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  1. YES they are.... Would he actually have to pay for kids that aren't.... Sad question but it may happen to some men.... Maybe they should have fought paternity.... It's over I'm getting my kids money...
  2. I guess that posting things by internet, other sources and standing up fpr what's right works... Ford admitted they messed up and the money's on it's way.... So sorry, but the 1st ammendment actually works when it's the truth... So this is over....
  3. You're right.... I don't control the paper... I'm not a controlling person.... Anyways to "kill" is too easy, It's not me... Wouldn't want to see him dead just responsible... Now the TV news will investigate and maybe I would have had results by now... Investivegative reporting might get both Ford and Poor ED off their rear ends to do the right thing.... Yes there is, especially if both people agree, plus I'm not a selfish person... A car and child support ..... A car that's used and paid for and not new, and support for them ..... I wanted a divorce, begged for a divorce... He said the courts would have to make him divorce me and make him support my kids....They did just that... I don't understand it, why can't people just work together for the kids.... It shouldn't be battle.... Wow that's alot for 2 kids.... No I guess that the more children you have with one person the less they pay in support.... I guess each state does things differently....
  4. POOR ED !!!!!!!!!! Actually I LEFT POOR ED in 2002!!!!!! Know the facts because you must be as bright as him... NO ONE broke up a marriage, the marriage was broken by him.... Listen to this, I was by myself with my children for 2 years and left BROKE... I didn't complain and I am still here taking care of them because I LOVE THEM.... I love them..... ok???? Poor ED, He should have taken me up on my first offer... A DIVORCE through the UAW, for $250.00 and transportation.... He had an easy out... I may be a bitch, why because I defend what's RIGHT... Apparently I'm not stupid..... A bitch probably, but a nice and loving one.... I do have my wonderful fiance Lewis.... Write to CSEA or to PAYROLL dept. in DEARBORN..... I will be placing an article the newspaper too... Hopefully you'll be able to find it as easily.... Maybe newscenter 8 as well.... Thanks because he only hurt himself... I only wanted a simple DIVORCE through the UAW..... But because I wouldn't get back with him he's taking it out on my kids... Thanks again.... I Agree "here and now" Take care
  5. This isn't alway true... That's why there's more men in prison for murder.... also they commit suicide because they lost a good thing not because of the money.... Trust me women don't always get everything either..... Typical short man syndrome.....
  6. My fiance is a wonderful father to my children and he doesn't complain about supporting them... Truly that has nothing to do with the others responsibility....... You claim to be a father then support them or let them go..... Kids aren't trophies and are you from DEARBORN??? Sorry I guess you can't tell me what I want to know...... Also, I will never have my kids on welfare, read..... My kids DESERVE the money they are owed from him.... And your point..... IT'S HIS RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!! MY RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!! AND MY FIANCES' RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE THE BEST LIFE POSSIBLE FOR THEM ......... ENJOY YOUR POPCORN........
  7. He works for FORD doesn't he.... I don't have to beg, you haven't seen me.... I have a wonderful fiance now and he was taken through the cleaners with CSEA, paid his support for 20 years faithfully... Your point.... Ot's not the problem of Ford employees, an employee, ford (his employer), and CSEA.... Can you read .... Not time to waste.... Time to invest.... When I get to the right person from DEARBORN this will end...
  8. I hope so , but doubt it.... Libel are false statements against another... this was written for someone that could tell me who's at fault.. Like a white collar... You must not be him... I wish he would have ran.... This isn't for Jerry, hell he didn't show up for divorce court.... He wouldn't show up there either... Bye...
  9. EXACTLY!!!! Don't you???? It seems that why you work for a paycheck... So do I.... Cute icons.... I LEFT.... My kids don't need sympathy, just their money.... That's why on the divorce decree i'm the PLAINTIFF...................................
  10. I'm so sorry you have a poor outlook on women... That's what makes the good women look bad... Either way it goes I do support my children on my own, that's why I am pursuing him for it.... It's not him really it's the system.... Ford either needs to comply with the COURT ORDERS for wage withholding.... Or CSEA needs to get off their rear-ends and do the job they are paid to do.... It's reality no sob story needed.... I take care of the kids, always have, always will..... But see, this is a man that has critisized everyone else and their mother and has done 100 TIMES worse than the ones he has critisized...... I have PRIDE, HAVE MOVED ON, and and far from GUTTER material.... I'm not the one sulking in a bar..... Take care.... I do appreciate what I have... And it's unfortunate and sad that men like you do get shit on..... I'm sorrry for you... But you see their aren't many men that will do what you do and get a break... See, I have been seperated for years and because I chose to try to be friends and to be civil.... He chose not to.... This is about the kids and now I see that men are sour because of their experiences.... I can't blame you for that... But my kids do deserve to have things they want too instead of always needing.... Take care
  11. He is ordered to pay me spousal support, it's just my kids need their support first....
  12. I have a lot of respect for myself, maybe I should sit at the FORD plant or call the news media..... See, the comments don't bother me and most certainly no one has hurt or offended me... This is not a forum for dirty laundry.... I am out to prove a point, that my children will get everything they are owed... In the long run, he'll always owe me... I will get every dollar of it... With respect to the forum I'll definitely use different channels to get my point across.... See, I'm dealing with a SIMPLETON, and unfortunately I had to go through this forum to make a point..... It's not to give him a bad name, he has done that himself.... Funds can only be tied up for so long.... He has to live too.... I do thank you for that bit of advice..... It's a shame people that try to get ahead can't and those that are more fortunate don't use it wisely..... Thanks and God bless you also.... I have been receiving money for my kids since 2002, he's mad because I wouldn't go back to him.. So, he'd rather take it out on those that cannot defend themselves.... The Children... God have mercy on him....
  13. IT"S ONLY SLANDER IF IT'S NOT TRUE, OR IF ITS A FALSE STATEMENT..... OH MY THE 1st AMENDMENT WORKS..... IT"S CALLED AMERICA NOT TRUE.... You might want to look up the definition.... See, I'm educated and well aware of the resources to use .... We are talking about children... apparently, people think they are above the law....
  14. there's no dirty laundry.... the battles over.... i want my kids money... how he doesn't file them either
  15. He works for FORD so therefore its FORDS problem.... I'm not having my kids on welfare... They deserve a good life too.... Slept with him unfortunately but learned from it and moved on So sorry your luck... I DON"T WANT SYMPATHY FROM YOU OR ANYONE ELSE.... I want my MONEY.... The men that have been screwed over I do feel sorry for... That's unfortunate, this one screwed himself... My kids see their support and I'm sorry yours didn't, that's sad too.
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