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  1. It is about time we get the European cars over here! My advice, get them here sooner! ASAP! Buzz
  2. I am a Fleet and Commercial Manager on the west coast and I surveyed some of my Fleet accounts on the new Tundra and whether their clients were asking for prices on the new Toyota. About half of them were being asked but no one was ordering them due to their "in service" costs which is about half of what the F150 in service cost is. If the F150 was $ .06 a km, the Toyota was at least $ .12 a km. The in service costs take into consideration the aquisition cost as well as the cost of the recommended service intervals to maintain warranty. Toyota hasn't yet had any impact out here in Fleet and Commercial but I have heard they have just loaded more incentives to help move them so we'll see. I also agree with all of you that the automotive press here in Canada sucks for the most part and hold very dear their sentiments towards the japanese products. Thanks for this forum and the knowledge you share on it. Buzz
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