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Posts posted by fordxer

  1. ?


    What tax?


    Perhaps you should not swallow all of the rhetoric from the insurance companies and their paid for politicians.

    Page 1943 states 8500 for single coverage, 23K for employee +. The tax appears to only be on the amount over this amount. So if your health plan is valued at 25K, you pay $800 in tax (40% of 2000).



  2. Make sure you stay off the socialist interstates, and if your house is on fire don't call the socialist fire department. I hope your kids can afford private schools (not socialist voucher ones or state university) .


    Oh yeah stay away from those socialist parks too and if you need security hire your own not the socialist police department.


    I could go on and on about Medicare for the older people and social security.


    All of you libertarians seem to forget that you live in a SOCIETY where we all pool together to help each other in many ways mainly through taxes.

    And all you liberals seem to think it is someone elses responsibility to take care of everything. Society is people living in the same area to help each other. The government has nothing to do with that.

  3. Page 1943 states 8500 for single coverage, 23K for employee +. The tax appears to only be on the amount over this amount. So if your health plan is valued at 25K, you pay $800 in tax (40% of 2000).

    No matter how much the tax is it is really sad that we will get TAXED on a nogiated item. It is a tax that we should not have to pay AT ALL. Just another example of this country going down the tubes. NO, I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN. I AM A CONSTITUTIONALIST. CAN ANYONE SAY ENUMERATED POWERS

  4. There is nothing wrong with getting health care from your employer. I get health care from Ford. If you work for the government, either as a politician or in the armed forces, and get health care, that's not socialism. It is part of your wages. It would be the same as if you recieved a higher salary, and paid for your own health insurance.


    When Bush was president, the Democrat supporters were all on this forum condemning the military and saying that when the Democrats get elected, they will pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Now they have all changed their tune. The left have no values and short memories. They love to be dictated to and can learn to dance to any tune.

    I thought he was banned?

  5. Your not even in my tax bracket so why are you complaining

    So you have hacked into the system and found the data that proves that fact? Did Comrade Obama give you your own personal password to perform that task? If not please tell me how you know that I am not "in your tax bracket". You are either a member of the gov. or you are upper management, neither can be trusted. Get off your high horse, you freak.

  6. fact is Clinton left Bush all the details on Bin Laden and Bush shoved them all aside and let his attorney general send most of the AG's top people to New Orleans to break up a prostitution ring.. perhaps u have forgotten that! I havent!!! thats y christians cannot be allowed to run any part of govt. they always try to force there so called morals on us.. and Bush went on a 39 DAY vacation and came back a week before sept 11th.. perhaps u forgot that also.. just think what the GOP idiots on TV would say if Obama was to sit there for 10 minutes after hearing about the world trade centers,, u know what they would say and Bush did just that he did nothing!!!!

    You mean when the Sudanese Gov. offered up bin Laden and Clinton said no thanks he is too much of a hot potato? MSNBC had a good article on the issue also. In it Clinton said "We will use all the means at our disposal to bring those responsible to justice, no matter what or how long it takes.” Also, Clinton, Clinton, etc., etc., etc.

  7. republican congress rushed the tax cuts for the rich down our throats and instantly ran up the debt by $3 trillion. GOP rushed the prescription drug plan and did not pay for it leaving Obama a $800 billion unfunded bill.. Left Obama a $trillion UNFUNDED unjust War in Iraq.. left Obama a over $400 billion unfunded debt for injuries.. the GOP congress pushed the Patriot Act on us, the most intruisive bill in US history which by the way no one had time to read it before the vote... that was all done in the 1st 2 years when GOP had the Senate...2002 the Dems took it back...

    answer the question..R we overpaid and are the retirees over paid as the GOP says we are!!! YES or NO..

    While we are playing the blame game, who left Bush with the mess called Bin Laden. IF he would have taken him when he had the chance MAYBE, and I did say MAYBE, we wouldn't have had to go to war with people who killed 3500? americans. By the way, sometime the rich have to have tax cuts. That is how they somtimes get the means to hire people. And look waht happened after the "Great Pelousi" took over "the most transparent congress" ever.

  8. You are still working... You guys better wake up the Rushpublicans were going after your job an you insist on defendiong them. I will never understand you guys. These clowns come right out and say that they want to take our jobs away and you continue fighting for them.

    When did they say that? I don't remember any president giving the union controlling stock in a company. Woops, sorry to waste this space. This is another question he won't answer.

  9. Your not worth it. You are a hater and your mind is mended..The only domestic terrorists here is the ones at these hate rallies.. Or Teabag parties as you call them.. Your right wing talking points are getting a little old and tired. You have nothing to offer just like your party of rethugs. NOTHING! NO IDEAS< JUST NO... If it was up to you and your party we would have been in a depression by now and thats a fact! The government starting false wars almost crippled the country. Thats whats funny with you and your party. Its ok to spend trillions of dollars rebuilding and trying to liberate other countries. But as soon as we talk about spending money over here in the U.S. to help our own you bring up the subject of our "grandkids are going to have to pay for it".. How about you and your party start taking care of home first then send trillions across seas to rebuild and liberate countries that dont want to be liberated. WAKE UP....

    I knew you wouldn't answer the question because you have no answer. I never mentioned anything about wars. How much of my tax money is The Messiah paying you to get on this sight to pat him on the back and stir crap?

  10. for the record I said it once now I will say it again. I am employed by FORD MOTOR COMPANY. Although I consider myself an investor first. Her we go with the name calling again. Like I stated you cant get mad at me because I am for Obama and our country succeeding, an I am also pro union. I call it like I see it and individuals seem to have a problem with that. I been around this industry for sometime and I have ssn enough to know that the union is a good thing. Most of you guys forget too soon. Keep dividing the union and watch how long you guys keep a job. Like I said once before be careful what you cry for because you just might get it........


  11. Why do people think everyone is "entitled" to anything? Why do hard working people have to pay to take care of anyone else other than their own family? T his country was founded on the belief of LESS government. But here we are, changing this fine democracy into a Solcialistic society. Welcome to the United Socialists States of America. Not for me, no way. I not paying for anyone else but me and mine. I'm tired of having to tow the line for others. Let them fend for themselves. How does the saying go? I work hard for a living cause millions on welfare depend on me! NO to government run healthcare!!!


  12. So how are they defeating it? LOBBYIST...They have settled on something they can live with, completely happy no. Did the AMA get more than their fair share? Probably. Money can't buy love, but it can by a politician.


    Who do you think pays for that? You and I, and Medicaid is even worse, so if everyone is required to have medical coverage (45 Million with none but still requiring care) that 45 million are picking up a small piece of the price tag.


    So we have more people picking up their own cost of healthcare, we have doctors giving a little in the cost structure, pharmaceuticals giving a little cost structure, Insurance companies (rat bastards), Hospitals giving etc we have compromise legislation. Is everyone completely happy.... hell no, but we have to do something. So what's your plan? Leave things alone....

    What I was getting at is that if the gov. could not run a cotton candy stand if they had to. I used Medicare to prove my point. Here is a quote from the Wall St. Journal: "The AMA came out in favor of the House bill today. Not a huge surprise, given the group’s endorsement of the health-care bill introduced in the House earlier this year. Still, the new version of the legislation splits a provision about Medicare payments to doctors — a $250 billion provision dear to the AMA’s heart — into a separate bill. The AMA’s president called for the two bills to be passed together. The AARP backed the two bills as well."


    So please tell me how the AMA was trying to defeat it. It also states in another article that the Messiah was booed once when he stated that he did not support caps on malpractice suits. That my friend is one of the biggest reasons for the rise in health care costs. If a person "CHOOSES" to eat at McDonalds they should expect to gain weight if they are not responsible to do something about it. If a person "CHOOSES" to go through a drive thru and buy a cup of coffee that they know is piping hot (otherwise they would complain) and the coffee spills in their lap and they get burnt, well I guess they should have been more careful. I don't always agree with some of the salaries these execs make, but I also know that it is not the gov. job or right to dictate how much a company pays its employees, executive or hourly. Let the "FREE MARKET" (or whats left of it) take care of it. People want to complain about the price of Nike shoes. Why do you think they are so high? Because MORONS still buy them.

  13. How can you quote Jefferson and be against lawyers? And you have documentation to support your claim "50% of Insurance costs are because of the stinking trial lawyers". How about "if the doctors weren't donating so much money to the AMA (doctors version of UAW) to defeat health care reform they could lower their fee's.

    This is why I can quote him: I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the Government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. --Thomas Jefferson


    The "50%" I stated was a guess on my part. THE MESSIAH said he had the approval of the AMA. So how are they defeating it? In the state of Missouri, Medicare is underfunded by 20%. Who do you think pays for that? The doctors pass that 20% on to the patients that have private or company provided insurance. That is another reason to not have the gov. involved in anything.

  14. Here's a link why healthcare is so expensive. The AMA (Doctors's union)...



    Why is it that when health care is talked about noone brings up the fact that at least 50% of Insurance costs are because of the stinking trial lawyers (ambulance chasers)? IMHO, If we were to discuss TORT REFORM instead of HEALTHCARE REFORM, we would solve more problems. The only thing this nonsense is going to do is bring the US DOWN to the level of the 3rd world countries with the gov. running everything.

  15. I am 100% behind health care for all citizens....HOW will this pending reform bring down the cost of health care? My wife had an outpatient procedure done...the cost was 15000 for the doctor and another 15000 for the hospital....I don't care what legislation against insurance companies is passed....how will this make the doctor work for a "reasonable" say....$1000 per hour instead of $5000 per hour. Believe me this doctor is a specialist and isn't working on people that aren't paying him...he can't use that excuse.

    Once we are paying 50 - 60% of our wages to taxes to fund this cluster, they will probably implement a Doctor czar (tsar?) to tell the doctors how much money they can earn.

  16. Just think how tickled the consumer would be if all these concessions would bring the cost of the vehicles down. Wages are going down and vehicle prices keep going up, and the auto workers are catchin' the flak because of this. The public should be pissed at the automakers NOT the autoworker! Yep, All the Big Dogs in Dearborn are probably laffin' their azzes off, while their wackin' off to see who cums first! Vote NO!

    I was part of the KCAP 92% NO. Yeah if the public knew the truth instead of what the media tells them, we would be off the hook and the Big Dogs in Dearborn would be shaking in their boots.

  17. What are you going to do after sub and unemployment run out. Thats what you'll face, if the contract goes down. Also loss of health insurance, maybe even pensions.


    With the economy as bad as it is. how can you possibly jeapardize your job. Thousands of people are loosing their jobs daily. NOW is not the time to fight. The company has the advantage right now. When the economy improves, that when we have achance to do better (regain lost benefits and wages).


    Ford Motor is fighting for its life right now, it has been for a couple of years and now its just starting to get out of the whole. A strong Ford is vital to the UAW and we and our families are the UAW.

    If we cower down to the company (and the IUAW) on these mods, it would take decades to regain lost benefits and wages. Especially if there is the no strike on wages. We would all be working for $14 per hour. Who, then, would be able to buy a new vehicle? You know FMC would not lower their sticker prices. I know these are trying times with the economy and all, but if you read these posts, you will see that the company has us right where they want us. Even on BON they have pitted plant against plant.

  18. Divided we will stand with you in 2011 to renegotiate new product commitments. Please understand; giving up the right to strike (if we go to arbitration we can Not strike on any other issue until resolved) is huge.


    If Ford does not fulfill their commitments to not only AAI but other plants across the country if we are in arbitration we could not even fight for you then.


    I want a fighting chance in 2011 , I do not want to further the gap between seniority employees and new hires.

    I want a fighting chance for product allocations (and not just a promise of some vehicle that we can not speak of, or a product that will never come), ask OHAP workers how they feel.


    I want a fighting chance for our retirees to be able to keep up with inflation (ya benefit gains subject to arbitration).


    I want a chance to not let down our brothers and sisters at GM and Chrysler who can not fight for themselves.


    I want a chance to fight for myself and coworkers so we can add full paid and benefited workers in the future (eventually they will vote on our pension benefits).


    I want a fighting chance for a slice of the profit pie that we the workers made huge sacrifices to enable the company to make the profits that are sure to come.



    Please I ask you not to throw away our only threat to accomplish these things, I ask you not to further the divide between traditional workers and new workers.


    We will never give enough until we are making minimum wage along with company huge profits, and I am certain even then they will want more.


    At some point we must make a stand and say we have a contract fulfill it and we will renegotiate when it expires, don't and we will kill your profits.


    What I am asking may not be easy , but trust me neither side wants the worst possible outcome to happen. That is why I am certain we will continue our good relations with Ford come 2011, for the betterment of both company and worker; with the tools that made us what we are in place and not broken.

    And what about a fighting chance for a skilled tradesman to do the job they were trained to do. I take a tremendous amount of pride in performing the trade I apprenticed some 25 years ago. For someone to be able to do my job (without me being able to grieve on misassignment of work) would be a slap in the face. Our wages have already been frozen. COLA is gone. Benefits have gone and copays have risen. And they want to remove our right to strike. We might as well be non-union if that is the case.

  19. The banks and automakers campaigned for and accepted money from the government; they didn't have to, they simply could have gone under. You really think the US Treasury would just hand out billions without defining terms and conditions for its use? Really?


    Providing a public health option is not a takeover, especially when individual states would be allowed to opt out. But we have other threads for this discussion.

    Get your facts straight. Not all "banks and automakers campaigned for and accepted money from the government".

  20. i hope it is wrong but my committeman called and said it passed 51% i cant belive it passed either. said 80% trades said no and 59% production said yes, im not sure on how they figure there math but ????? local 900 ran the election?????? alot of people say they are gonna do one thing and end up doing another, the elected and appointed people all gotta suck up with what they are told to do, then they tell there friends, and down the line. i hope others make up for waynes total fuck up!!

    Why do the elected officials have to "suck up with what they are told to do". I wouold have to vote those idiots out. They are elected by us not the union.

  21. A tradesperson displacing a production worker would only happen if the tradesperson had production time. So I don't understand how they would be displacing them, they have higher seniority. As far a skilled trades doing production work, I was told the reason why the UAW asked for their rate of pay was because it doesn't give the company any advantage to keeping them in production and hopefully they will utilize our trades on project work instead of production. They can not do Skilled trades work while reduced to production, so the feeling is they will keep them in their trade and keep a production person off the street.

    Maybe I am wrong, but doesn't there have to be an opening for the Trades to go to the line?

  22. Your validation means nothing tome. This guys thinks like an idiot and consider Pres Bush as a great Presi. This just goes to show you that no matter what this guy is a right winger wrong or right. DOesnt care about the Rethugs trying to take our jobs, never mind that he want admit that. Be a man or a woman and fess up to your party.


  23. So nasty So mean! Liar is a terrible word be very careful when you use it. One thing you should have been taught is that you respect your elders. I know you were raised better than that so I will give you a pardon this time. But dont let it happen again my son.

    Die, I personally know mikem12 and I also have had one-on-one conversations with him about his 8 years of service in the military. For you to talk down to a fellow american and union brother who has served his country to protect your freedoms, like the one you use to come on here and spew the utter nonsense that you do, is simply appalling. If you are truly an american, you should appologize to him and stop knocking down anyone who does not totally agree with you mentality. I for one am trully grateful for the people who have served this country, I don't care what side of the political isle they sit on.


    On the other hand, several people have asked you several questions about several items and not one have you answered. Not that I ever expected you to. Isn't it nice to know that you have the freedom to say what you want to people and the thought police will not arrest you, yet?

  24. The death panel charge is utter BS. If you want to call anyone a death panel try pointing that finger at the insurance industry's claims clerks. They deny valid claims for patients, and get paid bonuses for doing so. They dictate what tests are covered, and what procedures are as well.

    If it is indeed BS, then why did the dems pull that segment out of the bill? I realize it was not worded as "death panels". If I recall it was called end of life counseling.

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