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Everything posted by efy

  1. You know what? You can believe whatever you want. But, if you choose to go the wrong way, you will be punished. God loves you and doesn't want to send you to Hell. But, if you refuse to follow Him, that's His only choice.
  2. He killed all those people because they were so wicked. He didn't wipe out ALL mankind. Noah and his family survived because they were the only righteous people on Earth. God is not a "fellow." He is the Almighty.
  3. I'm not sure, but what he said came true, so it was definately God.
  4. God doesn't tell you to kill random people. In fact, he tells you not to kill anyone. He tells everyone to obey the laws of the land. One of the ten commandments says, "thou shalt not commit murder." Those people were wrong. Just because they killed in the name of their god doesn't mean that God told them to.
  5. Ok, photosynthesis can't happen without water. There was no rain until Noah's days. Therefore, photosynthesis didn't start occuring until the first rain. Second, So what about the sun and stars? God Himself was the light.
  6. They have a reason to kill. To protect their country. Abortion is killing just beacuse the mother doesn't want the child. BIG difference.
  7. Ok, first of all, Noah didn't capture the animals. God led them to the Ark. Second, the boat was several stories high. Third, God can do anything, like fitting all them animals on that boat.
  8. I don't even know why Catholics are considered Christians. The woed "Christian" means Christ-Like. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me." Catholics pray to Mary. Jesus said He is the only way to talk to God.
  9. Can you see the wind? No, but you can see its affects. Same with God. One day, you will know, because every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. That's EVERY knee, including yours.
  10. As a matter of fact, i can. A fetus is a living creature. Killing a living human is murder. Take a look at this. Pay close attention to part 3. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5509229238418856877
  11. The Bible contains no errors. God told every man that wrote the Bible exactly what to write. God doesn't make mistakes.
  12. Look around you. You think all this was a mistake? The only possible way we or this earth could have gotten here is by God. It's the only thing that even makes sense. Look at yourself. If it weren't for God, you wouldn't even be here. How do you think our bodies function so perfectly? You think we just adapted whatever we needed? Ha. How does this world function so perfectly? My Mom had been praying for something, and hadn't told ANYONE what it was. The preacher walked up to her and told her that God loves her and told her Exactly what she had been praying about and told her that God told him to tell her that it was going to happen. He also told her some other things that were going to happen and, guess what. They happened. God is real and He loves you, even if you don't believe it. Not believing it doesn't make it any less real.
  13. I'll believe you when you can prove it. You can't prove evolution. God has proven Himself so many times. Your ignorance has kept you from seeing that. I don't have to admit I'm wrong, because I'm not. I know that for a fact.
  14. That goes to show you what God can do. He can make so much out of so little.
  15. No, that's not what i'm saying at all. I'm saying that you can believe in whatever you want. I'm just saying that you can't believe in God and evolution at the same time. I'm wrong about what?
  16. Yeah, you can, but you're caling yourself a liar. What do you mean about religious toleration? I'm just trying to help you by telling you what's true.
  17. Yes, you can believe in whatever you want. I'm just saying that if you believe in either, you can't believe in both. If you do, you're calling yourself a liar.
  18. What makes you believe that? They cancel each other out. God says that He created the Earth and everything in it. He created man on the sixth day. Evolution says that we evolved over billions of years. Evolution says that these cells appeared and evolved into monkeys, then humans or whatever. You can only believe one or the other.
  19. Logical discourse? What is logical about evolution? You think that saying that we came from monkeys is logical? God didn't say "Poof." He said to Jesus "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." How life was created is not a mystery. We are not just cells "clumped together." We were beautifully made. Read Geneses, chapters 1 and 2. I brought up abortion to explain why i would never vote for anyone who is for it, such as Obama or Clinton. I will be praying for you.
  20. Why do you only call on Him when you need help? God loves you so much and he wants a relationship with you. God isn's just something you can sit off to the side and call on when you need help. God wants to be your friend. You can't believe in God AND evolution. They contradict each other. Evolution says that we came from monkeys and all that crap. God says that he created MAN, not monkeys from which man would later come, on the sixth day. God loves everyone so very much that he let His son die so that we don't have to go to Hell unless we choose. If you die and go to Hell, it's because you have chosen to do so. All you have to do to go to Heaven is to accept God as your personal Lord and Savior. Yes even Christians make mistakes, but the beauty of it is, God will always forgive you. All you have to do is live your life for Him.
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