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  1. It's a fun car to drive and faster than I thought it would be even though it's "only" a V6. I don't really want to go fast anymore, I want people to see me go by in my Mustang lol I had to go into the garage before and start it up just to see the dash all lit up and I even remembered to open the garage door! I sent an email to my friend about a week ago telling her I bought a PONY and she wrote back " R U a 4 year old lol?" I just sent her pictures, I wonder what she has to say now lol Can't wait for some good weather to see if the top actually goes down!
  2. The car came in Monday 3/5. They realized it 3/6 after I called Customer Service. Yesterday it snowed and I am going to pick it up today! How do you like your car? Michael
  3. Priority 10 is the lowest a dealer can give. 8 is even better!
  4. Thanks for that advice! I actually googled "rail yards" in my state and got about 15. so it is going to be hard to narrow down because even if I did my car is black! <rant> No car today... must still be at the rail yard. 14 days and counting since FoMoCo shipped it. I'm only a 10 hour drive away... </rant>
  5. Woo Hoo! I was beginning to think Ford was just pretending to make these cars lol New message from the ERL... as of 2/26/07 your unit has arrived at the ramp My guess is that it is off the train and waiting for another truck carrier for the final ride to the dealer... but I could be wrong Anyone have a better guess? Many happy miles!
  6. Waiting for my car AND your pictures... I did find out that mine was built on Valentine's Day
  7. Tomorrow! That's great and the weather is supposed to be good too! Has the ERL changed to reflect this or is she still behind? I didn't think of the "End of month" angle. My salesperson was off today so I don't know if my car showed up either. I told them to take pictures of it all wrapped up in styrofoam and plastic.... Like that is going to happen lol I also told them NOT to put the dealer sticker on the car either and I told them it was a deal breaker. They aren't cutting me a deal to advertise for them so no sticker and the car looks better too!
  8. I'm guessing that's "2/28" The ERL changed last night to as of 2/23 your car is on the RAIL CARRIER and ETA is week of 2/24... It takes 9 1/2 hours to get from Flat Rock, MI to here and it has now been 13 days since it was released to the convoy carrier... Next car, I am going to the plan to pick it up at the factory, and since the only car you can do that with is the Corvette....
  9. I get that once in a while. It usually means the ERL didn't understand something you said. lol I call right back and most of the time the ERL has some info or at least the same info... Looks like snow coming from Chicago east this weekend. I wonder if that is along the truck route or maybe the convoy is ahead of the snow
  10. Got my VIN, called customer service and was told that the ETA was 2/24-3/3 anywhere inbetween that. I also found out it is being shipped by Holloway Truck Carrier like that really helps... I agree with you and I want my car in MY garage too! I'll send you a private message as to which dealer I bought the car. I want to actually get my car lol
  11. At least you got your VIN. Mine always seems to be "Upstairs in Accounting" when I call. Up until now I really didn't need it but tomorrow I will wait on the phone until I get it... the 28th and you started a week earlier than mine... ugh!
  12. I'm on the convoy carrier!! lol Now ETA is 2/24/07... Lets review ETA dates, first 2/20, then 2/26, also 2/22 and now 2/24. I see a pattern of all even dates. I wonder what tomorrow brings.. a car maybe? Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, I think it is getting comical as the dates change. Ford should know by now how long it takes each car to get to each dealer give or take a day not 10 Enough ranting for today...
  13. The ERL didn't work for me this morning either. I had to wait until this afternoon also. Did the ERL tell you which day your car was built or any of the other dates that I see in some of these posts? I'm not on the "convoy" message yet. Week of 2/21 is a Wednesday. I'm assuming, and we all know what happens when one assumes, that your car will be delivered to the dealer give or take 2/21 and mine on 2/22. Central NJ?! Me too... it's a small world after all. My apologies to Walt Disney
  14. I thought you were getting your car 2/17? The ERL updated Saturday to "As of 2/14/07 your vehicle was released from Ford Assembly and is scheduled to arrive at your dealer week of 2/22/07" Feb 22 is still a Thursday lol So at least my car has left the building, just like Elvis Don't know if it "Actually" is in transport. Could be in the holding lot at Flat Rock... My car is coming east to NJ. Which direction is your car going? Maybe they are on the same transport lol Michael
  15. I think I'm annoyed. ERL has been saying since 2/5 that my Mustang was to be built week of 2/12 and ETA was week of 2/26... Well, now it tells me Build week 2/12, ETA week 2/22 which is a Thursday. The week is over!!! Did they build my car this week or not and Isn't Flat Rock closed Monday for Presidents Day? If it has been built it probably will be sitting for the extended weekend in 2F temps... as long as it doesn't snow 2 feet on the convertible top. That wouldn't be good. Maybe the ERL message will change Saturday morning lol Michael
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