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  1. You forgot to factor in a 10% yearly increase in health care premiums. When you have a private insurance plan there is no company to absorb the increases like Ford has done all these years. That would more than negate that 6% interest and then some. Nobody should give up their insurance.
  2. What part of what package don't you understand. $140,000 would not even begin to pay for a major health crisis. This is a no brainer!
  3. Don't forget it is corporate that signs the checks. NAP mgmt can't do anything until corporate gives them the go ahead. These things take time, there are many plants to deal with and the circumstances at NAP are not any different than at any other plant. Yes, you are whining. You should consider yourself lucky that you will get a buy out. Don't expect that kindness at the next job you get. Most jobs would just be a pink slip and maybe two weeks severence pay. "The very least NAP mgmt can do"...come on now, haven't you been getting a good paycheck for those hours you've worked. You act like you've been working for free. Do you think that NAP mgmt made the decision to idle the plant. If you have other plans that can not wait then go ahead with them. Right now you are still on payroll and you are getting well compensated for your time.
  4. Believe me, "little country" is just a malcontent who does nothing but whine and try to stir up trouble. NAP is full of good quality people and just a "small" handful of "little countries". Please don't judge NAP by what "little country" posts. :shrug:
  5. "earned the right". Have you been working for free? Haven't you been well compensated? You will never find another job like the one you have. Good pay, great benefits and a company that allows you to run off at the mouth. Any other job and they would be showing you the door. They would not put up with your garbage. But, I bet you would not run off at the mouth so nastily if you could not hide behind this forum.
  6. You might be on your own computers but you are bad mouthing the company that signs your checks. Enjoy it while you can, no other company that you get a job with will allow it. But, at least you can rhyme!
  7. I'll second that! At least he gave an apology although it wasn't much of one.
  8. Most companies would not tolerate an employee bad mouthing them or their product in a public forum. Lucky for you that you have a union to protect you. You need to learn how to express yourself without vulgarity, you would get your point across much more effectively. I'm embarassed to know that you are a brother. If you think people losing their jobs is something to have fun and talk #*&@ about you've got a sick sense of humor. I'm not looking forward to losing my job and having to take a lower paying job to feed my family and I don't find anything funny about it. Get a grip on yourself stop the trash talking and man up! And, if you don't like what you're reading don't come back to this site!
  9. 'littlecountry, you did not read my reply very well. I said "you can buy any car you want". You can buy a Hyundia or a Hyundai. Do you work for an oil company? What are you talking about?
  10. Hey 'little country' Maybe you should consider the educational buyout. Read the Bill of Rights. Nobody said that you did not have freedom of choice. You can buy any car you like, just remember, you are making money for someone else's company and maybe they will get a nice bonus. But it won't help your buyout check.
  11. Enjoy your walk 'littlecountry'. Smart thinking trading in your Ford to buy a Hyundia. By the way, what is a Hyundia? Are you sure you didn't buy a Hyundai...a Korean car. If that is what you did you may have just reduced the amount of your buyout check. The more money Ford loses the smaller that buyout offer could be for us. If you are that unhappy then just leave and drive off into the sunset with that Hyundai. Well said Pioneer.
  12. That's right...don't say "like everyone else". I'll work till the last day and let Ford pay my salary and pay for my medical. There are some here who are not looking at the big picture. I'll take two years of pay and benefits over the "cut that check" mentality any day. When that check is cut Uncle Sam is going to take about a third of it which would leave me with about one year's salary but I'll lose all my benefits. Where else can I find a job where my medical is almost free. We could go with my spouse's job benefits but we'll be paying sky high premiums and high copays. Yeah work is back breaking but the pay and benefits are better than most everywhere else. I have not been working for free all these years, I've been well compensated. At any other job there would be "no buyout" and no two year notice that you are losing your job. You would get two weeks severence pay and an escort out the door. Wake up people....stop looking at the glass half empty and start looking at the glass half full. At least, for now, you have a well paying job with excellent benefits. You also have the opportunity to prepare for what is going to come. We are luckier than most.
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