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Everything posted by AnotherAutoWorker

  1. Wait a minute, wait a minute wait a damn minute here..... BEFORE you start kicking off the buyout folks, maybe you should think about HOW those people are HELPING YOU KEEP YOUR JOB! There is MUCH to learn from the buyout people even AFTER they've left and acting like you are superior because you chose a different path isn't going to help ANYONE! You better pray you are not faced with something worse in the not-so-far off future, friend. God forbid Ford starts playing dirty tactics and you find yourself hitting the streets with a handful of bogus write ups rather than a $100,000 check! Look, disagree with someone all you want but there is no need to dismiss someone's opinion and "kick" them off this forum. We are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER whether you want it or not.
  2. Asking a quick question here: We have been hearing for well over a year now that transfers to KCAP will be offered to some people here at AAI. Have you people heard anything at your plant? It seems MOST of this discussion is focused on skill trade transfers and not too much mention of production people. We are trying to make a decision here (not all together that easy of a thing to do, by the way) but it's hard to do when union wont give you any info and all you have to go by is neverending rumors. I would like to hear ANYTHING you have heard about AAI for that matter... couldn't hurt to know what the other plants out there are hearing.... :titanic:
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