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Posts posted by justnthrmushroom

  1. Fuck Ford!!! We have saved them enough money!! Fridays off might sound ok right now but after working a couple weeks of 10s you'll be a zombie on friday and probably be bitching with the gf or wife before you know it! Unless they want to pay us overtime it's not worth it!! Your talking extra child care, your child's sports if they play any and family time that we will be giving up for nothing! We are done in a year and a half let's go out with our heads held high not our tales between our legs........ ( <------ part is for our union..... or lack there of)


    p.s. Scott tell newmerry(I don't even care to find the right spelling he is such a douche bag!!) to fuck right off!


    p.s.s. They want to fuck around with bogus charges, then let's play! Nobody use to bully the C.A.W. around especially newmerry...... We are closing anyway.... We have the power back now they need these cars! I'm all for giving 100% everyday but not if they keep trying to bully us!! I vote NO for 10! and a BIG FUCK YOU to that little midget ron...... Merry Christmas you douche bag




    In Solidarity......


  2. Was there some huge news that suggested US demand is going to reutrn to 16M+ SAAR? Why would Ford increase US investment to produce 2M cars when the current structure supports much more than that?


    If they are able to sell 1M+ units in Brazil, but only the capacity for 500K, wouldn't you expect them to invest there? A profitable Ford world wide is beneficial.


    Profitable world wide is only beneficial outside North America and does not maintain North American jobs.

  3. What we need now are the details to our contract . How come we were forced into a deal that the Union had no idea of what was included . I have been trying to get answers and have been told to wait until the Spring when the seminars will be set up . People need to know what the hell is going on in order to get on with their lives after Ford . Jobs are out there now that won't be around for long , with all the Sterling employees and such looking and applying now . If the Union knows what the details are , why are they hiding them from us ?


    Because some details would need to be worked out as closing the plant is a huge undertaking.

    I would first like to see a solid, in stone closing date because apparently the September 2011 date has not even been signed off on.

  4. I mostly agree with you but we were not in a position to strike for a new model, it would have been a wildcat and Ford could have obtained a court ordered injunction within 48 hrs. Huge fines would have followed and possibly Ford would have just closed us early and stepped up the launch of the new interceptor and by spring of 2010 we would be forgotten about. We missed our chance a few years back, water under the bridge now. If anyone insists on blaming the union perhaps they should look back at the leadership of Buzz and Whitey. Ken and Scott are dealing with a situation that should have been resolved years ago, I think it is much too late now to expect a new interceptor at STAP. Are we a bunch of pussies? Yea, I kind of think we are, we were too complacent for too many years and the time for action just passed us by while we waited for the union leadership to save us. In the end we are just as much to blame as anyone. :(


    Until the CAW changes it will continue to be decimated. The CAW national, and to an extent the locals, have become complacent and rather predictable. The union is now run more like a business than a trade union. For example the national seems to be more concerned with diversification and income. What I'm getting at is CAW went from wild to mild. Just a thought but, did the union itself buy into neo-liberalism?

  5. It is certainly embarrassing to admit to working with some of the posters here.


    The immaturity and lack of character of the bellyacher's is amazing.


    The willingness to show this in public is also amazing.


    The posters here (on STAP vote) are mostly pathetic losers.



    We ALL knew that the plant would close eventually when they announced one shift.


    Please name one auto plant that has come back from a one shift operation.


    Even though we went to one shift our union saved ALL of the junior members from layoff, a miracle in itself.


    They saved All of the skilled trades. They saved even the apprentices.



    And now people say they were sold out by the CAW?


    Again ....I am embarrassed to admit I work with people like this.


    If you're so embarrassed to work with people who have opinions and refused to be shepherded by snake oil salesmen, QUIT.

  6. Get back to me in five years and tell me how you like your new job.


    I Hope you don't get laid off because most other companies are not as generous as your beloved Ford Motor Co.

    and only voluntarily give you 75% of your wage to sit at home... oh yeh you can also thank your union for tens of thousands of $ of sub too.


    Justin and Cocheese. Have you guys ever worked any where else? (just curious)


    Cocheese how much do the new job offers pay?


    I've personally worked at several other places. You're correct in the pay and benefits were...umm are good. But, the beloved union is not innocent. Let me correct myself. The union, being the membership, is innocent in fact sometimes naive. The leadership which is meant to be responsible to the union only saved ... well nothing. But, sold everything including the principle of solidarity.

  7. You can say what you want about Lindsay,but the girl has more balls than anyone in a Leadership position at Oakville..When the contract is up in 2012 you guys better hope that she is in a position to stand up for Local 707,because no one else at Oakville seems to want to do it...She at least has the best interest of the members in her heart and mind,and she is seeking a way to make things turn in your favour....Like her or not she's only trying to do the right thing,and if you dumbasses don't realize this about her,I will feel sorry for your dumb asses during the next negotiations....Enjoy your 10 min. breaks when they get here,especially the people who never even showed up to vote....idiots.


    I already like this Lindsay person. God forbid a member actually speaks their mind a union meeting! The nerve of her not to tow the party line! Our leadership needs to grow a pair and stop being so damned predictable at the bargaining table.




    Oh, this just in... it looks like Ford wants to go back to the bargaining table with the IUAW.

  8. Cocheese


    you can thank your union for the wage you recieved for the past 17 years and the time off the job you enjoyed and the hockey school for your kids and the fancy haircuts for your wife and the house that you live in and the two cars in your drive way and the extra 2olbs that you carry arround your waist and the snow blower in your garrage and the trip you took to Cuba last year and yadda yadda yadda fnkng yadda.!!!


    I am prepared for the future and am in fact looking forward to not having to listen to all of the pssng and moaning watching all of the manouvering and belly crawling any more.


    The fat lady has sung so cash your fkng check (that your union got for you) and pay your house off or spend it on crack for that matter.




    Excuse me but the Union did not sign our pay cheques the company does. Yes, the Union did negotiate the rates and benefits to a greater extent. But, face facts that if the company could not afford the rates and benefits they would have been lower. What I'm getting at is it's easy to lead in prosperous times. But, the true measure comes during difficult times. The CAW National failed to do a damn thing for STAP and conceded too much elsewhere for "commitments". The closing agreement was not patterned. The only thing the National managed was to be duped into greater concessions by a superior foe.

  9. Meh. I really don't think Tucker had that much support. I even think some of his friends who said they voted for him probably didn't (I like the guy, just don't think he would have been a good choice for that position). I believe Kurt Smith had some votes not counted for him, just to make sure he didn't get into the run off with Scott.


    But if you want proof the CAW does indeed fix numbers, ask the guys from Body who voted yes to 11 hours. Yet according to them, it was "overwhelmingly in favour".


    Every time there is to be a ratification vote it needs to be monitored and counted by an independent third party. This does two things: first puts the trust of the membership back in the process and secondly places the union in a position beyond reproach ( at least with respect to voting). Not to mention no more "Rush to Ratify" rally's.

  10. I don't see that happening,police departments already say it smaller than the CV there is no frame for the pit,going over curbs and so on. The price of a CV police interceptor is about $19,000 U.S. (I work at STAP so I know the price) repairs are cents on the dollar alot of departments have their own repair facilities. Twist the body on a Taraus or smack it up a little bit and its junk plus the base model goes for about $28,000 $48,000 for the SHO unless Ford's going to make some sort of deal with the departments they aren't gonna want it, retail sale on car after service in law enforcement would be peanuts.


    Right on the money. Police departments told Ford before that they did not want the Fivehundred (aka Taurus). It just does not measure up to police use.

  11. Reading your comment tells me you are, just a mushroom. :reading:




    "Marketing experts hold the Edsel up as a supreme example of corporate America’s failure to understand the nature of the American consumer." Wikipedia


    "...the name Edsel came to be synonymous with commercial failure, and similar ill-fated products have often been colloquially referred to as Edsels. " Wikipedia


    Hmm...failure, ill-fated... quite the name sake yourself.

  12. Guess Canada will be getting all the work the UAW didn't want!


    Don't even start that Sh@#. Ford will announce in the coming week the official closure of STAP. If the Canadian dollar remains artificially inflated thanks to currency speculators Ford will pull more work from Canada because of "market conditions".

    The US dollar is currently low therefore US operations are more profitable than in Canada. Watch for China, India, Eastern Europe and maybe Mexico.

  13. So when are you going to rudely wake me up? Every plant passed it with flying colours. Cooler heads prevailed and people actually thought about the big picture.


    Actually what happened is people were offered a frightening painting on Halloween weekend. With all the doom and gloom economically people were left with no other option.

    I take my hat off to you Mr.Mullaly. You sir know exactly how to break unions!


    Now Mr. Lewenza stop trying to fight/help these companies using their own rules. They wrote the game book and play much better than we ever will.

  14. This is my first time posting on this sight but I could no longer hold my anger in. The tentative agreement that was reached by our Brothers and Sisters is the worst I have ever seen. (in 22 years) I was greatly dissapointed at the rush to ratify without more information that followed the presentation. I am not at all surprised that the Convention center was booked for ratification even before the talks in Toronto got under way.

    I voted No for several reasons but my main concern is the cut off dates for severance and retirement packages. The agreement gives several options to us but the language punishes employees who have birthdays that land one month or two months "late". The agreement should have included pro-rated packages that could easily take this into account. The sister who asked about retirement being in the "younger group" was right but I fear most people didn't understand or get the bad situation some 500 employees at STAP are in. We are not allowed to retire at age 50 as per other agreements simply because we will not reach that age during the 1.9 years of layoff. This means we won't be eligible untill 55. We do not get a car voucher either. We are allowed to go to Oakville (assuming there is employment) but we will start with the lowest seniority on an assembly line after 24 years of service! The agreement should have included the ability to close out the STAP closure agreement at another plant. This might take 2,3 or 4 years or whatever but we would atleast take advantage of the closure agreement and retire with pension buy attaining credits at another plant. This could easily have been included in the package or pro rate all retirement packages according to years of service so no one is at a disadvantage. By the way ,the 55 retirement package outside of this agreement is greatly reduced. I hope this agreement doesn't pass. Vote NO!

    P.S. Why would any assembly operator give up a whole break every day and build 16 free cars a shift! Do any of the Union members negotiating this even remember what working on the line was like. Why did you sell us out.


    The only "pattern" to this proposed agreement are the pro-company parts. :censored:

  15. "Ford may punish the UAW by making promised products in Canada or Mexico instead of the U.S., said David Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


    “Where we will see the result of this failure is in a product announcement -- moving some business out that had been planned here,” he said."


    This David Cole guy obviously is not aware that Ford does not want to produce in Canada if the canadian dollar remains high.

  16. Stop with your crap. They didn't pit anyone against anyone. St. Thomas was dead long before this deal was even thought of. The only option for the CAW to do was limit the damage as much as possible, get future to the remaining plants, and good severance for the fallen plant....which they did.

    As for your 3 years bullshit....we work contract to contract, and have done so since the union's inception. This is no different. Next time tho we may be in better shapre as the economy should be thriving by then.


    Wow... you actually bought it. Enough with the Union trumpet bullshit. You're sounding like Lewenza at the London meeting today pounding his chest in solidarity. Yes, you currently work contract to contract. But, be warned Ford will be back.

  17. Wow sure caught me off guard.Hired in 87 and will have no buyout option.I'll get what I would of even without the closing agreement.(2 yrs sub 1 year imp)Can't collect pension till 2017.As the sister said at the meeting there is approx 400 of u in the same boat who the union did absolutely nothing for.Older guys with over 28 also didn't get anything.I'm guessing any yes votes come from low senority or the small group of 26-28 year guys.

    It'll be interesting to see Oakville and Windsor's take as their is nothing in stone for them other then losses to what they have.IMO I just don't see how thi has a chance of passing even with the union's scare tactics that FMC will leave Canada.

    I guess an ok for a young person that has a job lined up but everyone else in all locations sure took it without lube.


    Let's not assume if this passes at STAP it is because of the low seniority members. It will be because the majority of STAP members have lost hope.

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