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Everything posted by CRAZYcracker

  1. Yea, it's only a partial list with NO Total number of packages anywhere in sight. No word on when the next list will be posted, not word on much of anything. Congrats to those who know their end is in sight. I wish I knew for sure if I was even getting the buyout. Arrrr.
  2. Well today is Friday and part of the "list" is out. Around 170 people to go through September (don't quote me on the number, but it's close). They don't know when the rest of the list will be out nor are they saying how many people they are actually taking. This is such a joke. They had a preliminary sign up to get a rough estimate. From that point they should have started determining the actual number they were going to take. Sign-Ups were over May 31st and the official list was supposed to be out the first week for EVERYONE! Where's the list? What is the deal. Why is this so hard? There were only 600 and something that signed up - not even 13% of the total employed. I hate the waiting game and it's really hard on my family. Everyone wants to know what is going on so that there is ample time to plan. In the words of a fellow poster CUT THAT CHECK!!!! :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:
  3. Really, I take offense to all of the prejudicial remarks/posts. I am hetrosexual and have a wonderful family. Who am I (or you all for that matter) to judge someone else about how they want to spend their lives? Are they coming to your children's schools asking them to give their life to join them? NO, but there are people that do that (military). Are gay people invoking hate crimes around the world? No, but other people are. It's so sad that our country, the one that promises freedom has a bunch of racist, jackasses among us. Come on people, step down off your soap boxes! If your son or daughter came to you and told you they were gay, would you love them any less? I hope not! All of these people that you are so kindly "bashing" are someone's son or daughter. Hate and prejudice doesn't get us anywhere.
  4. I was just wondering if anyone knew how many people they are actually taking. I know I've heard so many rumors about it, so you really don't know what to believe. I already know my number on the departmental list. From previous posts it sounds like they are going by department? Thanks to anyone who can fill me in.
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