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Grandmaster B

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Everything posted by Grandmaster B

  1. Hey fucktard. Tim Horton's called.......break time is over.
  2. You don't even work for Ford anymore DICKWEED. "you should kick my ass"????? I don't think so.
  3. "when I opined"???? Your a FUCKTARD! Clint should kick your ass for putting his picture on here too!
  4. I do not understand how in the hell you still work for Ford, after all the bullshit you did back when you worked in 75.
  5. Have you ever heard of selling high, buying low. BUY NOW! Don't sell anything.
  6. They did not rig anything. It's like Bob King said "you live to fight for another day."
  7. Thanks for the results Eagle. I thought Bob King explained the situation well.
  8. But if we wait until then, we will be subjected to a pattern agreement that GM negotiated. Do you want that? I'm sure that will be a better deal.
  9. I belive that you work at Sterling right? If you do go talk to Jeff. I did. I was a NO vote also until he explained it all to me. Everything that level has said is correct. It suck's but this has to pass.
  10. This agreement is to show the Goverment that we are willing to sacrifice and give concessions, because FORD WILL BE GETTING A LOAN FROM THE GOVERMENT. Don't belive what you hear or read in the paper about having enough money to "ride" this down turn out.
  11. This is how our president at local 228 explained it to me.
  12. Question#1: Does COLA get rolled in to our pay, or do we lose the .99 cents? Question#2: We have to give up our lump sum pay increases in the year that Ford anticipates making a profit??? Reduction in Trades??? As a Tradesman I have no choice but to vote no!
  13. Sterling Joe thinks his mother is an appointee.
  14. I'm sure we will know exactly who you are when you walk through the door........JACKASS
  15. Why don't you get to sterling first and then RELAX! This has been on all of our mind's since that stupid contract was agreed upon. Guess what? Nothing has changed. Enjoy your time at Sterling.
  16. And heeere we go! Go to the annex when it is 95 degrees outside, than peel the green slim off of your face from the coolant pits when you leave. Or better yet, work there after shutdown when the pits have been stagnate for two weeks. I hope you like the smell of rotten bacteria. Yummy!
  17. Do you call everyone an appointed rep? Dept#23 is starting an afternoon shift next week. 44,43, and 18 are coming back. We have a new line being installed as we speak. Also, some possible new work going in where dept 84 is (or was).
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