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Posts posted by fordxer

  1. What? you're preaching to me about combat? Let's get one thing straight you moronic ass. I have 8 years military service to my country with two tours in-country Vietnam. How dare you presume I or anyone couldn't possibly understand war or combat.


    just so you know I have at the least 25 friends in the sand box as I write this with more on the way next month.


    Why don't you tell us of your heroic exploits in combat or in the military for that matter? You obviously must have inside connection with the powers that be other wise you wouldn't make such idiotic statements like you do.


    Secondly I haven't insisted anything. I said I heard of this and was trying to research it. Again, you follow the same practice as your Messiah(libtards) and endeavor to twist things to fit your personal agenda by trying to portray everyone who disagrees with you as an idiot, a racist etc and in this case antimilitary. Bullshit


    thirdly, I have never demeaned or dishonored the military, up to including the leadership on the ground. Where the hell did that come from? You moronic ass i said, if it is true, the orders came from congress and the White house that is not denigrating the troops in any fashion what so ever. That is saying they aren't being allowed to do what they were sent there to do.


    Please do us all a favor, stop, just say no to crack while you still have a small fraction of your brain left.






    Mikem I am suprised you let him off that easy. I hope I am around win someone finally puts this no-good-for-nothing lib in his place. But then again I am not that lucky. Maybe one day he will get to experience a death panel with his messiah for himself.

  2. Dude stop it with the right wing talking points, no one is taking away anyone right to have a weapon. The NRA should make Obama their employee of the decade because they used him to sell more memberhships than ever before. Thats all they talked about during the campaign and guess what I still have mine and no noe is taking it away. so enough already with that. The NRA doesnt care a crap about you. No ones outlawing hunting if you took the time to think for once in your life you would know that by now.

    Maybe if you read a little instead of drinking KOOL-AID you would have seen this:


  3. What does he have to do, Bush showed you that anyone can be President with his C- grade point average...He has cleaned up Bush mess and have this country heading in the right direction. Thats what hes doing. He paid the same dues you have. A communtiy organizer title help him win the election by a landslide over 7 million votes. So he must be organizing something right. I cant be sure but it kind of sounds like jealousy coming from your pie hole.... :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

    You ask me what he has to do? I will tell you, RESIGN. That would be the best for everyone in this country and possibly the world. You still can't answer the question. HOW DOES HE HAVE US HEADING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION??????????????? I guess if you want to live in a SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST state, he has us heading in the right direction, what with unemployment rising, job loss numbers rising per month, government takeover of companies and banks, socialized medicine on its way. I guess once he is sumpreme ruler of the universe he will stop. Check out this link and you will see what has happened to unemployment rates. They stayed pretty steady for most of GW's time and started rising started rising in the latter part of 2008 and they haven't stopped yet. According to this chart, unemployment averaged 5.12% for W's 8 years. For Osama's first 5 month's it averaged 8.5%. Little bit of a difference, wouldn't you say. Not even under Carter was it that bad. And you still need to explain, in words not KOOL-AID talking points, what "Bush mess" he has cleaned up. He is too busy making his own pile to step in to clean up anything.

  4. Thats your problem you want status quo. times have changed pal. This goes to show you we dont need some rich ex governor who was handed down the job of Commander and CHief. Obama is doing more in his first 9 months than Bush did in eight years. So get used to it this country has picked up on business as usual and has made a change. You for one should be gald that we have elected a President who came from no where and paid his dues by going to school and was never giving anything and had to work hard. Sounds kind of like myself. This man will go down as the best Pres this country has ever had, u mark my words. This guy is getting things done.

    What makes you think I want status quo? I will be the first to admit that Bush was bought off by the dems in his last two years. And why do you say that I for one should be glad? He hasn't paid any dues whatsoever. Has he actually held a full-time job that does not include the title of community organizer? Did he pay for his college education out of his own pocket? You still did not answer my question as to wether he has ran anything besides his jaw. "This country has picked up on business as usual and has made a change" Typically lib, talking out of both sides of your butt, make up your mind as to what happened. Wait, wait just a minute, I just figured it out. All of your posts must be sarcasm. You are one funny guy trying to fool everyone into thinking you are a dyed in the wool lib. I did not think there was no way anyone can spew that much nonsense about anything and be serious. You had me going there for a minute. You really are a conservative trying to stir the pot just to keep this post alive aren't you?

  5. You recall wrong. Bush and cheney blew it and thats why this country is in the shape it is in now.But no fear we have a President now who knows how to run a country. And his adminstraion will get things turned around. You Betcha

    Oh really? What has he ran before besides his mouth spewing socialists promises?

  6. all these quotes dont mean shit.. Bush and Cheney jumped the gun and went to war to soon... period...

    These quotes do mean something if you weren't so biased. Especially the ones toward the bottom by Hillary and Graham. Why can't you libs face the fact that the Dems knew everything everyone else did? Can we say selective memory?

  7. Makke a little sense here. congress didnt deceive the american people they were lied to just like we were. Bush and Cheney made up info for the sake of going to war. Any other person in any other country would be considered a war criminal. Thats what they are. And should be tried and convicted for it. NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!

    Bush and Cheney were briefed by theIntelligence community and then Congress was given the same briefing. I seem to recall Hillary stating this fact as soon as all the Libs started chanting "Bush lied people died". I also seem to remember footage that was released showing the transfer of WMD's when Sadam was threatened with inspections by the UN.

  8. Yea Bush blew it this was the biggest screw up in the history of the country. I dont think this adminstration will lie to go to war. Bush should have been impeached for his war crimes and thrown into jail him and CHeney

    Does that mean every member of congress that voted for the same war based on the same "lies" should be in prison also? If you are really after "the truth", like your title says, then you would agree. And don't give me the song and dance routine about "Bush was the pres." They all heard the same info that Bush did. So if Bush and Cheney should go, then so should every member of congress that voted "yea".

  9. people change there minds everyday. and u do also. as if Bush/Cheney never lied :hysterical: right?? Bush lied about the Iraq intell. at the state of the union speech on TV, he lied to get us into a war as Cheney has admitted to also. so I ask which is worse???? changing your mind because Obama was not president and had no plan on the table before congress when he mentioned the single payer, but Bush was the pres. and he lied to the whole world..

    again what did the CIA intell. say " Al Queda had NO as in NO dealing with Saddam and Iraq.. NONE again thats NONE"

    Cheney said this also and he also said evening knowing this he says he would go to war with Iraq again...

    What flavor of KOOL-AID are they feeding you? MORPHINE flavor? While you were blaming Bush for the Iraq intell., why didn't you blame Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, John McCain (never mind him, he is a republican, he is supposed to lie) and all the other members of congress that agreed with the intell.? That's what I thought! BOO YA

  10. dude u cant be serious!! When hannity says "union thugs" and "union thugary" or union tyrants" he means u and I and all unions but mainly the union who have physical jobs such as uaw and steel workers. he always blames the unions for voter fraud and says unions are the reason we are in a recession, wake the hell up people...

    DUDE U CANT BE SERIOUS!! When I watch actual footage of the townhall meetings and a person is trying to get in to the hall to participate in the meeting and I see people with union shirts beating the crap out of him what am I supposed to think. I have been a union worker for close to 30 years and it pisses me off royally to see this happen. If it were a member of my union that I saw doing that to someone, I would have to do something. Especially in this day and age when there are more people who don't have union jobs that see these things. How does this affect organizing. The answer? NEGATIVELY


    Or what about the Black guy that was wearing the SEIU shirt that assaulted the black guy that was passing conservative fliers? I have to revert back to the Libs that tout there "tolerance". And that is when I say that they have none.

  11. I wouldn't say there is a whole lot of "truthiness" to be found from any news commentators these days, unfortunately. They all have their agendas...

    What is Beck's? He is not a member of either of the 2 major parties. The only one I can think of that might be more truthful is Chuck Baldwin.

  12. Does calling them the Liberal media make it easier to totally dismiss things, even when they're the truth?


  13. antiWND? WTF are we next going to have anti onion? or anti weekly world news? anti murdock enterprises??

    that thing looks almost offical, especially being folded up and in soem one pocket, or the typing in th ebox labeled 'signature'

    Maybe Sandy Berger got involved. He is a supporter of the Bamster.

  14. bush got us in this mess for 8 long years, and now POOF! you expect obama to instantly make things GREAT....good expectations.

    dumbocrat ? what's that ? bush would have had the car companie go under, and cease operations, is that what is right ? is that what is best for people to get stroked over and lose their job? that is what bush wanted. obama is not a perfect man, but he is way better then bush, besides he is only 6-7 months into a term. give HIM a freaking break.


    most of the bailouts congress and bush were 'approved' of by REPUBLICANS, surprise....look up TARP..


    oh yeah that is what is right.


    give money to millionaires.


    that is not what is right in my book. good luck with your conspiracies. going to roswell too ?

    TARP occurred less than a year ago. I thought the most transparent congress lead by the almighty pelousey was in command at theat time? I don't know, maybe I am wrong. Does your book have some pretty pictures in it?

  15. take your bible quotes and stick them up your :censored: ... maybe try following what it says about the leaders of a nation and stop LYING and telling FALSE RUMORS and remember as the church has always says (when it suites them that is) that God puts men in power for a reason...

    As a christian I am commanded to follow the leaders that God put in place to govern according to His laws. According to Romans 13, every citizen is only bound to obey his or her governing official to the degree that the governing official does not violate the duty of the citizen to obey the 'higher powers' which, for Americans, are God and the U.S. Constitution. In the last 2 1/2 years lots of effort has been made by lib politicians to get rid of every aspect of religion and God that exists in our government. So according to your comment I am following what the Bible "says about the leaders of a nation". The annointed one himself said that we are a secular nation. So tell me what about him that I have to follow.

  16. he is ? i didnt read he was secretive. i read where some people are so possesive over this issue, as to make it an issue. SAD


    you would not believe it had you been there. you clearly dont want to believe this.. so you choose not too...

    but that is your choice.



    fact is it wont go away because you people wont let it.....whatever...

    NO, Fact is, produce the proper birth certificate and it would all go away. Instead he has spent $800,000 in legal fees to make sure the truth does not come out.

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