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Posts posted by rainbownthdrk

  1. Gee...Most posters here apparently can't read or understand anything, unless it is spoon fed to them by Beck or O'Riley.


    The proposal (not yet final) is to tax the portion of plans over $23,000 for a family.


    How much do you think your plan is worth?


    Do you think Ford pays over $23,000 for the lousy coverage that a UAW worker gets?


    I am opposed to this tax but at least I try to understand it and not lie about it.


    If it's not going to affect us, why is the UAW trying to get obama to drop the tax on "Cadillac" plans???????????????? :reading:

  2. Yep,you will pay more and get less unless your not paying now then its FREE!

    Just wait if the cap & trade energy bill/ tax passes. That will be a big nail in the coffin for anyone paying energy bills (all of us) and a real blow for manufacturing in the USA (Ford).



    Its coming but I am curious who it all will be blamed on down the road.


    How do the politicians put it?..........................oh yeah, that's right.........................."ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES" Well this is a big consequence(A SUCK-ASS CONSEQUENCE THAT IS) ......And you're right on.....................The cap and trade(CAP AND TAX) is going to force the auto companies to..............how shall

    a hayseed flyover country bumpkin conservative like me put it? Oh yeah, it will force the auto companies to SUCK HIND TEAT. Is that clear enough

    wording for all you bleeding heart libs out there? :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

  3. And you libs are surprised by the tax? What did ya think, that the government was going to give health insurance to millions of un-insured Americans and

    nobody would have to pay for it? The so-called cold-hearted conservatives are against national health care not because they want to deny care (no one in America

    is denied health care in emergency rooms). No.........they are against national health care because they see it for what it is.....a massive power grab and transfer of wealth. That transfer of wealth is what union members are bitching about now that they realize Obama (O-bummer) favors taxing high-end insurance plans.........THAT'S THE UAW FOLKs!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOUGH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!YOU VOTED HIM IN AND MADE YOUR BED............NOW LAY DOWN IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :banghead:

  4. I think I would rather run into a bear seperated from her cubs than read more of the folly that you spout.

    I agree. Conservatives only have Fox and talk radio. Why do these two media outlets bother the liberals so much when they have ABC, NBC, CBS,

    CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and all of Hollywood? America is a center right country........this is why Fox and Rush, O'Rielly, Hannity, Beck, and the great one...

    Mark Levin have such a large audience. Get over it libs......most of America doesn"t agree with you. The center right voters that voted for O-bummer

    thought he would govern as a moderate and he fooled them. He didn't surprise me....remember he was ranked as the most liberal Senator. Now those

    same voters are fed up with him. If he doesn't moderate and /or the economy doesn't come back like gangbusters by 2012......O-bummer is finished!!!!! :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading: :reading:

  5. Just read in my local paper that Obama favors taxing employees that recieve high-end health insurance plans from their employer (that's us folks!)

    He wants his fellow democrats to change their opposition to this tax. They are opposed because many of their constituents are union members who recieve these benefits. The article went on to say that this is one way to pay for health coverage for millions of un-insured Americans. The name of the article is "Obama backs high-end tax" and it is found on page 10A of the Jan. 7 edition of The Monroe Evening News........................Well us union members had to know there would be a pay back for the governmant bailing out GM and Chrysler..............................Right????? All those cold-hearted

    conservatives who are against national health care coverage for millions of un-insured Americans are naive to think that somebody is going to have to pay the bill and there is no such thing as a free lunch........................Right?????? Well at least we got cash-for clunkers!!!!!! :finger::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

  6. The problem is not the insurance companies.....the problem is the bills from the doctors and hospitals are too high.I don't care if we insure everyone....the bill sent to the insurance company is still going to be huge...This is no different then if we would work for 14 dollars an hour, do you think that ford would sell cars for less money...NOOOO!!! The problem is the high cost of healthcare....not lack of insurance....why can't the majority see this?


    One of the reasons why health care is expensive is exorbitant malpractice premiums doctors have to pay for malpractice insurance. This is caused by uncontrollable damage amounts being awarded to plaintiffs in malpractice cases. They deserve a high amount of money for their pain and suffering, but there

    should be a ceiling on amounts. Obama (O-bummer) doesn't want any controls put on trial lawyers (can anyone remember John Edwards?) in medical malpractice lawsuits. Oh well..........change.....change.....change!!!!!! :banghead:

  7. I couldn't pass this up.


    Subject: Blind Bunny

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > One morning a blind bunny was hopping down the bunny trail and tripped

    > > over a large snake and fell, kerplop right on his twitchy little nose.

    > >

    > > 'Oh please excuse me,' said the bunny. 'I didn't mean to trip over you,

    > > but I'm blind and can't see.'

    > >

    > > 'That's perfectly all right,' replied the snake. 'To be sure, it was my

    > > fault. I didn't mean to trip you, but I'm blind too, and I didn't see you

    > > coming. By the way, what kind of animal are you?'

    > >

    > > 'Well, I really don't know,' said the bunny. 'I'm blind, and I've never

    > > seen myself.. Maybe you could examine me and find out.'

    > >

    > > So the snake felt the bunny all over, and he said, 'Well, you're soft, and

    > > cuddly, and you have long silky ears, and a little fluffy tail and a dear

    > > twitchy little nose. You must be a bunny rabbit!'

    > >

    > > The bunny said, 'I can't thank you enough. But by the way, what kind of

    > > animal are you?'

    > >

    > > The snake replied that he didn't know either, and the bunny agreed to

    > > examine him, and when the bunny was finished, the snake asked, 'Well, what

    > > kind of an animal am I?'

    > >

    > > The bunny had felt the snake all over, and he replied, 'You're cold,

    > > you're slippery, and you haven't got any balls...You must be a POLICITIAN'

    Maybe you saw ljcdad's comments differently, but I thought they were funny. It was just a fuckin' joke, nough said! :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

  8. i try to avoid the you don't like him because he's black thing, becuase its un original and lazy. I prefer












    and then i don't have to know your beliefs. God to have those dirty thoughts anywhere near mine is sickening. Keep your thoughts to yourself mister.

    Seriously though, you do have a good sense of humor. And, I made alot of money pushing oxycotin or whatever it was on limbaugh! :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

  9. Of course thats it!!!!!!!!!!! Thats ALWAYS it isn't it?


    I gotta give it to you. How you were able to read the article and decipher that from it takes,,,,,,,,,,well,,,,,,,,,,a hugh amount of intelligence.


    Or maybe a better way to say it would be............your a moron.............yea, that just seems to fit better.



    Don't you guys understand you can NEVER speak negatively about the annointed one. How dare you question anything he does or says. I mean he is after all, black.



    I agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last time I made the mistake of criticizing Obama in conversation, the reaction was: "Oh, you just don't like him because he's black"

    That statement does two things: It basically ends further discussion. And it means that the accuser has the un-earthly power to know the thoughts and beliefs

    of the accused. Works out great for the "Oh, you just don't like him because he is black" crowd, right? Whatever!!!!! I think Obama is a good guy. i just don't agree with many, but not all, of his politics. But yeah, to Obama supporters, I'm just another white racist.

  10. new rumor that wayne is gonna be going on OT , not sure when but sounds like after aug. :stirpot:

    Wayne is going to the 4-10's schedule starting july 20 (after vacation shutdown and 2 additional layoff weeks) If by "overtime" you mean 10 hours.......you're right. Unfortunately, those "extra" two hours are paid straight time. But that is the agreement and concession given on the 4-10 schedule :reading:

  11. not true, unless all shifts are down it counts! I've used 2 weeks of sub so far. :finger:

    Didn't know that. Hate to say it...............that sucks. but it might be just one of many concessions we will give in the future??????????? Hope not!!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

  12. I notice in the other area of this forum that tracking vehicles is pretty much inactive.


    Here is my situation. Have ordered a new truck. Called ford to check status. It would appear that my truck is now headed to LA instead of CA. Getting two diff answers between ford and my dealer.


    Can anybody here find the true status of my truck being built in KC and where it is scheduled to be delivered? I am getting the feeling that I lost this truck and will need to prepare for finding another vehicle.


    Any help will be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance - here is the VIN



    Must be nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy feet: Last time I had enough money to order a new vehicle was 2000.... :finger: anyhooo...glad your helping our company out and enjoy your new truck!!!!!!!!!

  13. Hey guys havent seen any new topics about trades rumors and such so i thought id start a thread to get some info. Im a millwright currently waiting for new postings to come out. Anyone heard anything about the MAP retooling? Ive been in there not long ago and alot of work is needed to get that plant up and running the way Ford is rumored to want ie moving floor(like DTP)etc etc. Hoping alot of us tradesmen get to go back to work to get it up and running(I realize alot of work will be contracted out too)


    I'm currently working with a small crew of tradesmen (about 30-40 in final bldg, 30-40 in paint bldg) We are tearing out (and saving alot of equipment for parts) trim lines 4-7. This area will have the skillet setup that

    Dearborn has. We currently have the 2 strand skid conveyor system. We may be staying for a while, depends on how much work is given to contractors. Some of us are original MTP'ers, some from wayne assembly.

  14. The troops love Rush and Hannity. You live in a twisted world. The lefties that you love want to take away your freedom, but you are too dumb to see it. They have the ball now. The war is still on. That WMD crap is a red herring. The left went through Bush's speech to get something on him. That is all they could come up with, so they blew it out of proportion. Whether or not there are WMDs, and we don't know, has nothing to do with the reason for the war. The attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon were the last straw. The left secretly cheered these strikes against capitalism and the military. Many did it not so secretly. Now some are trying to change their spots, but they are what they are. They are advocates of a big government nanny state. They can't hate a country like Iraq, which, under Saddam, had the same agenda. They are afraid of a world where they would have to stand on their own two feet and provide for themselves and their families, and face whatever they have to face. They don't have the guts for that because they have never lived in such a world. I have, and I can tell you that it is like Heaven compared to living like a child all of your life. Now, I live in a slave world and have to work to provide for all of the good-for-nothing lazy chickenshits. I do that and still live comfortably. They haven't broken me yet, just made me meaner.

    I agree with some of the things you are saying, but I don't believe the left cheered the strikes of 9-11. I believe the vast majority of Americans are patriots, both dems and GOP. The military, I beleive, is apolitical.

    (They don't discuss politics one way or other)and they are our most TRUE PATRIOTS.

  15. Appreciate that. I know we disagree on somethings but thats okay. We are in this together brother regardless of who we voted for. Its bigger than that. While those clowns in Washington argue back and forth about whose right were at war here fighting to keep our jobs. So regardless of what was saidin this forum, I am a UAW brother and I will stand and fight side by side with and help in anyway I can my UAW brothers and sisters. That is THE TRUTH...

    Thank you too brother. We are in a fight for our lives with all the shit that is going on. I really think things will get

    better, but we are still in for a helluva ride.

  16. I know exactly what our military did. The whold point was that we were some place we didnt have to be. Thats knot the situation you put your protectors in just because you can. Thats Bullshit and you know it. Who in the hell made the U.S. liberators of the world... I am so sick of this hypocritical shit mcoming out the mouths of these idiots who have never served. They take ssome classes and study a little history and they think that makes them a expert of military action. Those scary ass fucks sit back and talk about our country is weaker and that if we get attacked again it will be Obama fault is bullshit. They can talk like that because they will not be the ones going to war. And when we are over there risking our lives they will be back here talking that same bullshit. Thats why I have no respect for Hannity or Rush cowardly ass. How and the hell do you think other leaders look at this country when these assholes talk like that about our country? We less safe and shit like that. saying are military is weaker now. Thats is some fucked up shit to say, and it puts us on the ground in more danger than were already in.

    Honestly..........I can see your point here. I believe our military did an excellent job given the situation they were put. But that doesn't surprise me, they always do a good job.

  17. I just dont see how you can in one breath say that dictators are terrorizing there own and then you say its ok for Bush to LIE about a war and kill over 100,000 and counting innocent Iraq citizens including women and children. I think a lot of those people were safer with Sadaam.

    How many would have died if Saddam was still in power? no one knows. Here is a qoute from one of our generals that you may have heard before: "Iraqis will stop killing when they love their children more than they hate their enemies." How many of the deaths were Iraqi on Iraqi? I don't know..........We definitely opened up a pandora's box, but it was the Iraqi's themselves that made a conscious decision to have a civil

    war in 04'05'and 06'. I remember a story I read about an Army officer who said he was proud of the courage his soldiers displayed under fire. But what impressed him the most was their strength to hold their fire, even when one of their own was hit, because women and children were there. Again, you would never hear about this type of thing on CNN. Terrorists tend not to wear a uniform and sorround themselves with women and children. Historically, our military used a firing squad style execution on enemy combatants that were captured on the battlefield without a uniform. What I am trying to say is that I believe (again this is an opinion) that our military bent over backward to limit civilian casualties. I'm sure you think that is Aw-shucks,

    and pollyannish, but that's my opinion of our military. :reading:

  18. Damn you are dumb. Dude stop listening to rush and hannity. A crime was committed. Put the guilty in jail. No one is above the law not even the President. Ask NIxon. You freaking idiot. If I break the law I pay and that should apply to anyone else. You right wingers are so afraid of every other nation and ruler of other countries. No one gives a shit about dictators, cowardly conservatives live in so much fear Beck and hannity have walls surrounding their so called fortresses, Sit behind a microphon and talk shit all day. NBone of them cowards will never stand on the front line. They just try and get shit started and encourage the weak to do their dirt. Hannity never served in any military but always talking like he knows what we go thru he is a fucking cowardly ass punk...

    If you served in the military(and I say this with all sincerity) God Bless you and thank you for serving our country. I just disagree with you on the dictator thing..........Nobody cares about dictators until they do what dictators do.........Terrorize their own people and invade their neighbors (Hitler.......and the man who studied and idolized him.....Saddam Hussien) But I do agree with you on this point.....talking tough like Rush and Hannity is easy. John Kerry, John McCain, JFK to name a few can back it up with combat experience.

  19. I have not given 110% to Bush. I have disagreed with him on how he conducted the Iraq war, his treatment of veterans with their below standard hospitals, spending too much..........etc. He is just a politician. The Time magazine article is just another display of the media portraying veterans as victims. If once in awhile they threw out a few of the acts of valor(among many) our troops have performed and flooded thje news with them instead of flooding it with victimhood stories maybe I wouldn't feel this way. The stories of valor I have found have been almost exclusively found in conservative forms of media, NOT IN TIME MAGAZINE OR AP REPORTS.

    But then again, this is just my experience and my humble opinion. I won't call you a fool for guzzling gallons of the liberal Kool-aide, but you're tempting me!!!!!!!!!

  20. lol....only Saddam hadn't pulled a gun on the policeman. You revise history again.






    and here is FOX NEWS timeline for the inspections...inspectors inspecting


    your theories are wrong, your history is made up and your beliefs are at best consistent with self-delusion. Go ahead and not like Obama, because we know why, you can't grasp the truth.

    The truth is that if we had left it up to the UN, Saddam would still be the "Butcher of Baghdad" Wmd's or not.

    I am amazed how much faith liberals put in the UN. If we had not taken out saddam by now, no one one knows what he would have done. But we don't have to worry about it because he is dead. You and I can go round and round about Iraq, but we will still disagree. That's fine. My main beef (if I may say this again) is how democrat leaders treated our troops when they were still in the fight. Also media coverage: Remember

    Anderson Coopers coverage of one our soldiers being shot by an insurgent? Or the video showing the mutilated bodies of contractors on the bridge in Fallujah? The point being this: They wer portrayed as victims

    instead of the heros that they truly are. By doing that, I think the American public views on the military is affected in a negative way. Maybe their courage in the fight in Iraq has been taken for granted because the media concentrated on news portraying them as victims instead of their acts of valor. Less than 1% of the

    US population serves in uniform. If the media and our elected officials and Americans continue to take their

    courageous acts for granted, will young people be willing to fight the next war? I don't know........ :reading:

  21. WOW, you can try, try to revise history, but it ain't gonna work. YELLOW CAKE kept coming up BEFORE the first shot was fired.


    And then if you can't twist it enough, you have to talk religion, and if that doesn't work say all the news media are libs and to finally bolster your point point to FOX as the best news source going..


    Ain't gonna work with this guy and apparently it didn't work in the last election and it's working harder and harder against you each time you try to maintain a lie as truth. It was the CIA on the grassy-knoll also wasn't it?

    Most of my opinions are formed with the help of magazines The Weekly Standard and National Review. The history on the final outcome in Iraq hasn't been written yet. But the surge was a success and militarily the war is won. The question remains, however, if Obama will have the political will to make sure the sucesses in

    Iraq continue, or will he manage to pull defeat from the JAWS OF VICTORY????????????????????????????????? :finger:

  22. Not to mention the 'Yellow cake' and all the discrediting the previous administration used to bolster their point that Saddam had those weapons and they must be taken out. Pretty much trashed that ambassador AND his wife, leaked her undercover status to show you don't mess with us either.


    Then after the invasion it was months of Where are the weapons?


    And then timeline he gave Saddam to get out of town, 72 hours, then he lobbed in cruise missiles, because his intelligence said he had a chance to take Saddam out and didn't care if he did it before the time was up or not.

    The reporter that broke the story on Valerie Plame ( I don't remember his name) told the CIA he was going to publish Joe Wilsons report about "yellow cake" and the CIA did nothing to stop the story from being published. After weapons were not found in Iraq, the CIA began a series of leaks to place the blame on Bush

    for their incompetence. That series culminated in the Valerie Plame leak. The intelligence that they had provided Bush was wrong and the leaks served as a way to cover their collective asses. The media willingly

    (in fact, excitedely) published those leaks because they hated Bush ( they too, except for FOX, are all libs)

    The day that Bush announced he was a reborn Christian, the media began to hound him because the owners

    of mainstream media, and many of the reporters, :reading: are pagans or atheists.

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