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Everything posted by buster6969

  1. to be honest with you pionner- this thing we are going threw is scary, but u also have to look at what will happen if it gets shot down. what will happed around the plants in se mi?? or should i say to the plants that vote it down?? i am my brothers keeper, thats why i dont think its a good idea to vote no!!! but really thats what is great about being in a union u get a chance to vote on stuff like this. better than letting a judge deciede whats gonna happen. dont u think
  2. sure do, just dont like someone jumping on the bandwagon cause it looks good for political reasons. alot of people are misinformed about the mod to the contract. or they only read part of it. it really make me sick. hey just dont pass me the cooler of kool-aid!!
  3. If layoffs come will he look like a hero--------------no MAYBE HE WILL LOOK LIKE A DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS!!!
  4. all the voting and your still working, i got one for ya why dont u just stay home and get paid will that make u feel better??? but really i hate giving up anything, but what will happen if it get voted down is what scares me the most. did dtp just start the "c" crew???? how many people came back?
  5. NICK CAN TELL A LIE- KEY LEADER..man i just puked in my mouth... quit trying to get votes!!!
  6. nice guys way to fck yourselfs!!!!!!!! cant wait to see how all this plays out!!! bitching about the contract mod, voting no, then bitching why we lose a shift and getting laid off!!!!! this is gonna be great
  7. nick needed to do something cause he was losing support when hotrod left. knowing he will lose the next election he looked at this as a way of getting votes from the confused members. the ones that alway go against the gran, or the one that bit#$ about everything but never do anything about it, or the ones that never go to meeting but will ask what happened. if this gets voted down, i have a strong feeling that there are going to be some pissed off people getting laidoff. what will nick do then???? u guys really need to look at whats going on :shades: :shades: :shades:
  8. Thats because we have all these people from other plants who are being told they will be staying in Saline. They will be back at DTP soon enough. very soon from the sounds of it. If this thing tanks, there is not language that ties Ford's hands at keeping people off the street and moving them into our plant. Wendy ? said there was no language for the company to do this. Do you think that the company is going to just do this if this gets voted down? FK no, they don't care if you are using up your sub credits. There won't be any arguing soon when those temp blue are laid off. pack your shit, we were told Chicago is opening up in March and Lulville will be opening in 2011. :happy feet:
  9. I heard your chairman was a ball washer. I was told that Gary sat by himself at the regional meeting and nick wouldn't sit with him. What a punk, if he had balls he would have been sitting with Gary. All that balless wonder is doing is getting on the band waggon because he sees an opportunity to get votes. He has you fooled. This is no different in our plant, a lot of people getting brought in and committee making promises to keep them. I can't wait to get to Lulville!
  10. I hope that you do vote no, so that way I can get my original flow back to kentucky area. I signed in 2005/6 and they canceled the posting. I need to get the fk out of SE Michigan. Me and a lot of other people can't wait for the posting to louisville. They say they are going to need about 1000 people. It will be more likely be about 550 by time it gets installed! I will have enough seniority to get there as long as they don't offer it to those from indy first. :happy feet: Then I will be able to say I am from Lulville! Everyone I know from down there all say it the same way! Lulville!
  11. Ain't that the truth. 100% yes vote if Mulally gives his stock options to help with better buy out packages and works for $1. I still see nothing that will pertain or effect to any of us in this agreement.
  12. How is that working out for the labor movement, power in numbers only works if you stick together!
  13. How about "how many weeks of SUB and TAP do I have?" from member with 96 seniority!
  14. And where did you get this info? How fking stupid!
  15. before the informational meeting, I would have said no I don't think so. After listening to explanation and Q&A I am fine with it. They explained the arbitration peice, explained the whole entry level and trades piece. Looks like we got more than we are giving up, but to be honest we will never get to entry level, teams sounds like we have already agreed to that in the other modification and they kept their classifications, OT and bump rights. Arbitration, talking with Wendy ? she said that baseball arbitration really is not bad, because it forces both sides into bargaining. The reason she explained was, no company wants to open their books to the outside, and arbitration is only if they do not agree, but we have every right to strike over wage concessions. She said that the only we can not strike on are wage increases!! So looks like there is a lot of BS on this site from those trying to spin this a different way. That is fking stupid, we have enough going on to have people making shit up and spinning this with their own intent. PS. Gary/snoopy just wondering if you supported the agreement of 1996?
  16. didn't they just find this out last week? Our benefits rep plans to tell our retirees at the monthly retiree meeting. Fords is funded better than GM and Chrysler!
  17. you couldn't have added your fking concern to one of the other threads? what a dik!
  18. How about using Mulally's stock options to fund buy out packages?? Thought you were leaving??? Stay, just try and keep your rude comments to a minimium!
  19. I heard it was a unanimous vote to accept. The nay vote was from a non delegate! So everyone there voted for the support of this modification!
  20. Plan hasn't changed to sell or close, but looks like we will live on as long as they don't find a buyer for now.
  21. I hear they built a nice place in Brazil and are getting ready to build a nice one in China also. ni hao/ hola
  22. What seniority do you have? Tell your Chairperson to send Bob and Ron a note letting them know that you are willing to go to Twinn Cities and work in place of one of those temps. I am sure he will accomidate that request! :shades:
  23. Just pisses me off that some gets on here and praises this dumbass, and all he does is knock down all agreements, even one that brought his plant 2.5billion investment, that is all!
  24. Just pisses me off, when I talk to our chairman he say that there was no call. He said that there was a president and Chairman meeting today to discuss!
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