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Everything posted by sprinter

  1. And this is the best you can come up with? Conspiracy Theories? How about Obama's voting record? http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-250_162-2369157.html
  2. Always got their hand out wanting more from the government http://news.yahoo.com/detroit-city-council-members-bailout-plea-obama-more-163600527.html A Detroit City Council member believes President Obama should bail out the Motor City because a large majority of the voters in the city chose him in the 2012 election, according to Fox 2 Detroit. City Council member JoAnn Watson believes the 75 percent of Wayne County voters who backed the president's reelection bid should be rewarded Wonder how our founding fathers would feel about that?
  3. You should read more than the liberal publications: http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obama-un-arms-treaty/2012/07/03/id/444320 More than 130 congressmen, led by Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., signed a letter sent to President Barack Obama Monday expressing their opposition to a U.N. arms trade treaty if it violates U.S. gun owner rights and sovereignty. The United Nations is starting a month-long negotiation for a long-delayed treaty on international standards for importing and exporting conventional weapons. Proponents say the treaty will simply replicate U.S. standards in much of the rest of the world without affecting domestic gun sales, The Hill reports. But gun rights activities are concerned. “The UN's actions to date indicate that the ATT [united Nations Arms Trade Treaty] is likely to pose significant threats to our national security, foreign policy, and economic interests as well as our constitutional rights,” the letter states. “The U.S. must establish firm red lines for the ATT and state unequivocally that it will oppose the ATT if it infringes on our rights or threatens our ability to defend our interests.” The letter includes specific demands — that the treaty leave out small arms and ammunition and recognize an individual’s right to self-defense. http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2011/07/26/democrats-oppose-obama-un-gun-control-treaty http://www.independentsentinel.com/2012/12/obama-might-reclassify-semiautomatic-firearms-second-amendment-alert/ http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/07/18/un-gun-control-treaty-will-reveal-gun-laws-obama-really-supports/
  4. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/12/george-zimmerman-lawyers-say-bloody-nose-photo-creates-doubt/ Any doubt as to what happened that night? And just why was this photo withheld until now?
  5. Yep, the Mexican Dream, come to America and live on welfare. Where else could this happen? http://www.examiner.com/article/fifty-seven-percent-of-mexican-immigrants-on-welfare A report by the Center for Immigration Studies (www.cis.org) reveals some startling figures about welfare use by families headed by immigrants. “In 2010, 36 percent of immigrant-headed households used at least one major welfare program (primarily food assistance and Medicaid) compared to 23 percent of native households,” summarizes the document which was published by the Center for Immigration Studies and examines a wide variety of topics relating to immigration. Click HERE to read the full report. The document breaks down the immigrant families by country of origin and gives specific types of welfare and percentages of the families that used it in 2010. An average fewer than 23 percent of native households use some type of “welfare” which is specifically defined in the study. 36 percent of households headed by immigrants use some type of welfare. Families headed by immigrants from specific countries or areas of the world range from just over 6 percent for those immigrants from Great Britain to more than 57 percent of those from Mexico using some type of welfare. This comprehensive study suggests there are approximately 40 million immigrants in the United States of which more than a 25 percent of that number, and the largest overall group, originate from Mexico. The study estimates that approximately 28 percent of immigrants, or just over 11 million, are within the United States illegally. The study also suggests that nearly 50 percent of those immigrants originating from Mexico and Central America are here illegally.
  6. As the economy progressively slides deeper into the gutter, this will become the norm. However, Obama under the guise of the UN wants your guns so that you cannot defend you or your family. Just look at England and the man that shot the intruders that had broke into his home, several times. He went to jail for not turning in his shotgun as ordered. I for one have no intent in turning over any of my guns. It's going to get really interesting the next few years as I see major historical changes coming to this country. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2012/11/30/city-attorney-tells-san-bernardino-residents-to-lock-their-doors-load-their-guns-because-of-police-downsizing/ http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/lock-your-doors-and-prepare-to-defend-your-family http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1161832/Id-shoot-vermin-Ten-years-jailed-murder-teenage-burglar-farmer-Tony-Martin-defiant.html And read this headline, he "murdered" the intruder http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/norfolk/3009769.stm
  7. How many times has this county been over 10 trillion dollars in debt? Other countries are not buying any more of our debt and the Federal Reserve has stepped in to finance our insatiable appetite of spending money. As soon as the dollar loses world reserve currency status, which a few other countries are working toward, the bottom will fall out. Sure they can pay off those treasury notes and will with worthless paper aka Weimar Republic. Can you imagine the chaos the people will create, worthless money trying to buy what little food that can be found. People will be rioting, stealing and killing each other just trying to survive. The police will be overwhelmed in short order so don’t count on them for assistance. But ask yourself this, just why are several agencies of the federal government (including the weather service) buying hundreds of millions of rounds of hollow point ammunition? Are they expecting something?
  8. They will force you to buy government IOU's through treasury notes. Doesn’t that sound similar to another government program (Ponzi scheme) that started in the mid 1930’s? That program too only has a bunch of IOU’s since all the extra money collected goes to the general fund. Now your government wants even a bigger bite of your earned money and you guys think that is ok since they have proven to be trustworthy?
  9. Another gimmick forcing you to buy the governments debt allowing for a 'redistribution of wealth'. After the government collapses under its mountain of debt, what will you be left with? http://www.wnd.com/2012/11/now-obama-wants-your-401k/ Since 2010, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Department of Labor have been holding combined hearings on various plans designed to introduce government-mandated retirement plans and investment options, including government annuities invested primarily in U.S. Treasury debt, into the private retirement savings market. “This hearing was set up to explore why Americans are not saving as much for their retirement as they could,” explained National Seniors Council National Director Robert Crone, describing a recent Treasury-Labor hearing held in the Labor Department’s main auditorium. “However it is clear that his is just the first step toward a government takeover. It feels like the beginning of the debate over health care and we all know how that ended up.” ‘Automatic IRA’ With the issuance of the White House 256-page Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2013, the Obama administration endorsed “Automatic IRAs,” a plan introduced into Congress in 2010 by Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass, and Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., in which private companies would be automatically enrolled into government-mandated IRAs, forcing those businesses to contribute on behalf of their employees a “default amount” equal to 3 percent of an employees pay, unless an employee specifically opts out of the plan.
  10. Another way the rich make money off the poor at the expense of the middle class: An analysis by Breitbart News has found that the number of individuals on food stamps now exceeds the combined populations of 24 states and the District of Columbia. According to US. Census Bureau data, that figure exceeds the combined populations of: Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Since January 2009, the number of individuals on food stamps has skyrocketed from 31.9 million to the current record high 47.1 million. By comparison, in 1969 just 2.8 million Americans received food stamps. Also benefiting from the rapid rise in food stamps are companies like JP Morgan who administer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards. A recent report by the Government Accountability Institute found that since 2004, JP Morgan's 24 state EBT contracts have totaled at least $560,492,596.02. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/11/23/Exclusive-Food-Stamp-Recipients-Outnumber-Populations-Of-24-States-Combined
  11. How naive or just plain dumbed down can someone get? This page is setup by our government to help the ILLEGAL ALIENS plain and simple. I don't think it is right for my tax dollars to be used to encourage and fund ILLEGAL immigration activity which will further lead to the destruction of the middle class. But somehow the libs just don't get it.
  12. The American Mexican Dream 'web page' http://www.welcometousa.gov/Government_benefits/default.htm
  13. Will history repeat again? During the medieval times the goldsmiths, who stored their customers gold in exchange for paper receipts, were caught issuing more receipts (while charging usury), than the gold on hand. If a "run" were to occur, you could end up with your neck in a rope. Fast forward to the present. The Federal Reserve stores several other countries gold here in the United States. However, the Germans are questioning the amount of gold stored and want an official inspection. But the FED has denied that request in the interest of security and process control. I expect the Germans to demand the return of their 1536 tons of gold which could set off a 'run on the bank'. But is all the gold there??? http://www.silverdoctors.com/german-calls-for-gold-repatriation-intensify-as-fed-refuses-to-allow-inspection/#more-16885
  14. The election was stolen just as it was during Bush vs Gore. There were several districts that posted zero votes for Romney. Sure they were "democratic black districts" but not all blacks agree with Obama. Especially his support for the gay agenda. Just Google "blacks against Obama". So it is quite obvious that the integrity of the system is gone. Both sides in our two party system are a bunch of crooks and thieves. But some of you are going to ask, why the republican nation committee is not fighting to expose this corruption? Here's your answer: http://gulagbound.com/36046/no-joke-the-gop-can-not-legally-help-stop-vote-fraud/#.UKLW46Vj6-J http://judicialview.com/Court-Cases/Civil-Procedure/Democratic-National-Committee-v-Republican-National-Committee/10/201975
  15. Al Gore will become a multi-billionaire http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/obama-may-levy-carbon-tax-to-cut-us-deficit-hsbc-says/2012/11/07/28fbe4c4-28f8-11e2-aaa5-ac786110c486_story.html
  16. Watch out for Obamacare. My wife and I will see a tax increase of over $4600 next year according to this chart. You can thank the Unions for backing this crap. http://blog.heritage.org/2012/06/29/obamacare-raises-taxes-on-3-million-middle-class-americans/
  17. Since he is a Marxist, the government will continue taking over these bankrupt businesses http://www.morningstartv.com/oak-initiative/marxism-america
  18. http://standwitharizona.com/blog/2012/11/06/operation-steal-the-vote-black-panthers-at-philly-ohio-polls-gop-observers-kicked-out/ And just what would happen if a bunch of white guys were doing this?
  19. So I would just like to say, for anyone thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, if that’s who you are, if you’re thinking of voting for [Mitt Romney]… I would like to make this one plea. Black people know who you are and they will come after you. Just this one plea. I’m kidding! Oh, I’m kidding! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VvNjs0V8r3M
  20. Oh I see the liberal global warming forecasters have switched to economics now.
  21. Lower himself? When you have a closet full of skeletons as Obama does, it would take way more money and not to charities to bring those into the open. One day in the future the people will find out the truth, but not before this election. Colbert is an idiot and likely doesn't even have a million dollars. Pretty pathetic for the liberals to make crude joke offers to draw attention away from the obvious fact that Obama is hiding his past.
  22. It will happen. Detroit hasn't had a good riot for a couple of years now. Chicago and Los Angles with the restrictive liberal gun laws, another good place to riot. They do have a little common sense. Don't want to get your @ss blown away by your neighbors where they can protect their property.
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