I think it's wrong. Ed Baire is a good person and has helped many people in this local. I see no mention of any of this, only the perceived negatives. One thing is for certain, we have certain committee people on right now that people took a chance on that had no prior expereince, and they are getting eaten alive. They accomplish nothing, no matter where they get moved to. We need good people from the past, people with experience, and Ed Baire fits that mold, like it or not.


    On another note, how's the family? Please give Tom my best as always!

  2. So sorry to disappoint you here... but you aren't getting the last word.


    First of all, the official notes were transcribed and turned in. I am perfectly within my rights to keep my handwritten notes. I am NOT required to turn those in. Now, if you know me at all, you know that I always have a notebook. I just happen to keep all my notebooks. Shame on anyone who doesn't keep a personal copy of any of their own work. How can you refer back to something? That's a simple matter of covering your own back. But then you don't seem to be the brightest bulb here, do you.


    I do notice that no one is denying what I said took place. That's a smart move. It can all be proved true anyway.


    Yes, let's talk about Baire and Pena contacting the International Union. They were supposed to be representing the membership of Unit 2. The unit would be down temporarily for a short period of time. They contacted the International only because they were concerned about their own hides rather than the well being of the membership they were sworn to protect. Some things never change, do they? Try to twist things all you want, it won't change what REALLY happened.


    Furthermore, will you please try and come up with some new material? My children were never in this plant during working hours. But then neither was Baire. YOU are the one trying to live in the past and for that I feel sorry for you. Don't try and create something that doesn't YOU are the one who is being ridiculous. Furthermore, any time you want to sit down and hash this out over a cup of coffee, name the time and the place. Hell, I'll buy. Unlike you, I don't have to hide in shadows behind a false name. I make no secret of who I am and where I am. I have always put the interests of the membership first. I purposely was not posting on this forum because of the fact that the structure was in negotiations. But YOU accused me of changing the notes from negotiations and I simply answered those false charges. I have not said anything about this structure while they are in negotiations. This is NOT the time. However, when YOU make false accusations against me and my family for the sake of entertaining yourself I will answer those accusations. I know I have the truth on my side. I believe the membership is aware of that as well.


    Just remember something, those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Think about it.


    Come on Mary, let's be fair about all of this. To categorize Ed Baire with Freddie Pena is not fair. I think over time Freddie has proven to many of us just how shady he has been all along, but that should not tarnish the reputation of Eddie. In the years I have known him, Ed Baire has been one of the most consistent union people I have known. Being on the floor or in the plant for that matter, has nothing to do with that. I think we all know of union officials over the years that we have seen every day or night that weren't worth a hill of beans when it came to getting things done. Eddie Baire has always gotten things accomplished for me and many others that I know, provided the issues had merit. He deserves to be given credit for this, because he does not cut hogs, and that is a quality that is of utmost importance for our membership and few get to enjoy this claim. Many of us have sat back over the years and watched as many a union official made different decisions over and over for the same issues, and each time, somebody got screwed. Ed Baire, regardless of your personal feelings for him, has a great deal of integrity and we need more like him within our structure. If you have it coming to you under the agreements within our contract, Eddie will fight to the very end to make sure that you get it. He deserves better than the slander he gets on forums like this. We all know, you included, that these are thankless positions, and the only thing we can really hope for is consitency in the decisions made pertaining to contractual issues. While there are times that the final outcome is an unpopular one, if it is the right one under our agreement then that is what Eddie will strive to get for the member. I have seen him do this since the day I started there, and am grateful for the fact that he has integrity that he is not willing to compromise. As we go forward, I am certain that you understand, we need more than anything union officials that posess this quality (integrity), or we are in trouble as a unit. You might not like Eddie on a personal level, but that has nothing to do with what is really going on in our plant or the negotiations. Like it or not, he does in fact have experience negotiating a contract and there is no doubt in my mind that he would be a benefit to the negotiations that are taking place now. This is a tough business, and there is no doubt that these negotiations are much tougher than any this local has seen in the past. In cases like this there is no substitute for experience, and Eddie has that, like it or not. He is good at what he does, and cares greatly for this membership. How many others do you think can truly state that? Give him a break. He's earned it by serving this membership for the past 15 years. If he didn't have a passion for unionism, why on earth would he continue to put up with this kind of stuff? This union, whether you agree or not, is lucky to have the likes of Ed Baire within it's structure. You know what they say, there is no substitute for experience, and he certainly has that. Don't you think that may have come in handy against a group of seasoned Ford negotiators? We both already know the answer to that! I can tell you this. Whatever the bargaining team comes out of these negotiations with, Ed Baire will support it 100%, because it's the right thing to do. It's the loyal thing to do!

    Hope all is well with you!

  3. You my friend are very uneducated. Warren Buffett did an interview last month and said. It was wrong that his secretary paid more in income taxes as a percentage of income than he does. This is a man worth over $40 billion dollars. He is totally against Bushs tax cuts. Also why should Bill Gates get the use of tax dollars in creating his software programs, and tax dollars that built the internet. But he shouldnt pay more in taxes? He benefited the greatest from tax dollars. Lets say there were no taxes. There wouldnt be Dept. of Defense and the internet would have never been created. Would Bill be the richest person in the world? This Neo-Liberal economy if successful will fail. We need to tax the rich who are creating these jobs without health care benefits, better yet lets compete as a country and get a single payer health care system put in place. A basic need of all in the world but in America it is only going to the rich and the ones lucky enough to have employer paid health.

    The "rich" already paying at a higher rate per dollar is not enough? I am always amazed at those that can actually bring themselves to think this way. It's absurd, and you would be the first one bitching if in that position yourself. Most of these folks have created thousands of good paying jobs and should bear no true responsibility for the fact that our gov't has yet to provide a universal health care system. Unfortunately at current standard, that doesn't exist, but that should not necessarily be passed on as an obgligation to the employers. If it did, than they should have the rights to limit peoples lifestyles and we both know the possibilities of passing that one off. Bottom line, people get rich through their successful ability to manage and run companies. They need not be punished for this ability, period!

  4. I totally understand the theory of just in time delivery but, it has costs us production losses on more than one occasion. When they use to keep a cushion of stock in Lorain this never happened! Except in that nasty storm before the winter shutdown of 04'. I posted it to find out exactly why, knowing others from our plant use this forum! Your the one who has nothing but contempt for me. What allegations, The work is pre-scheduled and we didn't have the correct parts to build our quota. Is that a lie? I care about our jobs, plant, and our product. I can't see how this is positive for our image. I remember the upper management telling us in a town hall meeting that our customers are waiting for their vehicles. I guess this is all opinion and rhetoric though. I have no political agenda, and have no intention on running for anything. I'd just like to keep a job. Based on the sprinter sales, I foresee Mullaly bringing the transit to the U.S. and reducing or eliminating the Econoline production in the U.S. If I was a contractor I would like to stand up in my work van, just as I like to stand up in my semi's. That's why the Freightliner mid-roof and condo where such a success! Since it's inception every other truck manufacturer has produced it's own mid and high roof trucks!


    The part of this you don't seem to get is the fact that our production schedule is not based on a per day number, it is based on a weeks production which is broken down into per shift, per day, averages for attainment. When we for some reason fall short of our shifts goals, those trucks are made up during the other shifts to follow. Very rarely does our plant miss it's weekly production goals, and certainly not because of a 1.5 hour short shift. It takes major downtime to prevent the plant from having the ability to make up lost production, which is where the voluntary Saturdays come in to play from time to time. So no, it does not make sense to have a "cushion" inventory on hand for the rare times that this occurs because the trucks are still produced during the week they were scheduled to be. It makes no sense to overproduce and overpurchase parts to avoid a situation that rarely occurs and doesn't hurt you very badly when it does . Got it now?

  5. So you know so much, you must be the new President of the company. Don't be so hard on someone just for stating an opinion.


    This has nothing to do with opinions. It is about the mis-statement of facts. I simply pointed out the simple business logic behind inventory management, which is not my opinion, it is a logistical way of life for most manufacturing companies. You're obviously just as ignorant as he for thinking that his allegations qualify as opinions. They are accusations and they are unfounded. If you're going to trash the company you work for you should at least make sense while doing it I think. Much as if you are going to stick up for somebody you don't know, your argument should at least make a little bit of sense, which in your case, it's far from it. You see, much of this stuff is simply common sense, but people like yourself and Furious whom are always thinking the company is out to get you would never see it that way because you're too ignorant to take the time to actually understand the basic ideas behind decisions that are being made. Pathetic!

  6. Just in time or just out of parts! I'm not embarrassed at all. I don't beleave you would be nearly as insulting if you where standing in front of me!


    I'd guarantee you differently. You can find me in the plant at any time you wish. I have no reason to hide, because I understand the business logic behind the decisions that are made. I don't just come on here bitching and moaning and throwing out inuendos without the ability to back them factually. You do things like race home to inform the internet world that our plant went home early the other night without actually knowing why it was that we were sent home. That's ignorant, and you know it!

  7. No, that's based on the numbers that Nick has been giving to us at the union meetings. At the time of the sign ups, not a lot of people wanted to come here. I guess they thought maybe they could do better.


    Before this is all said and done, we'll all be given numerous chances to "change our minds". Not sure where they'll come from, but we'll get more people. We have to.


    Good to see you Mary! How are things?

  8. If people need incentive to retire then why hasn't the company negotiated a mandatory 30 years and out? If people knew that they only had 30 years and their employment would be terminated they would have their shit together!


    Because companies in the private sector can't force people to retire, it's discriminatory. If you can still do your job safely and efficiently then they can't force you out while it's still there. The lawsuits would be tremendous. There is nothing to negotiate, unless you want to try to get in front of the Supreme Court. It's probably easier to just let people stay and let the union worry about explaining it to the members.

  9. Then you run the risk of production loss in the event of any adverse weather, breakdown, logistical failure. The difference is now you have to run you facility on overtime to attempt to make up for production losses, so you can meet your obligations (Quota)! Also your customer doesn't receive their product in the expected amount of time. How does it cost more to maintain an cushion if your not paying storage fees? Does Ford charge their self storage? If stock is on their dock it doesn't cost them anything! And I'm an Idiot?


    Basic Accounting principles dumbass. Ford holds a tax obligation for everything that is in that building, both raw materials and finished goods. Ever been to college? didn't think so. Additionally, things happen to product that is left to sit around being a "cushion". Rust, misplacement, improper use, safety hazzards from blocked aisleways. The reasons are numerous. Lets try this one since you obviously have never had any contact with the principle of Accounting. Ever heard of Economics? Google this and learn a little something Son. Just in time shipping (JIT). The benfits are huge, and all successful companies are utilizing these principles. In fact, you find me a successful manufacturing company in todays business climate that does not subscribe to the principles of lean manufacturing and I'll make your next car payment. You won't, because they all do it. But do try, and brush up on your applicable business knowledge before attempting to talk about this stuff in the future. You'll save yourself some embarrassment because you quite obviously have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

  10. If Ford is not obligated to it's employ why are they buying them out instead of firing them? Aperantly I would be the second biggest idiot on this forum based on your comments! :hysterical:


    You're an idiot because you write things like "Aperantly" which can not even be misconstrued as a typo, yet you go through these threads like you know it all. They're buying them out because they want them to leave dumbass. They are trying to do the right thing, look good in the public eye in the light of troubled times. If you think for one second that this company does not posess the ability to fire at will you are dumber than I thought. Barring cases of discrimination, the state of Ohio is a right to fire state and the only people they would have to answer to would be the union, because they have no legal obligations to any of us. Thankfully, the company has chosen to utilize programs to reduce manpower numbers which are mutually beneficial to all, but it is not because they have to.

  11. Dude, if anyone is an idiot it's you! I took home $700,00 a week before I came to Ford. And when I leave I will walk back into my old job. It's your, ain't shit unskilled, illiterate ass that will be grossing $279 a week if you didn't have Ford. You don't know shit about me. As for being carved up, I made a supportive comment showing empathy for the folks at Wixom. I also made an irresponsible comment which, pioneer pointed out and I rectified it! Don't try to libel me boy, in a battle of wits you are unarmed! My intent in posting on this thread is not to argue but to let the men and, women of Wixom know that they will be in my thoughts and prayers. And that there is life outside of Ford!


    Nice, you want to call somebody out yet you make a mistake as simple as adding proper punctuation throughout your rant? Always be careful of this when you are in the process of calling someone illiterate, ok? As for your cash claims, well, to put it simply, one can tell just by reading your writing that you are not being truthful. Call me crazy, but your writing style clearly shows that you have not the wits to make an income in this world outside of operating a power tool, and we all know that on the outside those jobs pay far less than your claiming they do. But, just to have some fun with it and knowing full well that you'll refuse to expound on your claims, why don't you go ahead and tell me what exactly it was that you claim you did and made so much money while having such a great time? I know the West side of Cleveland quite well.....do tell....Mr. bigtime!

  12. I don't understand, What do you mean parts we don't use. All we order are parts we do use. It is smart to keep some sort of cushion. When we where in Lorain They maintained a level of stock and almost never ran out unless there where prolonged adverse weather conditions. As for 2-10ths lost time is not as important as lost production. It is more important that they meet their obligations than to worry about the monetary reward! Lastly E-Bay motors listings increase every year and now are more frequently adding Semi-trucks! If you want to get pounded when trading your car then give it a way for what the dealer tells you it's worth! I have found a better way for me!


    Over producing is wasteful. You need to work somebody "too much" to create that cushion, and that is bad business. The new and improved way of doing things is to have logistical control of your business to avoid the overproduction and storage costs that come along with "leaving a cushion". The best don't do it, and neither should we!

  13. I'll work I'm not lazy! If I work 2 years I'll make that much and Ford will still be obligated to me. :hysterical:


    Ford is obligated to you? Dude, you have taken the prize for the biggest idiot on this forum. Just how do you think they are obligated to you? You're gonna see just how obligated they are to you after the contract is negotiated this fall. Then perhaps you'll see that you work for them and not the other way around. Who the fuck do you really think you are anyway?

  14. Posts like this are why the general public could care less if they bought American.


    This dude's an idiot Pioneer. Blabbers some of the most unfounded nonsense I've ever read on this forum. And then, after getting rightfully carved up for this assenine comment to the folks at Wixom, goes back in the next day and edits out the part about the video games. Very smooth Furious. After all, you've got what, about 5 years in now? Definitely deserving of that kind of coin to play video games. Grow up already. You've seen the last of the Gen bank. Next time around you're dumb ass will get paid $279 a week to play with yourself. We'll see if you're bragging on this forum then.

  15. This is ridiculous, it must be the 6th time since our consolidation. I don't understand how you can pre schedule work and not assure that the parts are there to do the work. I understand inventory tax but it's not due till the end of the quarter. Why wouldn't you keep stock and run it lean at the end of the quarter like every other manufacturer! They just put their selves in a position to pay me 2 10ths I didn't work. What a waste of money. Let's give our stock management a big bonus this year!


    Inventory tax? Do you really think that is why they run out of parts from time to time? Gimme a break. And no, not every other manufacturer has a bunch of stock sitting around just waiting for the day that they just might need it. That is called waste, and no manufacturer that I know of (or service company for that matter) operates that way anymore. In order to have a bunch of stock sitting around, you have to pay for it, and why pay for something you don't need on a continual basis so that you can avoid a potential parts shortage once every 6 months? When we run out of parts these days, which in this case we didn't) it is typically due to the fault of either supplier error or breakdown, or shipping difficulties ie. weather, etc. It doesn't happen often and when it does, they (suppliers) absorb the majority of the incurred costs. Therefore, I doubt they're all too worried about the 2 tenths you claim you got over on them. I know i'm not, I got 10.5 on Friday! Dude, give it a rest and quit being so negative. This shit is right up there with your claims of e-bay being the auto mall of the future replacing dealerships. Ridiculous!

  16. I would guess that they have had Philadelphia lawyers wearing $500 shoes who have already figured out how to tell His Honor just that . " Your Honor" "We're broke and in order to move the company forward during these extraordinary times we seek this extraordinary bankruptcy protection to best protect all parties involved if it please the Court Your Honor " "The Ford Motor Company Your Honor is deeply mindfull of the immense impact of this action on its most valued employees and partners, still this is a necessary action in our attempts to move the Company forward Your Honor"

    And so it goes.....


    Well said. Do you own a pair of those shoes? They just might need you.

  17. It looks as though the company want's to outscource all off line or non-core operations. If I where you and wanted to work for Ford I would go back to the line, if there where an opening for you. If you are in a facility that has work and you wait to long, a job you may have been happy with might be filled by a person displaced from another plant. We've had foremen go back to the line at OHAP seeing no future in their job!


    Big difference between a foreman and a tradesman. ntohign will ever ahppen to the trades. They may consolidate some classifications, as they already have, but by and large, the UAW will never allow any major outsources or elimination of trades. Hell, the way they negotiate trades' agreements, you would think we're in the business of making tradesmen, not trucks! Ever heard of a skilled trades rebalance? Me neither.

  18. We can strike over any unfair labor practice or health and safty issues during the contract. At contract time it could be because the companies unwhilingness to bargain in good faith. As for bankruptcy, try explaning to a judge that your holding $38,000,000,000 in liquid cash and you want him to grant you a bankruptcy!

    Furious, we went through this one already. If this company deemed it to be in it's best interest to re-organize through a bankruptcy, they could very easily do so. Their liquid cash has nothing to do with it. As long as they have more debt, which they obviously do, there is nothing to stop this from happening other than to try and avoid the embarassment that it would bring. While none of us really knows all the ins and outs of why they haven't filed, or why they may in the future, rest assured it is certainly not because they have "too much cash", that's for sure.

  19. With cash their is no dickering about what the value of your dollar is. It is better to take cash to a dealership than a trade! I have sold several cars on E-Bay even with notes on them! Even if I lay down knowing I'm right and, let you win this arguement that will not change reality! Whatch as time goes on and see what happens as more people become hip to E-Bay!

    Of course it's better to have cash, but REALLITY IS, most people don't bring cash, they bring trade. And what do you mean no dickering? You mean to tell me that you walk into dealerships and pay the price their asking? Ddin't think so. there is always dickering, if you're smart!

  20. Maybe your comments about car values where correct in the past when their was no outlet for sales. At a time when the only one with the money to buy it was a dealership. Now I can post even a high end vehicle and E-bay will finance it for them. Now anyone who has internet access can sell for exactly what the market will bare just as the dealerships. It will become clearer to you in time as people quit taking their screwing at the dealerships!

    It would really make more sense to boast about this after actually successfully selling a car on E-Bay. Until then, it's just an idea. Most people have some kind of trade when it comes to purchasing vehicles, and that is something you can not do over the internet, except through the dealerships!

  21. And moreover, If they know you buoght it on A-plan when you trade The dealers try to take back the discount! My Dad used my A-plan pin to buy a $62,000 Lincon Navigator He saved $16,000 due to A-plan paying $46,000. He then kept it six months before trading it. The Ford dealership offered him $16,000 less than the GM dealership. Needless to say He is now driving a GMC crewcab pick-up and, will never again buy from the company who his son works for!

    The trade value has nothing to do with the cost of the vehicle when you trade it in, and everything to do with the profit margin on the vehicle you trade it in for. The are not trying to take back the discount from before, but if they're not going to make much money on the vehicle you're buying (with A-plan) they offer a lower trade so they can make money on that end. Believe me, when the GM dealership gave the higher trade on that vehicle, it was because they were making up an acceptable dollar figure on the new vehicle. No offense , but the biggest mistake here was trading in a vehicle 6 months after it's purchase. Nobody hides the fact that vehicles are not an appreciating item. They lose value when you sign the papers. The fact that your own Father is not willing to support the company his own Son works for is ridiculous, especially with the reason being he made a poor business decision. Ever ask him how much a brand new Escalade would have cost him had he not gotten the A-plan on the Navigator? Probably right around that 62k figure you mention. Unfortunatley,some people are always looking for reasons to be unhappy,and this certainly sound like one of those cases.

  22. I paid $1.58 April 23, it has steadily increased at a rate of no less then $.13 a day. Yesterday it made another jump to $3.16. Thats more then double what it was 11 days ago. WTF.


    You paid $1.58 for a gallon of gasoline? Curious to know how, and where. Everywhere else in the country it has been at least $2.50 for quite a while now. Do tell!

  23. I totally agree. It would seem that the media is anti domestic, just as they are anti republican! I have found that the foreign manufacturers are employing people to infiltrate domestic car forums. Paid by Toyota to post on domestic car forums in order to Trash our good name. The democrats also employ the same tactics to advance their agenda. As far as change, I've worked at other union shops and have never seen the abuses I see now. Most of which I might add are from employee's who have family elected to our local. Maybe their should be a no nepatism policy?


    That would be a good place to start. And like the lunch you mention, believe me, I have no problem with an honest guy going out to have some wings or whatever at lunch. I have done it myself. But the problem is, we as a whole get judged for it! The reason? There are FAR MORE individuals that go out and drink at lunch than there are that eat. Many of whom do so in coveralls. And people in bars run there mouths more than just about anyone, and they do it in a lot of different bars. i understand that there are many things that are enjoyed that were resulting of negotiations of the past, but they are unrealistic in todays world. Other company's don't allow there employees to do as they please during lunch and break time, take as much time off as the feel like, or go on extended paid medical leaves without even really having anything wrong with them. And if the do, they certainly don't ge paid most of their salary fro doing so. They have motivation to come back when they're well, or to stay at work if their health really isn't that bad, it's called their livlihood! The company's don't allow it,because they can't afford it! Are there problems within the company from a managment standpoint? Sure, but we can't control that. The things we can control, we don't. We as a whole, are the ones that are bankrupting our own company, and most really don't care! the changes that need to be made my friend are many, but a good start would be to enforce their own rules.....in ALL cases!

  24. Point well taken on our bar presence. As for the name of the company. I remember I read it in the journal. I didn't take the time to commit it to memory. At that time it seemed irrelivent because Ford was comming off of a profitable year. It was in the same time period that the bankruptcy laws changed! As for the UAW voting out a public official, We now live in a society where politicians (judges) are being held accountable. This is why the judge handling Delphi's bankruptcy never nulified their labor contract. This would be a damaging president for all working men and women, not just UAW members! Allowing a company with 38,000,000,000 file bankruptcy without exhausting it's resources first. The point is that just because you file does not mean that it will be granted! Right now Ford is in a net cash position. What is your intent by attempting to intimidate the employ with treats of bankruptcy?

    The problem is, I am not aware of Ford making any threats of bankruptcy. Anything I've seen on this has come from the investment, or media world. I'd say it's very unlikely, not is the near future anyway, but a lot must change going forward or they're in trouble in 10 years! Down to 15% market share? Yikes!

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